Desastre nuclear de Fukushima/Japão Março 2011

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Uma lição de humildade para um país que acha que a tecnologia os salvava e tiveram de recorrer a pessoas desfavorecidas para fazer o trabalho sujo. Em Chernobil não eram sem-abrigo eram militares que no final da campanha teriam uma reforma vitalicia poucos estão vivos actualmente ainda tentaram robos mas a radiação fritava os circuitos em pouco tempo

Nos primeiros dias e perante a situação catastrófica que se podia gerar eu penso que foi tudo tentado, mesmo sendo uma empresa privada. Não tenho dúvidas que os japoneses são capazes de inventar as máquinas que forem necessárias para resolver o problema na actualidade. O desafio é imenso mas é possível. Não há povo mais capaz de viver com o nuclear como os japoneses, contra eles foram atiradas 2 bombas atómicas.

Chernobyl foi um caso diferente e está mais que estudado.
Contaminated water at the battered Fukushima plant has taken precedence over everything else. As the larger cleanup effort continues and storage space for the water is rapidly running out, scientists suggest dumping it into the Pacific Ocean.

The plant’s chief, Akira Ono, has testified to the seriousness of the situation during a Monday visit by international media, saying that “the most pressing issue for us is the contaminated water, rather than decommissioning. Unless we resolve the problem, fear of the community continues and the evacuees cannot return home,” the AP cited him as saying.

The massive amount used to cool the melted cores of three reactors has been wreaking havoc with onsite radiation, which also began to seep into the ground a while back, with TEPCO having tried different techniques for stalling or containing it. But it has repeatedly been finding its way into the Pacific as well.

Four hundred and thirty-six tons of contaminated water is stored in 1,200 tanks suspended above ground all over the site. TEPCO has made progress with water treatment units to filter out strontium and cesium from the water and make it safer for storage.

They say the remaining tritium is much safer to dump into the ocean later.

A plan to build an underground frozen wall around the four damaged reactors has been in the works for a while, but experts insist this this measure, worth billions in government funding, is as temporary as othersothers have been. Although similar routes have been taken at American sites in the past, something of the sort on this scale has never been attempted.

On Monday, TEPCO was setting the wall up for a test run at another location at the site. The final version will be a 2km thick wall around all four damaged reactors. The test run starts in four days, while the final version isn’t due until next year.
Treatment of radioactive water at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant might be indefinitely suspended after malfunctions crippled the water purification process and recontaminated thousands of tons of partially purified water, Japanese media report.

The failure in the system, known as the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), is the latest setback in Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s (TEPCO) uphill battle to stockpile radioactive water, which is ballooning at a rate of 400 tons per day.

TEPCO said up to 900 tons of water, which had not been sufficiently cleaned in the ALPS equipment, flowed into a network of 21 tanks that were holding 15,000 tons of treated water. Not only have the 21 tanks been rendered unusable, but all 15,000 tons of previously cleaned water will now have to be retreated.

While efforts are underway to measure the full extent of the contamination, TEPCO officials said the problem was not noticed prior to March 18 because no abnormalities were detected in water sampled on March 14, Japan’s Asashi Shimbun daily reports.

O Abe em vez de gastar nas forças armadas escusadamente, investia nisso que o mundo ficaria bem melhor.
“Out of work? Nowhere to live? Nowhere to go? Nothing to eat?” the online ad reads. “Come to Fukushima.”

That grim posting targeting the destitute, by a company seeking laborers for the ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, is one of the starkest indications yet of an increasingly troubled search for workers willing to carry out the hazardous decommissioning at the site.

The plant’s operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, known as Tepco, has been shifting its attention away, leaving the complex cleanup to an often badly managed, poorly trained, demoralized and sometimes unskilled work force that has made some dangerous missteps. At the same time, the company is pouring its resources into another plant, Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, that it hopes to restart this year as part of the government’s push to return to nuclear energy three years after the world’s second-worst nuclear disaster. It is a move that some members of the country’s nuclear regulatory board have criticized.

That shift in attention has translated into jobs at Fukushima that pay less and are more sporadic, chasing away qualified workers. Left behind, laborers and others say, is a work force often assembled by fly-by-night labor brokers with little technical or safety expertise and even less concern about hiring desperate people. Police and labor activists say some of the most aggressive of the brokers have mob ties.

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Nos primeiros dias e perante a situação catastrófica que se podia gerar eu penso que foi tudo tentado, mesmo sendo uma empresa privada. Não tenho dúvidas que os japoneses são capazes de inventar as máquinas que forem necessárias para resolver o problema na actualidade. O desafio é imenso mas é possível. Não há povo mais capaz de viver com o nuclear como os japoneses, contra eles foram atiradas 2 bombas atómicas.

