Local mais quente de Portugal ? 50°C é possível ?

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I wonder if science knows something like "better" questions as science knows no better, worse etc when it comes to questions to be answered. These are value judgments never to be proven in itself.
If you want to know which place is the warmest on average based on its maxima, it is as valid as any other question you might want an answer to.

The seabreeze is a major factor, but if it is about average high temperatures I am not so sure. I saw that Pinhão in the Douro valley although it gets to 33,5 C as daytime max (1961-1990) it has an average of 25,8 C. So in this case, it could be any valley if you ask me more inland and in fact I'd say in this case the Douro valley further inland is a good point.

In the Guadiana I saw Moura from 1941-1962 at 26,2 C or so...If so, translated to the warmer 1971-2000 period you may add a bit. I'd say above 27,0 will be very hard. To me, Athens is warmer from that perspective. I have little doubt. With or wihtou heatisles.

And on Athens...my point is that it has always been populated and that the Urban heat isles rises very rapidly once buildings and trees (but buildings more) and asphalt roads enter the scene. Some figures: with 1000 people per square kilometer the rise is 1,4 C compared to rural and when it is 7000 it is only 0,6 C more.
Athens has always been a city of some size of course, but much smaller as you have shown in the past. I think it is at least likely that the National Observatory station has had a clear influence and so the study, this one, did not detect more.

What is seriously hampering this study in my view is this:
- They show a trend and have zero comparisons with other stations that were rural all the time. You need that to distinguish between climatic trends and human induced heatisle and comparible trends. I didn't see anything of it.

We cannot know what has caused this trend if we do not know everything about these things.
I also see no explanation as to why the heat isle hasn't kicked in. They look at the trend, compare with other station in the valley and then conclude something.

Another point is that the site specifications are not according to WMO standards aswell. The park is full with trees, there is in no way an open space with a at least 200 m radius where there are no trees (and this might as well be 400 metres, look it up).

In short: this area has human influence written all over it. If you look at WMO guidelines this area is off limits. Really. And just to use a study with no explanation but a lot of assumptions, with no station maintenance records in it (not mentioned) etc you cannot compare this with stations in the country.

Besides: Athens Airport is a good comparison to get some facts. THis is more rural. It is notin the basin, but the mountains clearly indicate it is sheltered, cut of an on its own. Now I amy be wrong, but why is the minimum tempeture year round 1,6 C higher than that of the airport. They are at the same altitude, yet the airport is cooler all year long and all the time 1,6 C or so.
I see no explanation that makes any sense this less sheltered airport would be cooler at night, especially in winter. Apart from a city of that size surrounding a small place just 50 m above it, this is another indication that the station is clearly influenced by city.

If not, what is wrong with MArtinez data? In the stations that are weird, they are so because they show exactly this signature.

Anyway: I find the study seriously lacking, it is not peerreviewed it does not provide clear answers.

To me personally I attach no value for Athens when it comes to an intercomparison with rural stations.

Sevilla airport has this signature also with its exceptional warm nights. 24,0 C is the average to this point in august. Looking at agrometeostation data situated at La Rinconada (7 m height) and Tomejil (also about this height) at 5 and 10 km NNE of the city, we see this. Also added Lora del Rio, same river basin, 47 km ENE from the station, 40m high.

Average min till 11 august 2010:
La Rinconada 20,2
Tomejil 20,9
Lora del Rio: 21,4
Sevilla Tablada: 24,0 C

Average max till 11 august 2010:
La Rinconada: 37,9
Tomejil: 38,1
Sevilla Tablada: 38,5
Lora del Rio: 39,0

SW of the city (Aznalcazar, Lebrija) all note minima of 20,0 C or lower and maxima at about 36,0 C.

Agrometeo station data is not ideal and there are some that measure in yards. Although int the field, yards with trees around it have a similar effect on temperatures especially during daytime.
But the trend is very clear: Sevilla airport is warmer than expected. Also the daytime maxima which are still a bit higher than cities 15-20 km more inland. But the nights, as expected from theory even more.

