Re: Novo site do IM??!!
Sim supostamente era para hoje 08/07/2008 o 1º dia do novo site, mas ainda há os o site antigo. Agora está mais profissonal. Mas espero que quando houver qq evento mais extremo e que toda a gente quer aceder ao site, o site não fique passado e não se consiga aceder.
Damn! I had the whole site to the point when I again wanted to se "tempo presente" which by than did not load. I could not believe that now it only shows Beja and Evora. So not only Amareleja gone, alos Portel, Mertola, even Sines etcetcetc.
I saw the same thing happening in Spain, where the site for enthusiasts has worsened a lot.
In Holland, it is better than on both sides of the Spanish-Portuguese border. You can have all the daily extremes, solar radiation, snow cover amount etc till 2003 for all stations in the country. There is no comparison on that point! We have payed a lot of tax in order to obtain this info, so it would be strange if you would get only a very small amount back and have to pay for anything extra. You already did (well, partially)!
I also like the Danish site also. Written, Danish and Dutch are a lot alike so I can understand them very well and write things on their fora. In fact: many things are very similar, even the weather is alike. Anyway: the DMI allows amateurs to post their values on their site which is an excellent exchange I think. But no history over longer periods, just from the day before.
The agroclimtic report is good (and remains available), but they update it too infrequent for my taste. Also: there are no climatic averages for all stations and not a daily report...
But I did not have much time to take a close look at it. I only did it because I wanted to look up the monthly average of Mirandela in the agroclimatic report and then I saw this...
Wait and see, no need to get angry. It won't change a thing...