Seguimento Europa 2010

Boa Tarde :D

Boas festas para todos os Membros e Visitantes do Forum :thumbsup:
Que seja uma optima noite passado em Familia,com amigos ou mesmo sozinho. Venha 2011 :bombar::huhlmao:

3 dia consecutivo de Nevoeiro.Amplitudes térmicas muito baixas.
Temperatura Minima 1,1°C
Temperatura Maxima 3,2°C

Temperatura Actual 2,7°C
Humidade Actual 90%
Vento Nulo

Até para o Ano :viva:
After more than 6 months I am coming back to give you the conclusions of the Attica vs Andalusia epic battle for August 2010.

Each and every single station in Attica has beaten Andalusia in terms of highest mean monthly temperature even though Seville has experienced its warmest month on average!!

At the same time August 2010 was Athens' second warmest month on average.

Once again the Attica peninsula shows it's grip and prooves its extreme versatility by becoming yet again the WARMEST area of the European continent on average during the always!!!

Here are the final data in detail

After 31 days for August 2010


Extreme mins/maxes

Frequency of temps