So how come Guadiana river valley is so cool? Don't know, but things become much smaller if we take Sevilla out of the equation. And we can do so for obvious reasons. For Athens, the same applies. Although I cannot so to what extend.

Ηmm..I beg to differ.Generally mean temps in my opinion has a certain gravity and while we can not overlook the extremes then for any place in the world the mean is a good indicator of what the climate actually is.

Now regarding Athens.The observatory station is WMO approved.Did you miss that?It's id is 16714 ATHINAI OBSERVATORY.

I did not understand what you meant by ''the study is non WMO standard'' Can you please refer me to the exact paragraph of the WMO guideline?I have the whole 700pages updated version so I will be able to find it immediatelly.

Now what you say about the airport is valid however the study focuses on the basin it self. The new airport started operation in 2001 so we would not have significant data.

Besides did you take a look in this thread here?


What about Elefsina airport,Megara station etc?Do you know that they are consistently warmer on average compared to Seville?Elefsina airport by the sea is around 0.6C warmer on average for the whole summer compared to San Pablo airport

Here is the standing so far for the first 11 days of August 2010

Não estou ainda muito certo que o Vale do Guadiana seja fresco à noite em toda a parte.
Não há dados de lá excepto um único caso em que apresenta valores médios altos, numa zona que até nem é conhecida por ser a mais quente.
Sim, o Alto Douro ainda tem um bom potencial. Pinhão, é como que digamos, uma porta de entrada, para zonas ainda bem mais quentes. Cerejais é uma dessas regiões.

Mais imagens, agora com uma região do Alto Douro:

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Esta última é no Vale do Tejo.
Ηmm..I beg to differ.Generally mean temps in my opinion has a certain gravity and while we can not overlook the extremes then for any place in the world the mean is a good indicator of what the climate actually is.

Now regarding Athens.The observatory station is WMO approved.Did you miss that?It's id is 16714 ATHINAI OBSERVATORY.

I did not understand what you meant by ''the study is non WMO standard'' Can you please refer me to the exact paragraph of the WMO guideline?I have the whole 700pages updated version so I will be able to find it immediatelly.

Now what you say about the airport is valid however the study focuses on the basin it self. The new airport started operation in 2001 so we would not have significant data.

Besides did you take a look in this thread here?


What about Elefsina airport,Megara station etc?Do you know that they are consistently warmer on average compared to Seville?Elefsina airport by the sea is around 0.6C warmer on average for the whole summer compared to San Pablo airport

Here is the standing so far for the first 11 days of August 2010


There is no approval. These are guidelines. You can do whatever you like, there is no sort of commission looking at the site specifically. Would be quite some job. It is up to the metoffices. Therefor, there are so many people accusing scientist that global warming is an artifact of heatisle warming. You can find many stations all over the world in operation, but indeed not recording things properly. Of course this does not deny warming at all, but that is besides the point.

I believe Athens is warmer on average. No problem there. The airport can be compared from 2002-2010 and the difference is consistent. Athens being warmer than inland stations like Trikkala or even Larissa, while they are (much) further from sea...I don't buy it. And that view is supported by Athens Airport. At least to me. I simply can't see how we are going to deduce allround climate changes and heatisle effects from that study. It is unsure who much the influence will be..

I am not going to argue about it anymore BTW. I have my thoughts about these arguments and why people are arguing that some stations are exceptional etc. Seems like some sort of competition I am not into to that.
I am happy to admit from my Portuguese side that by anyway you look at it, Portugal does not have any station that is the warmest in Europe. Who cares. I am interested in what values are possible in Portugal. I find Amareleja and Moura already astonishingly warm looking at those maxima, so close to such a large ocean and the minima need some explanation too.

In The Netherlands (KNMI) we do not always measure according to WMO guidelines and it so clearly shows in the record, even without a city in the neighborhood. Especially in high maxima in summer in the case of Arcen.

