Seguimento América do Norte - 2015

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Esta chocou-me: :shocking:





Ilha de Nantucket, litoral dos EUA.
Felipe F disse:
Modelos estão indicando a possibilidade de tempo severo no Deep South começo da próxima semana.
A possibilidade de tempo severo no começo dessa semana, acabou não se confirmando.

Fevereiro terminou com apenas 2 tornados confirmados, abaixo da média que é de 29.
Este foi um dos Fevereiros com menor quantidade de tornados já registrado, perdendo apenas para 2010 que teve somente um tornado e empatando com 2002 e 1964 que também tiveram somente dois tornados.

Até o momento tivemos 28 tornados confirmados, sendo o começo de ano mais calmo desde 2004, que teve apenas 12 tornados neste mesmo período de tempo.

Até o momento tivemos apenas quatro alertas de tornados, menor valor desde 1985, que teve somente dois.
Além disso, foram 51 dias seguidos sem qualquer alerta de tornado ou tempestade severa, tempo mais longo sem qualquer alerta desde 1986.
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California has about one year of water left. Will you ration now?

As our “wet” season draws to a close, it is clear that the paltry rain and snowfall have done almost nothing to alleviate epic drought conditions. January was the driest in California since record-keeping began in 1895. Groundwater and snowpack levels are at all-time lows. We're not just up a creek without a paddle in California, we're losing the creek too.

As difficult as it may be to face, the simple fact is that California is running out of water — and the problem started before our current drought. NASA data reveal that total water storage in California has been in steady decline since at least 2002, when satellite-based monitoring began, although groundwater depletion has been going on since the early 20th century.
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Michael Anderson, the state climatologist, said rainfall had been slightly better this season in Northern California than in Southern California, meaning that reservoir levels in some communities in the north were slightly above where they were last year. But he said the level remained far below the norm. And in critical places like the San Joaquin Valley in central California, in the heart of the state’s farming region, reservoir levels were down over the same period last year — often significantly.

But the main reason for concern is the paucity of the snowpack. The March 3 measurement of the statewide snowpack was the water equivalent of five inches, or 19 percent of the average for that date. That is barely above the record low snowpack measurement from 1991, according to state officials.

“It looks like we are on our way to the worst snowpack in history,” he said. “Unless we end up with some particularly good snows here in March, we are going to end up with a new lowest rank here.”

This state has long been familiar with the give-and-take rhythms of the rain. But many scientists say the situation has been made worse by rising temperatures: The winter of 2014 was the hottest year on record for California. Last year, the average winter temperature across the state was a record 45.6 degrees, state officials said. This year’s winter average has been 47.4 degrees.


Anomalia das temperaturas em Fevereiro:

Ontem tivemos algumas tempestades no Texas, que causaram queda de granizo.
O padrão finalmente está começando a mudar e o tempo severo deve começar a dar as caras nos EUA.



2015 segue sendo o começo de temporada mais calmo desde começo dos registros e este Março está sendo o mais calmo da história, porém as coisas devem mudar na próxima semana, pois os modelos já começam a mostrar a possibilidade de tempo severo para Terça nos estados de OK, MO, NE, IA e KS.

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Hoje há risco de tempo severo principalmente nos estados do KS, MO, OK, AR e IL.
A maior ameaça será granizo, porém ventos fortes e tornados isolados podem ser registrados.


Amanhã o risco de tempo severo é esperado para os estados do KS, MO, OK, AR, TX, IN, KY e IL.
A maior ameaça novamente será granizo, porém as chances de ocorrer algum tornado pode ser um pouco maior que terça.


Na quinta há um risco pequeno de tempo severo para NC e VA.
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