Chernobyl foi um caso diferente e está mais que estudado.

vê-se largar água radioactiva para o pacifico e garanto-te que nenhum robot vive naquele ambiente a radiação frita os cirtcuitos. quanto as bombas é um não argumento nesse aspecto os russos e americanos estam melhor já que rebentaram literalmente centenas nos proprios paises e bem mais potentes
vê-se largar água radioactiva para o pacifico e garanto-te que nenhum robot vive naquele ambiente a radiação frita os cirtcuitos. quanto as bombas é um não argumento nesse aspecto os russos e americanos estam melhor já que rebentaram literalmente centenas nos proprios paises e bem mais potentes

Nao numa gaiola de faraday de chumbo (sera?)
TEPCO reports leak of 1.1 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima

A huge leak in the new cleaning system at Fukushima-1 atomic power plant has led to the loss of 1.1 tons of radioactive water, Itar-Tass reported, citing the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). There were reportedly no leaks outside the facilities that house the ALPS system. On Tuesday, TEPCO said that over 200 tons of radioactive water was erroneously pumped into a basement area at the Fukushima between April 10-13.

Bom, isto já parece que é feito de propósito. Sai mais barato derramar tudo no mar e dizer "Oops, aconteceu" do que estar a gastar dinheiro a tratar os resíduos.
o país mais tecnologicamente mais avansado do mundo faz pior que a incompetente urss em tchernobil, que tem aquela treta controlada a perto de 30 anos, não me voltem a falar de paises melhor preparados para sismos neste topico
o país mais tecnologicamente mais avansado do mundo faz pior que a incompetente urss em tchernobil, que tem aquela treta controlada a perto de 30 anos, não me voltem a falar de paises melhor preparados para sismos neste topico

Mas tens duvidas que o Japão seja o país do mundo melhor preparado para enfrentar sismos? O sismo que ocorreu seguido do gigantesco tsunami em qualquer outro país do mundo seria muito mais mortífero.
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Katsutaka Idogawa, former mayor of Futaba, a town near the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant, is warning his country that radiation contamination is affecting Japan’s greatest treasure – its children.

Asked about government plans to relocate the people of Fatuba to the city of Iwaki, inside the Fukushima prefecture, Idogawa criticized the move as a “violation of human rights.”

Compared with Chernobyl, radiation levels around Fukushima “are four times higher,” he told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze, adding that “it’s too early for people to come back to Fukushima prefecture.”

“It is by no means safe, no matter what the government says.”

Idogawa alleges that the government has started programs to return people to their towns despite the danger of radiation.

“Fukushima Prefecture has launched the Come Home campaign. In many cases, evacuees are forced to return. [the former mayor produced a map of Fukushima Prefecture that showed that air contamination decreased a little, but soil contamination remains the same.]"

According to Idogawa there are about two million people residing in the prefecture who are reporting “all sorts of medical issues,” but the government insists these conditions are unrelated to the Fukushima accident. Idogawa wants their denial in writing.

“I demanded that the authorities substantiate their claim in writing but they ignored my request.”

Once again, Idogawa alludes to the nuclear tragedy that hit Ukraine on April 26, 1986, pleading that the Japanese people “never forget Chernobyl.” Yet few people seem to be heeding the former government official’s warning.

“They believe what the government says, while in reality radiation is still there. This is killing children. They die of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroiditis… Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school; others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities still hide the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.

“They say Fukushima Prefecture is safe, and that’s why nobody’s working to evacuate children, move them elsewhere. We’re not even allowed to discuss this.”

The former mayor found it ironic that when discussing the Tokyo Olympics, scheduled for 2020, Prime Minister Abe frequently mentions the Japanese word, “omotenashi,” which literally means that you should “treat people with an open heart.”

In Idogawa’s opinion, the same treatment does not apply equally to the people most intimately connected with Fukushima: the workers involved in the cleanup operations.

“Their equipment was getting worse; preparation was getting worse. So people had to think about their safety first. That’s why those who understood the real danger of radiation began to quit. Now we have unprofessional people working there.

Não sabes, e as toneladas de "auguinha" radioactiva esgoto abaixo esta semana, em tchernobil a coisa está contida os safados

O Japão tem várias centrais nucleares e todas elas resistiram bem ao sismo, infelizmente houve uma em que todos os azares aconteceram e criou-se ali um grande problema. Isto não invalida que o país esteja bem preparado para sismos, se não estivesse teria sido muito, mas muito pior...

Qual foi a intensidade do sismo que provocou o desastre de Chernobil? :rolleyes:

Chernobil foi descuido ou erro humano que causou provavelmente milhares de mortos indirectamente e caso não saibas aquilo ainda está "preso por arames".
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em tchernobil foi esta provado que aconteceram demasiadas coincidensias que sosinhas não levariam ao desastre, e há mais centrais nucleares na russia e nos usa doque no japão, em 3mile island foi resvez campo de ourique, o que quero dizer é que essa ideia de se ser o melhor pode sair cáro. E sim "shit happen´s" o famoso collin mcrae espatifou muitos carros e morreu de helicoptero