Like Arcen KNMI, scoring so high all the time in july and august 2003

Look on Google Earth at 51'30'04.89 N and 6'11.38.21 east. Click on the I and wait two seconds or so. But it is in use everstill, look at the KNMI site.

No anemometer....but they measure wind, yes they do. 600 m down the road because it is too sheltered...

I have been a colaborator for the Dutch Society of Climate and Weahter and did the monthly analyses of special weather. I recieved data of 300 stations, which had to be classified into rural, suburban and urban. Any garden in any place was urban. We know the effect.

I have these guidelines here, for AMATEUR stations:

Rural: circle of 25m radius: nothing above 0,5 m there. 50m radius: nothing that grows above 1,50 m, 100 m radius: no trees, no bushes. 200m radius: woods, no buildings allowed.
Suburban: not allowed to be in a village or city AND 10 m radius only gras or plants no higher than 50 cm. 20 m radius: nothin above 2m. Outisde this radius: distancemust be 5 times the height of the obstacle.

Of course, the station used a code which indicated this and if the sensors were calibrated or not.

Everything else: urban.

And differences showed up very well in the data handed to me. And I am talking about a comparison of calibrated stations (every single one needed to be placed in a sensorshield).

I hope you understand that this experience of years dealing with this data and having (had) an urban and rural station makes it pretty hard to believe a city of millions on cramped space has little effect on it and nearby surroundings. But I cannot exclude it, I just don't believe it.

I have more interest in the area (low altitude) near Orchomenos. No stations there I guess? It is pretty much enclosed on al sides, so I'd expect it to become really warm at day.

The low valleys surrounding Mount Olympus are interesting too, to me at least. To each its own.

I am sorry but what arent you bying exactly??? That Athens is the warmest area of Greece compared to Larisa or let alone Trikala? How many times should I stress that the Athens basin has one of the most unique geomoprhologies in the world? Did i put on the extracts for nothing?Ok you dont believe me,ok you dont accept the observatory station,ok do you accept the Elefsina airport data then?

The differences between Elefsina airport and Larisa airport are simply OVERWHELMING.How exactly arent you bying what I am saying?Do you want the link of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service to see the raw data your self?

It seems odd that you believe your logic instead of Greek who has at hand official data from airport stations (since you want so much to discredit the observatory).

J.S It is simply well known in Greece that Attica is not only the warmest area of Greece in the summer on average but also the warmest in Europe...It is common knowledge here.Speak to any Athenian you want.

Anyhow,do you want the links?

And it is not a competition!who cares.I was trying to communicate a very interesting issue for the majority of not only Portuguese but Europeans....that is pinpointing Europe's warmest area in the summer...
The study: I have read it.

It says: the heatisle effect is clearly visible there. 2-3 C for the minimum temperature.

Do you see anything in this study relating warming and subsequent cooling to other factors than those within the city and nearby stations?? Do you think the climate in Athens has been stable all the time? What if the trend was one of cooling between 1950 and 1980 in the whole region (500*500 km for instance). The study doesn't mention that.
It does not mention either that SO2 effects are local and that they tend to cool nearby places. They didn't mention it because at that time it was virtually unknown.


Now the amount of SO2 have steadily risen during the century, especially where it emitted (cities with industry and cars) and have dropped sharply in the last decade. This means that, more than on average, in cities the SO2 effect had a cooling effect. SO2, as I said, is not well mixed. CO2 you can measure everywhere and you get about the same result. SO2 has its highest values where it is emitted and as can be read it has a direct cooling effect by reflecting solar rays.

Just by looking at the temperatures and looking at the behaviour of the temperature and then concluding that daytime max have not gone up because the heatisle effect is cancelled, is therefor not sure to say the least.
The cooling effect does not occur at night as there are no rays to reflect.
At day, the effect will be bigger.

The study is just too old. It does also not use any model to substantiate the (wellknown, that is not the point) marine influence in detail. They just say: no rise during 1960-1982: we cannot come up with anything else than a seabreeze so that is probably it.

