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Aqui em nagano sigo com um comeco de inverno com temperaturas dentro da media como era esperado.
Hoje choveu atarde toda e os ventos do sul predominaram.
A temperatura agora e de 7,4c, amanha maxima deve ser de 9c e minima de -1c
Ja caiu neve por ai? estive a ver as previsoes e a partir de quarta-feira podera cair neve durante alguns dias![]()
Mau Son Mountain covered with ice and snow
Ice and snow covered the tourism resort of Mau Son mountain in the northern mountainous province of Lang Son in the early morning of December 16 as outdoor temperature in this area plunged to minus 0.8 degree Celsius.
The Lang Son Provincial Hydrometeorology Forecast Centre said that the outdoor temperature dropped to 6.2 degrees in Lang Son City and the rainfall was measured at 19.0mm in Mau Son area.
The icy weather has attracted the attention of local residents and visitors.