Eu no passado mês de Janeiro a quando duma estadia no interior centro tive um sensor desprotegido da antiga estação Lidl (a torre) no parapeito duma janela, janela essa que em frente tinha ainda uma placa de cimento, num dia de sol e sem vento, e registei 27ºC de temperatura.
Eu no passado mês de Janeiro a quando duma estadia no interior centro tive um sensor desprotegido da antiga estação Lidl (a torre) no parapeito duma janela, janela essa que em frente tinha ainda uma placa de cimento, num dia de sol e sem vento, e registei 27ºC de temperatura. Estimei na altura o erro nuns 10ºC ou mesmo um pouco mais. Quem não quiser compreender porque isto acontece e do que pode fazer para menorizar o problema, acho que não vale a pena andar por aqui, estará apenas a perder o seu tempo..
E belem, já agora, como o JR uma vez muito bem explicou, não é liquido que a sombra das árvores da Amareleja minimizem as máximas. Infelizmente as condições da estação são defeituosas como se falou na altura, e as árvores (a sombra) tanto pode prejudicar uma máxima, como o arvoredo denso pode impedir alguma ventilação do local, o que poderia originar máximas mais elevadas em relação a uma instalação com melhores condições. Não sabemos, não se pode afirmar uma coisa ou outra..
De qualquer forma, o assunto era da estação do Luis Mestre, que na 5ªfeira passada registou 29,4ºC, e se percebes alguma coisa disto, sempre presumi que sim, sabes como qualquer um de nós que estava muito errada por razões facilmente explicáveis. E quanto às mínimas, também saberás que um sensor exposto não sofre tanto deste problema, pelo menos com esta dimensão.
Não podia ser um tópico, com sub-tópicos para as estações amadoras?
Da forma que colocaste será difícil procurar estações, fazer comentários sobres elas ou até algum "upgrade" que lhe façam.
Like the heatisle studies about Athens you forgot to mention, you also already forgto that you yourself pointed others on the Meteored forum, with clear picrtures, that WMO station Sevilla San Pablo (which you keep on using) is measuring in a completely unsuited place. I never saw a picture, but well over a week ago I already stated clearly and many times that San Pablo is not measuring correctly, simply based on the data from metstations at the coast and metstation surrounding Sevilla which I know to be measuring correctly as I have pics how they are sited. In the right, WMO, way.
Here are the pictures of Sevilla San Pablo you yourself uploaded, on 24 th of august 2010. So three days ago.:;topic=41445.0;attach=151233;image;topic=41445.0;attach=151234;image
You write: "Look at San Pablo airport station!It is a disaster! All the heat next to vehicles,And still it is cooler to Megara and Elefsina and Thiseio and Gkazi and Ampelokipoi etc etc etc!! Isnt that strange?"
Alliance 13 Mediterranean countries to close the wounds of the world
At 50 degrees Celsius in Athens in the coming years
25/10/2010 06:35
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Olothries consequences of overconsumption of water, reducing rainfall and extreme weather caused the Mediterranean worsening climate change and the increasingly frequent droughts in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to lead to increased illegal immigration.
The temperature in Athens can climb to 50 degrees in a few years, sea levels will rise by one meter and the impact on farming and tourism are irreversible, said Dimitris Lalas representative of our country's climate and Director of Environment Minister Tina Birbili.
Biblical disasters caused by global warming on the environment, described in detail representatives from 13 Mediterranean countries during the two-day conference on climate change held at the initiative of Prime Minister and aims at awakening the small states against the climate Armageddon.
Advocate the idea of setting up a group of Mediterranean countries, large and small to be seen together the themes of change and protostastisei in international fora to address climate change, see the Environment Minister Tina Birbili, suggesting a systematic effort at adaptation measures in energy, industry and agricultural production.
Small basket for Cancun
One year after the sinking concluded in Copenhagen where the political commitment not to exceed the global temperature 2 degrees Celsius in the coming years, the world comes to a second date next December in Cancun in Mexico.
But at this meeting the participants go holding a small basket. Mr. Lalas believes that the messages for the new negotiations is positive and states that are in danger of reaching the 2012 expiring Kyoto Protocol without continuity.
According to the Director of the European Commissioner for Climate Action Ms. Connie Chedegkor 'expectations for Mexican summit is more modest than last year's conference and Cancun is only an intermediate step in concluding a comprehensive and legally binding global agreement climate.
On his own estimate for future negotiations expressed during the previous days, the former Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. As said, the international agreement energized by the inaction of the U.S. and featured significant cooperation between Mediterranean countries, which should find a common component in the different goals set by each one separately.
Big crunch to meet the goals remains the financing of new investments even in times of economic recession and high volatility.
The European Investment Bank appears willing to finance their respective operations, although as emphasized representatives will be required each country to develop its own investment plan. It is estimated that the Bank will raise the level of investment aimed at tackling climate change 25% of annual funding.
Yes, 50ºc can obviously occur in Portugal, Spain or Greece.
Possibly also in Italy, as well.
I guess that lowlands, with more continental air masses ( located inland and sheltered by mountains), are more susceptible of that.
Yes but I am of the opinion that we need to discern those particular areas of Europe that might be more prone to a 50C.
In my opinion and I have mentioned this in the past the '' Ivy League'' belongs to two specific areas
1.Athens basin.
2.Murcia plains.
Even though those two play at an equal level in my opinion I am giving Athens basin the first spot due to the official WMO value of the European record.Murcia and Athens in my opinion are the most prone areas in Europe to extreme temps under extreme foen events.
Then I would add
3. Guadalquivir (mainly due to continentality/sea distance)
4.Guidiana (mainly due to continentality/sea distance)
5.Catania plains (mainly due to foehn winds)
Now this gives us a rough idea of what we might expect,but we need to also discern the importance of those data so far in the human life,presence and development.Obviously there we have a rather ''sociological'' aspect that needs to be taken into account.
While the population of Gudiana,Catania plains and Guadalquivir is really sparse (with the exception of Seville and Cordoba but so far their respective records show that both cities are least likely candidates in Guadalquivir area to hit 50C compared to other areas of Guadalquivir) this is not the case for two big cities....Athens and Murcia....
It is easily understood that Murcia is not by any means comparable to Athens in terms of population yet the effects of a possible 50C in Murcia in terms of its influence on human development can be significant.
This leaves us with one area in Europe for which a potential 50C might have really devastating effects...The Greek capital..
Given that almost 5 million people live,work and travel around the Athens basin daily the effects of a pronounced heatwave that can reach 50C can be extremely devastating sociologically,economically,in terms of life loss etc.I think this is what the Greek Ministry of Climate Change is trying to address here and I think this is why it is the first time that they are coming out publicly and raising awareness about this fact for Athens.
Yeah, I agree with almost everything.
But it´s Guadiana, not Guidiana or Gudiana.![]()