Of course the marine influence is bigger in summer, but you cannot say it cancelles the warming. And now, we see a sharp rise in temperatures. Would
they now say that the city effecthas kicked in?

Elefsis is named as suburban and suburban areas are prown to heatisle effects, that is correct.

The study should have done this:

- Get a clear picture of the temperature trends throughout the region (say greece, SOuthern Italy and westenr Turkey) from rural stations.

- Then subtract the trend.

- They also porbably didn't know as well as we do know how the heatisle effec talready kicks in with just a few inhabitants and I mean well below the 50000 thouand mentioned in this study.

And that is probably it: this station has always been affected by the heatisle effect.

Now that the air is leaning up in Athens as well, we might see a sharper rise there than elsewhwere if the SO2 story is correct.

There seems to be some contradiction in their analyses as well if WE look at it.
So the seabreeze is so dominant that it cancelles out the city effect. That is a marine influence. But youy, otoh, show us that just this place is the warmest in Greece. Even places that do not have the sea next to the door. They also indicates that the seainfluence travells well well inland.

How can that be: a seabreeze that does not prevent a city near the coast being cooler during daytime than nearby, inland stations?

Look at Murcia: is this on average the warmest place in Spain in summer at day. No, not at all. BEcause the seabreeze prevents it. For some reason it doesn't happen in Athens. BEcause, in my conviction, the seabreeze does cancel out a further warming of the heatisle, but not enough. ANd therefor Athens is warmer than Trikkala or other cities.

That is my honest view.

Finally talking to people about how wamr it is: heatindices and windchill indicate hwo usefull humans are as themometers....Useless for this kind of influences.
J.S I think we are way off topic but let's see if we can resolve this quickly

Ok fair enough.Is it global warming?is it UHI is it what?Ok i got what you mean!so in order to avoid the ''bias'' of UHI that we speculate there is in Athens I agreed to discredit the Observatory station.Fair enough?

So let's say you are correct partially or even totally. Can you accept the data of a station that is located at an airport 20km away from the city and by the sea and that is completely cut away from the rest of the basin from Aigaleo mountain?

For example you accepted 8 years of El.Venizelos airport which is totally exposed to the meltemi winds in the Mesogheia plain,can you accept 50 years data from Elefsina airport in the Thriaseio plain which is the extention of the Athens basin?

If yes then Athens is the warmest area not only of Greece but Europe in the means during summer.This is what I am trying to explain with or without the Observatory station (that we can speculate it is UHI biased)

Would you now agree with me?And finally care to see the overwhelming difference between Elefsina airport and Larissa airport in the summer means from the Hellenic National Meteorology Service?

P.S. Btw for the station of the Observatory where does it say that it was 2-3 increase in the minimums?Nowhere!From the data it gives there is an increase of 0.3C against the total record
Elefsis is named as suburban and suburban areas are prown to heatisle effects, that is correct.

Ok, I have just seen this...

So the problem probably is that you have not still understood how extremely unique and complex the Athens basin geomoprhology is.

Elefsina off course would be classed suburban as it became a suburb of Athens by decree in 1972 purely for administrative reasons...However it has nothing to do with the big 5 million city of Athens apart from the fact that geologically the northern crack of Aigaleo mountain renders the Thriasio plain the extention of the Athens basin...

So to help you understand better.Here is a view of Elefsina airport(stop calling it Elefsis-that was the ancient greek name btw)


So, let me quickly explain the picture.

The red line is the Aigaleo mountain completely seperating Elefsina from the 5million people Athens and it stands at 1000meters. . Can you see from the satelite pic how densly populated Athens is from the other side of the Aigaleo mountain???

The blue line is the northern crack that links Athens basin with the Thriasion plain and renders Elefsina the extention of the Athens basin

And the black arrow is the position of the Airport.Note that the suburb of Elefsina has a population of 25.000 people.You also say that we know that the UHI shows affect with less than 50.000 inhabitants. How do we know it?Any reference that refers to the airports of less than 30.000 population cities and NOT to the urban stations inside those small cities?

