Previsão e Seguimento Furacões (Atlântico 2017)

Bandas de nebulosidade de Harvey já afetam o leste do Texas.
Há risco de tornados ao longo da tarde para essa área.



Hurricane Harvey Local Statement Advisory Number 20
National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX AL092017
437 AM CDT Fri Aug 25 2017

Category 2 Harvey is forecast to continue strengthening and will most likely become a major hurricane before it makes landfall along the Middle Texas Coast overnight Friday night. The primary impact from Harvey over Southeast Texas remains prolonged significant heavy rainfall that will induce extreme widespread flooding across Southeast Texas Friday through the beginning of next week. Tropical storm force winds, with occasional hurricane force wind gusts, and storm surge will occur along the coast as early as late Friday afternoon and persist through Tuesday. Coastal flooding due to storm surge and wave run up will remain an issue throughout the weekend and into the beginning of next week as strong onshore winds will continue to pile water up along the coastline. Again, the primary emphasis and greatest threat to life and property will be the extreme rainfall amounts that will likely lead to a potentially catastrophic and prolonged flash flooding event.

- Rivers and tributaries may overwhelmingly overflow their bank in many places with deep moving water. Small streams, creeks, canals, and ditches may become raging rivers. Flood control systems and barriers may become stressed.
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Reactions: Wessel1985 e lserpa
Sinceramente se não forem as populações e a protecção civil local a precaver-se adequadamente, não vejo os políticos muito preocupados com o "tempo". Até o Trump nega aquilo que é evidente para o comum dos mortais neste mundo... A pena é que esses responsáveis são logo retirados desses locais e não vivem na pele aquilo que as populações terão de viver, ou melhor, sobreviver...
Isto é um depoimento de alguém que está na área. Por aqui se pode ver que as consequências serão muito graves:

HoustonWeatherNerd washingtonian115a minute ago

Absolutely NO ONE is telling the Houston area to evacuate. Not one local official. In Galveston, yes. It's about an hour and a half minimum from where I am to the coast. If we all evacuated it would be 100x worse than Rita. I'm not going through that again.
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Reactions: Wessel1985