New station record since 97: -17,2 C. Daytemps: -7 C
After many times between -12 and -14, we finally got rid of these balmy temperatures. The record of all time being -27 C this of course ridiculously warm..;-)
We some other weahterhobbyists (aka "freaks) we were wathcing the temperatures plummet of all KNMi stations. We can get 10 minute readings within 5 minutes all the time over here. It is big fun....;-)
So at 3.30 I saw it ws crystal clear for some time and decide to take my car and drive to my weahterstation and then onto the countryside, villages etc with a thermometer with me and the car has one too...
It was nice to see that the temperature is SO dependant on radiation. Where things were very open, the temperature went to -14 C. Some trees? Rapid rise. A house? Rapid rise. Open coutry: fast fall. So it was between -10 and -14 C.
The chanenel at 200 m from my station was smoking liek a chimney. Very dense fog and that is no good for low temperatures.
So, the datalogger were checked at two o'clock this afternoon. Bright sky with fog patches...and then you know, it could be very cold. Well, it was -7 to -9 C. I thought may be a -12 was still possible during the day.
So at home. the datalogger showed the temperature did not get below -11 till 6.50 hours. Indeed, the station is not situated in the coldest position in the very flat countryside.
Than, we see this fall:
6.49 uur: -10,6
6.50: -11,2
6.51: -12,0
6.52: -12,7
6.53: -13,2
6.54: -13,6
6.55: -14,0
6.56: -14,2
6.57: -14,4
6.58: -14,4
6.59: -14,5
7:00: -14,6
That is 4 C in 11 minutes. First low of -16,7 reached at 7.45 hours. Than a rise to 14,9C and a subsequent fall to -17,2 at 9.20 hours. Nice!!!
Now it is -10 again, but the wind and clouds are picking up and no chance to get close to that value. But that is what records for.
BTW: this is the lowest temperature measured in my province sinds 8 january 1985 (-19,0 C) and the lowest february temp since 1956, when 4 km south of me -19,6 was recorded.