Now can you explain to me how and to which extent Elefsina is affected by the Athens UHI?? Btw Elefsina is 20km to the west of Athens and as you can see it is by the sea.

Now some interesting facts.

1.Larisa airport that is totally blocked from Olympus Mountain from the sea breeze has a record temp of 45.4C ...It has recorded over 45.0C ....well twice...in the last 45 years.

2.Elefsina airport has a record temp of 48.0C which is off course the European temperature record.It has recorded over 45.0C 9 times the last 30 years and is Greece's top spot in terms of 45.0+ temperatures..

For example look at yesterday.
Elefsina AP 37.6
Larissa AP 36.8

Elefsina recorded Greece's second highest temp for yesterday

Can you please explain this to me now?

Btw Elefsina is one of the 5 coastal areas in the world to have registered 48.0C or above!Now guess where the other coastal areas with these temps are?
Oke, first here is a study (one of several) where you see a very rapid increase when the population of an area starts to grow.


I have gome through google maps meticiously of that area already at the start of the discussion. I always do that to get a reasonable impression of how the area looks like, most of all altitude and proximaty to the sea.
Would you mind showing how the situation is west of the airport. I already know: it directly borders to the city/sunurbs of Elefsis. What would happen if the wind blows from the east btw? A 5 million people city and its warming have no influence? Winds from the west and north....: the town of Elefsis/ina is right there..

What would be nice is the number of days with certain temperatures per decade and see if we can see a rise in the number of certain days and then still look at the regional trend of rural stations. The minimum temperatures would be interesting also.

The complexity of this area which you repeatedly bring up is so difficult to deduce and is not supported by the study at all, other than they say that human factors play a clear influence in the complexity. To deduce this effect you must have a sort of zero state in which the area was not pupulated at all (rural) and then see what happens when it becomes a 5 million people city.

That has not happened. So you must model the basin, especially winddirection and speed at every minute of the day. When does the seabreeze kick in for instance, what temperatures are reached. How is this different form Athens AP? Etcetcetc. In essence: be much more thorough and come up with something statisically significant. Not: we see a trend that says a, we see B, so the answer is C...

Factor in SO2 effects. These effects are biggest a bit downstream (wind) of where it is emitted. I guess there is not too much downstream wind in that basin, but a model could give us (in theory) a good impression. But the SO2 effect build up from 1940-1990 has to be factored in.
And all the other factors mentioned.

Elefsis is suburban because it is suburban. I have seen the map. Athens AP is not suburban. Despite its influence of the sea and the wind, it has cooler daytime and nighttime temperatures allround. Winds tend to ease extrema because of mixing of air and the lack of a stable aircolumn letting the site radiate freely into the atmosfere at night ot build up heath at day. So at first glance, this seems an odd explanation.

Athens just behave like any other heatisle big city. The affect indeed may be cancelled out by a seabreeze the effect may be cancelled out to some extend. In winter, there are no seabreezes to speak of other than directions coming from sea in the general flow pattern of the day. So why is Athens Observatory always warmer than Athens AP day and night?

Saying "it is complex " is not an answer. It is the beginning of a question. Which is: in which way does this complex situation explain what we see. Etc.

The Elefsina airport values of 9 times 45.0 C over the last 30 years mean little in the case of a city building up around it.

As the seabreeze, in the study, cancelles out the heatisle effect on one hand where is that seabreeze with 45+ temperatures in the case of Elefsis???? So the seabreeze does not even kick in (not in time), despite a very large difference between sea and land. The seabreeze clearly is not a constant factor....

In short:

- In this study many things are not explained but they are said as answer where there is no tested answer available?
- How is the trend throughout Greece, western Turkey and Macedonia for instance?
- How does SO2 effect the temperatures over the city (especially daytime!)
- Where is a model that shows us the flowpatterns etc over the city on a day to day basis over a year or so?

Another contradiction:
1) The situation is very complex.
2) The calculations do not address any of this complexity. It rather does a simple deduction leaving out critical factors.

