Presumo que a superfície frontal fria seja aquela mancha nebulosa bem visível no satélite. Quais são as probabilidades de a mesma trazer actividade eléctrica?
Pelo menos o detector não acusa nada, por enquanto...![]()
Presumo que a superfície frontal fria seja aquela mancha nebulosa bem visível no satélite. Quais são as probabilidades de a mesma trazer actividade eléctrica?
Pelo menos o detector não acusa nada, por enquanto...![]()
Massa de ar pos-frontal muito instável, favorável a aguaceiros e trovoadas.
Meanwhile, to the south, a low pressure system located to the southwest of Ireland will swing a cold front through Portugal. Moderate winds will accompany the system, spreading moisture across the Iberian Peninsula. This will translate into widely scattered shower activity in Portugal and western Spain through the day. Isolated thunderstorms will be possible with the heaviest amounts of precipitation expected along the northern coasts of Portugal and Spain. Temperatures in Portugal will continue to cool Tuesday, while mild weather persists in Spain.
A level 1 was issued for parts of Iberian Peninsula mainly for large hail and locally strong wind gusts.
The focus for today's convective activity will be the persisting upper low located near the western Iberia. At surface, a cyclone with a well-defined front will be pushed further east towards the peninsula. A plume of EML will be rather quickly advecting NNE-wards into SW Europe, creating an unstable environment.
... Portugal and south-western Spain...
Beneath the strong EML, characterized by steep mid-level lapse rates, additional moistening will be on going across Iberia. This will result in moderate instability, yielding MLCAPEs in excess of 1000 J/kg locally. Storms will likely initiate along the local prefrontal convergence lines as well as near the front later. In moderately sheared environment (15-20 m/s of deep layer shear) and favorable veering profiles (100-200 m^2/s^2 of SREH3), storms will gain organization in multicells and possibly also into a supercell or two. Those will pose a threat for large hail and locally some strong winds given the dry mid levels. Expect storms to last well into the early night near the surface front in SW Iberia. Intense rain might become a threat if cells could persist over the same areas for longer time.
O estofex continua a colocar um aviso 1 para amanhã a abranger Portugal.A level 1 was issued for Iberia mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.
A blocking high is present over the central parts of Europe, leading to stable conditions in most places. The greatest chance for some organized convective storms is anticipated for the Iberian Peninsula and N Morocco / N Algeria ahead of an upper cut-off low. Another cut-off low over the E Mediterranean translates slowly eastwards.
...Spain and Portugal...
In the southern parts of Spain and Portugal, some low-end instability is present ahead of an approaching upper trough. MLCAPE in order of 300 - 500 J/kg is forecast which coincides with 15 - 20 m/s deep layer shear. 0-3 km shear is in order of 15 m/s and locally enhanced SRH may allow some organized multicells and / or supercells which could produce some isolated large hail and severe wind gusts. Convective initiation should be almost certain as QG lift ahead of the trough should be strong enough to overcome the small CIN barrier. The greatest chance for a severe thunderstorm should be present during the afternoon / early evening hours, shortly after initiation took place when most storms are still discrete. A low-end level 1 should be warranted.
O estofex continua a colocar um aviso 1 para amanhã a abranger Portugal.
Apesar de termos toda esta semana com instabilidade, a sinóptica destes dias é bastante dinâmica e distinta.
Coloco aqui agora a análise do número de descargas atmosféricas registadas pelo detector, para terem uma ideia, e citando o que o Vince disse:
Não sei ao certo o significado de sinóptica, porque cada pessoa pode interpretar a palavra de maneira diferente ou com outro sentido, mas comparem os números de DEA's nos vários dias:
Entre as 06h de dia 18-04-2011 e as 0h do dia 19-04-2011:
- Aproximadamente 23.000 DEA's (valor mais elevado alguma vez registado pelo detector)
Entre as 0h e as 06h do dia 19-04-2011:
- Aproximadamente 8.700 DEA's
A partir das 06h do mesmo dia e até às 0h do dia 20-04-2011:
Diminuição muito brusca do número de descargas, com apenas poucas centenas registadas
Desde as 15h de hoje e até à altura da publicação deste post:
462 DEA's (em 6 horas e 50 mins)
Não tenho ainda os números bem oficiais, pois custa a tratar toda esta informação.
A instabilidade na atmosfera diminuiu muito, mas muito acentuadamente nestes 2 dias, tendo sido o final do dia 18 e início da madrugada de dia 19 a altura mais activa.
Isto é só uma análise. Não significa nada mais que isso.![]()