At this internet address we find the monthly time-series of the National Observatory of Athens, that I report here
(-999.9 means missing value)
I obtained that table by a click on "raw data" in the previous page. Copy, paste into bloc notes, and replace "_" (underscore) with " " (space) to display it properly. Notice that these values are often slightly different from those published in the climatic montly bulletins by NOA, and the reason of this is unclear. Maybe these values come from the actinometric site (for the last years), maybe the means are computed using another formula, who knows.
(-999.9 means missing value)
I obtained that table by a click on "raw data" in the previous page. Copy, paste into bloc notes, and replace "_" (underscore) with " " (space) to display it properly. Notice that these values are often slightly different from those published in the climatic montly bulletins by NOA, and the reason of this is unclear. Maybe these values come from the actinometric site (for the last years), maybe the means are computed using another formula, who knows.