The "complexity" is offered as an explanation in itself. It needs to be explained and quantified in term of temperature effects in the end!

Is Athens the warmest place on average in Europe when it comes to averages and minima. I still say that it could very well be. This because of the very warm sea next to it. All other places are: more to the north (italy for instance) and/or less continental (Italy for instance ;-)) and much more influenced to the west by the Atlantic (Iberia).

Ok, I have just seen this...

So the problem probably is that you have not still understood how extremely unique and complex the Athens basin geomoprhology is.

Elefsina off course would be classed suburban as it became a suburb of Athens by decree in 1972 purely for administrative reasons...However it has nothing to do with the big 5 million city of Athens apart from the fact that geologically the northern crack of Aigaleo mountain renders the Thriasio plain the extention of the Athens basin...

So to help you understand better.Here is a view of Elefsina airport(stop calling it Elefsis-that was the ancient greek name btw)


So, let me quickly explain the picture.

The red line is the Aigaleo mountain completely seperating Elefsina from the 5million people Athens and it stands at 1000meters. . Can you see from the satelite pic how densly populated Athens is from the other side of the Aigaleo mountain???

The blue line is the northern crack that links Athens basin with the Thriasion plain and renders Elefsina the extention of the Athens basin

And the black arrow is the position of the Airport.Note that the suburb of Elefsina has a population of 25.000 people.You also say that we know that the UHI shows affect with less than 50.000 inhabitants. How do we know it?Any reference that refers to the airports of less than 30.000 population cities and NOT to the urban stations inside those small cities?

Now can you explain to me how and to which extent Elefsina is affected by the Athens UHI?? Btw Elefsina is 20km to the west of Athens and as you can see it is by the sea.

Now some interesting facts.

1.Larisa airport that is totally blocked from Olympus Mountain from the sea breeze has a record temp of 45.4C ...It has recorded over 45.0C ....well twice...in the last 45 years.

2.Elefsina airport has a record temp of 48.0C which is off course the European temperature record.It has recorded over 45.0C 9 times the last 30 years and is Greece's top spot in terms of 45.0+ temperatures..

For example look at yesterday.
Elefsina AP 37.6
Larissa AP 36.8

Elefsina recorded Greece's second highest temp for yesterday

Can you please explain this to me now?

Btw Elefsina is one of the 5 coastal areas in the world to have registered 48.0C or above!Now guess where the other coastal areas with these temps are?
Again we are going in circles JS
This is a generic study and has nothing to do with Athens basin.
If we are to study the basin of Athens we need to be extra carefull with the unique geomorphology.

So can you be more specific as to how the airport of a 25.000 suburb of Athens blocked totally by the rest of the city can reach these extremes values?Not only in terms of maximums but in means.

It seems that you oversimplify while the study at the National Technical University of Athens seems not to share your ideas about the unique case of Elefsina


Anyway to make a long story short dont bust yourself over it.In Greece we have discussed the Thriasion plain to DEATH.Still not many conclusions.Here you can find our long thread on the Elefsina case with experts from all over Greece contributing what they know (btw Elefsina has been discussed to death in other countries such as Spain,UK,etc)


And here is what the wikipedia extract says

European Temperature Record and summer climate
According to the World Meteorological Organisation Elefsina is one of the two Athenian suburbs (the other one is Tatoi) with the highest ever officially recorded temperature in Europe of 48.0 °C (118.4 °F) on 10 July 1977.[3]

Elefsina is well known for it's intense summer heat and has been described as Europe's warmest coastal area in the summer. It has an average maximum July temperature of 33.0°C (1958-2001 HNMS)[4] and has been Greece's warmest area in terms of systematically achieving temperatures over 45.0°C in modern Greek meteorology (9 times between 1973–2007)[5] .

