Observatório Nacional de Atenas

At this internet address http://climexp.knmi.nl/gettempall.cgi?someone@somewhere+16714+ATHINAI/OBSER+ we find the monthly time-series of the National Observatory of Athens, that I report here


(-999.9 means missing value)

I obtained that table by a click on "raw data" in the previous page. Copy, paste into bloc notes, and replace "_" (underscore) with " " (space) to display it properly. Notice that these values are often slightly different from those published in the climatic montly bulletins by NOA, and the reason of this is unclear. Maybe these values come from the actinometric site (for the last years), maybe the means are computed using another formula, who knows.
Now let's take a summary look of these means, grouping them by decade and month, using data from 1901 to 2010.

Here we have a problem. I would like to report a text table. Unfortunately this forum seems to trim multiple spaces (even among [code tags), so the table gets unreadable. I am forced to display it as an image, making it more difficult and laborious to copy and reanalyze it. Not my fault.

And by decade and season:

Notice that we have no assurance that the series is homogeneized. For instance, in '90s for a while there was a small sensor bias that has been recently detected and corrected by NOA researchers (http://www.gnest.org/Journal/Vol9_No2/107-116_436_REPAPIS_9-2.pdf http://www.springerlink.com/content/k46nk4x211475j68/); but we are not sure that this bias and other possible confounding circumstances effects (possible instrument change, station relocations, urban heat island) have been corrected in the KNMI dataset.
Nevertheless these data are very interesting, in particular the summer means, that are really very high. I have found a dataset of about 960 worldwide WMO stations 1961-1990 means recently, and Thissio ranks the 310th warmest in the mean of June, July and August, that for a European station is not a bad ranking (but for all the southern emisphere stations, June, July and August are Winter).
That's interesting. It seems that NOAA has published in its website the climate normals of some stations, including the National Observatory of Athens/Thiseio means.


They say that the data are as is as the national institution forwarded them. And there we find the means computed with the greek formula.

There is a lot of data there: ftp://dossier.ogp.noaa.gov/GCOS/WMO-Normals/RA-VI/PO/

Why? In the NOAA and WMO website it is possible to purchase the 1961-1990 climate normals for money. Also the German institution sells them for money in CD. If they publish that for free, people will no longer purchase the CD. :confused:
Gosh!Once again was laughing so much with Amending's mambo jambo stats!!I just love the way he twists the stats in the most convenient way.Off couse as we have seen in other forums as well,those are merely the stats of a Sociologist who has no affiliation to the WMO or any formal meteorology training.And this is a comment that should not be taken lightly or as ad hominen but rather as an indication of the limitations of the Amending's stats,which by the way seems to be the only one to understand :D

You made my day.Now shoot off to prove how Aosta valley is the world's coldest place ;)
Gosh!Once again was laughing so much with Amending's mambo jambo stats!!I just love the way he twists the stats in the most convenient way.Off couse as we have seen in other forums as well,those are merely the stats of a Sociologist who has no affiliation to the WMO or any formal meteorology training.And this is a comment that should not be taken lightly or as ad hominen but rather as an indication of the limitations of the Amending's stats,which by the way seems to be the only one to understand :D

You made my day.Now shoot off to prove how Aosta valley is the world's coldest place ;)

Thanks Frenokomeiakos for your contribution. Here is a couple of informations about the previous locations of the Thiseio weather station:

I hope the source is reliable (http://www.snowguide.gr/forum/index.php?topic=487.0), as it has several precedents in disseminating lies and purposeful falsifications about Greek climate, but I believe that in this case it is sincere and the document is authentic.
Please excuse me for English here. When I was perhaps 14 (1974) my father was in the USAF stationed at Hellinikon AFB. I frequently was allowed to visit the Greek weather station across from the international airport. There was a Mr. Papaioannou whose rank I cannot remember. I was fascinated with the radiosonde launches and tracking of them. I also became friends with the observers there. There was a weather satellite tracking station, although I guess it was not used, there too with the SLE logo on the antenna on the roof. If anyone could provide photos and information of the station I would be greatly pleased. 2 methods were used to produce hydrogen gas. Chemical and electrical hydrolysis. An AN-GMD-1A radiotheodolite was used to track the sonde. Being an interested American student, everyone was eager to show me around and let me tag along while I took photos and watched observations.