Seguimento Ásia e Médio Oriente 2019

Cheias repentinas no sul do Irão fazem pelo menos 19 mortos e mais de 100 feridos
26.03.2019 às 8h32



As cheias ocorreram durante o feriado do Ano Novo Persa, numa altura em que muitos departamentos governamentais se encontram encerrados. O governador da província de Fars anunciou que as cheias estavam agora sob controlo. No entanto, as previsões meteorológicas apontam para mais chuvas torrenciais no norte e leste do país

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Reactions: Ricardo Carvalho
Pelo menos 62 mortos com inundações no Irão...

Record Floods in Iran Kill 62, Cause Over $1 Billion in Damage
Dr. Jeff Masters · April 3, 2019, 3:04 PM EDT

Weeks of torrential rains in Iran have caused record flooding that have killed at least 62 people and caused $1.1 billion in agricultural damage. Unofficial estimates have put the total economic cost at $3.6 billion. According to EM-DAT, this would rank as the second most expensive flood in Iranian history, behind the $5.4 billion damage (2019 dollars) wrought by the floods of April – June 1992. The death toll of the 2019 floods rank as the 18th deadliest flood in Iranian history.
The latest GFS model forecast predicts that widespread rainfall amounts of 1 - 2" can be expected across much of Iran during the coming week, with isolated heavier amounts. These rains are likely to cause further damage. Sayed Hashem, IFRC’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said:

“Iran is under water. This is an unprecedented crisis that has now touched at least 23 of Iran’s 31 provinces. While the precise impact is still to be seen, it is already very clear that the floods have caused extensive damage and suffering in villages, cities and rural areas.”