Elefsina presents a unique climate in entire Europe as it is the only coastal area in the continent that can challenge the most continental areas of South Europe in terms of extreme high summer temperatures. The Elefsina phainomenon is not yet completely understood however factors of geomorphology, pollution, warm water masses in the summer and warm winds might be responsible for it's summer climate.[6]

Btw please do me a favour re-read my post Elefsina is cut away from the rest of Athens by a huge 1000metres mountain.Suburban or not means ZERO for the case of Elefsina.Come on now.

Elefsina AP today 38.4
Larissa AP today 36.0

Can you provide academic evidence that the airport of a 25.000 city can be affected by the UHI?

Btw here is the standing between Attica and Andalusia 12 days in August so far.What about Megara as well?Is it also affected by UHI of Athens at 40km to the west?Or is it that the Attica peninsula has a unique summer dynamic due to it's position in the Aegean and it's geomorphology?You know that all the record high temps in Greece have been recorded only in one area,right?:This is Attica



Note that the 48.7 in Tatoi AP was rounded down two years later to 48.0C by the greek authorities.You do remember that in the paper Tatoi was classed as rural right?

Peixes protegidos morrem no Alqueva devido ao calor


Interessante o facto de serem peixes do mesmo género ( Alosa).
Tendo em conta que a sua época de reprodução é na primavera, penso que está fora de questão ser uma situação normal do seu ciclo de vida ( morte após o ciclo reprodutivo).

No Rio Ardila também houve uma mortandade, mas esta ainda está a ser investigada.
Estas mortandades não me são muito estranhas, pois são praticamente anuais, em zonas particularmente secas e quentes.
Há cursos de água que nem chegam ao seu destino, desaparecendo nas areias dos seus leitos ressequidos.
We run in circles partly because you do not provide answers to questions I raise. So I repeat them, because I want answers and I want them from you because you are the one who knows there is no heatisle effect to speak of.

And that is what is your modus operanti and why I stop right here. I was looking for the exact situation of Elfsina weatherstation in google. Did find a pciture..on a forum....and there you were discussing or over 120 forum pages, in Italian this time (which I can read quite well) and bumped into the exact same answers I gave you and questions asked by others, similar if not a copy of my questions.

All things we have discussed here were discussied there: Elfesina being heavily influenced by buildings and cities (look on the google maps yourself, the houses are directly bordering the airport and it is ecnlosed.
Athens being clearly a subject to the heatisle effect with Nea filadelfia and the observatory in the middel of large city, the fact that they do not measure according to WMO guidelines exactly what I tld you and the reason why they do appear on the WMO charts (the local metoffice decides, like I told you). People saying that if you put a station in the middel of Sevilla, you be sure to measure higher temeratures too. Etc.

You seem to be on some sort of crusade telling the southern european metsociety how extraordinary Athens is, how other cities can not compete (is this a competion)? ANd how some magazine rated Atens as one of the ten hottest cities in the word....Wow..

I'll read that thread on that forum instead if I want to know about your thoughts and that of thers, saves me a lot of time.
We run in circles partly because you do not provide answers to questions I raise. So I repeat them, because I want answers and I want them from you because you are the one who knows there is no heatisle effect to speak of.

And that is what is your modus operanti and why I stop right here. I was looking for the exact situation of Elfsina weatherstation in google. Did find a pciture..on a forum....and there you were discussing or over 120 forum pages, in Italian this time (which I can read quite well) and bumped into the exact same answers I gave you and questions asked by others, similar if not a copy of my questions.

All things we have discussed here were discussied there: Elfesina being heavily influenced by buildings and cities (look on the google maps yourself, the houses are directly bordering the airport and it is ecnlosed.
Athens being clearly a subject to the heatisle effect with Nea filadelfia and the observatory in the middel of large city, the fact that they do not measure according to WMO guidelines exactly what I tld you and the reason why they do appear on the WMO charts (the local metoffice decides, like I told you). People saying that if you put a station in the middel of Sevilla, you be sure to measure higher temeratures too. Etc.

You seem to be on some sort of crusade telling the southern european metsociety how extraordinary Athens is, how other cities can not compete (is this a competion)? ANd how some magazine rated Atens as one of the ten hottest cities in the word....Wow..

