Well, since 17 december it has snowed every day and it will be a one week snowcover tommorow and probably till saturday. Long time since we have had that in december!
Most snow fell on sunday (pictures), with first a regular snowband and then very heavy snowshowers. Thursday 17th and yesterday evening (when I went to my weatherstation close to the place where you see the car in the pictures). Heavy snowfall, I had difficulty obtaining my data in the field from my weahterstation. Snow cover maxed at 9 cm. Now 4-5 cm.
It is not that cold anymore. yesterday temperature again dropped during the day to -5,1C and then rose to 1 C! Today it was 1-2 C during the day. Nevertheless Td is below zero so virtually no thaw. White christmas seems very likely now. If not here, than certainly elsewehere in The Netherlands. But the NW and Southeast have no snow anymore (hard thaw or had not much snowfall at all).
Middelburg, Holanda 20-12-2009. Tiro com o Panasonic G1 14-45mm
Nordeste do Middelburg
Bicicleta, no centro da minha cidade (Middelburg)
boas fotos

não é muito usual nevar tanto num pais de tao forte influencia atlantica....esta estrada fria foi mesmo muito forte...agora vem o calor