I'll read that thread on that forum instead if I want to know about your thoughts and that of thers, saves me a lot of time.

And how exactly is my presence in other forums is relevant to the pertinent fact that Athens is the warmest city of Europe on average?How does it descridit exactly what I say ?

Since you read the other forums then probably you did not read my answers ,did you?

1.Seville's warmest davis station in the centre recorded a 29.3 while San pablo crashed last July is mean record with 30.3

2.Athens's centre warmest davis station recorded 29.5 mean while Athens was far off its official mean temp record in 2010.Did you miss those answers?

Now regarding Elefsina.How is Elefsina heavily populated!Elefsina is 25.000 people hello!!

Did you miss my comparison with Tablada airport and Elefsina airport?Since according to you as ''suburban'' would be similar. Did you see that Elefsina in the sea is far warmer on average compared to ''suburban'' Seville?Can you give us the picture of Elefsina airport please?

Lastly since you cannot accept that Larisa is cooler compared to Elefsina then you would also need to deduct the hypothetical Larisa airport UHI...unless it is not convinient for your hypothesis to say Larisa has a UHI....Well Larisa is more than 100.000 inhabitants so according to you it will have a super UHI effect.Care to see on pic where Larisa is situated?Or Tablada for this matter?

Now to our main issue.Can you provide us please one of a picture that shows that Elefsina which is 25.000 people is heavily populated and then can you provide us with an academic reference that describes the exact UHI effect of a city of 25.000,then similarly for Tablada size and Larisa,then deduct the exact UHI and let's us know what is your estimate?

Btw the article of what a newspaper said was simply indicative!How does this again discredits what I say?Isnt true that Elefsina airport has the highest summer means of ANY city in Europe?

Also,Nea Filadelfia does not appear where??Hello it's WMO id is 16701!!!Where are the WMO charts?In the WMO page ONLY NEA FILADELFEIA FOR ATHENS IS THERE AS REPRESENTATIVE!!WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!!


Anyhow we are off topic!Could please answer my questions on Elefsina airport at least academically?
Ηmm..I beg to differ.Generally mean temps in my opinion has a certain gravity and while we can not overlook the extremes then for any place in the world the mean is a good indicator of what the climate actually is.

Now regarding Athens.The observatory station is WMO approved.Did you miss that?It's id is 16714 ATHINAI OBSERVATORY.

I did not understand what you meant by ''the study is non WMO standard'' Can you please refer me to the exact paragraph of the WMO guideline?I have the whole 700pages updated version so I will be able to find it immediatelly.

Now what you say about the airport is valid however the study focuses on the basin it self. The new airport started operation in 2001 so we would not have significant data.

Besides did you take a look in this thread here?


What about Elefsina airport,Megara station etc?Do you know that they are consistently warmer on average compared to Seville?Elefsina airport by the sea is around 0.6C warmer on average for the whole summer compared to San Pablo airport

Here is the standing so far for the first 11 days of August 2010


Mesogeiakos, tem dados sobre as médias oficiais de verão de Córdoba, Sevilha e Andujar? Se der para complementar a informação com dados de diferentes localidades de ambas as cidades ( zonas suburbanas) seria excelente.

PS: Se quiser eu posso falar inglês, no caso de utilizar o «google translator» e as traduções de português para inglês saírem estranhas. :lmao:
Mesogeiakos, tem dados sobre as médias oficiais de verão de Córdoba, Sevilha e Andujar? Se der para complementar a informação com dados de diferentes localidades de ambas as cidades ( zonas suburbanas) seria excelente.

PS: Se quiser eu posso falar inglês, no caso de utilizar o «google translator» e as traduções de português para inglês saírem estranhas. :lmao:

It's ok I can manage (i think)

Yes those are the official values of the 6 locations between Attica and Seville from AEMET and HNMS .Also Andujar is an urban AEMET station.Megara is a rural station! Elefsina and Cordoba and Seville are all airport stations and the Observatory is a station on a hill