Seguimento Europa 2012

Novos records climatológicos do mes de Fevereiro em cidades espanholas segundo AEMET

Hondarribia é o aeroporto de San Sebastián
Avila melhora o record em dois graus!!! O anterior record era somente de -1.6ºC agora é de -3.7ºC

É certo, importante melhora na cordilheira Cantábrica. Sobre tudo se comparamos o aspecto da webcam de Collado Jermoso (o refugio a 2064 metros, os picos a mais de 2500 metros) hoje com o que tinha a finais de janeiro.

26 de janeiro

Yesterday 1 hours > 0C (0,4)...3 hours above 0 C since 29 januari.

But today it will be another bright shiny and frezing day. As wil be tomorrow and sunday.
Avergae minimum at my weatherstation now -10 C. Average max..-4 or so. Next night will be between -10 and -20 C again. And is all over!!!
We will swithc to normal weather with some rain, snow and at night -5 to 0 C and at day 3-6 C.

But that is the way it is. I do not live in Finland. We have a maritime climate with continental intervals in between. Sometimes they last a week, sometimes motnhs. This time 2,5 weeks. Very nice, after such warmth. And the snowcover continues. Even in this all in all mild winter we still will havbe about 10 days with a snowcover and very likely more to come in feb and march.
Collado Jermoso (Refugio Diego Mella) en todo su esplendor


Podéis ver la webcam a tope de resolución aquí:

También la podéis ver en esta web:
Esa página cuenta con una sección meteo con datos actuales, historial 24 horas, predicción a 3 días... Poseen una estación, que se ve en las imágenes de la webcam a la derecha del refugio, Davis Vantage Pro2 que está dada de alta en Meteoclimatic, aunque lleva un tiempo sin ofrecer datos. En la web que os he puesto sí suele funcionar con datos en directo, pero desde hace dos días tiene algún fallo y está caída.

Ojo a la intensidad de las precipitaciones que se han vivido en la zona norte leonesa estos días. Datos aquí:;msg2910037#msg2910037

Burgos sigue así, aunque hoy no tendrá máxima negativa


Foto de ayer por la tarde en un parque a las afueras de Burgos


Foto del forero burgati:;msg2910228#msg2910228
Sigo com 0ºC e aguaceiros de neve. Acumulou 2cm. A noite foi bastante ventosa. Agora a pressão já vai nos 1018 depois de ter estado nos 999, valores um pouco elevados.

Lentamente parece que o AA da Gronelândia está a aumentar. Mas existe um outro AA a oeste do Reino Unido nos 1045mb! Isto é promessa de tempo seco e frio para Portugal!

Se ambos se fundirem, então o bloqueio europeu vai continuar por mais semanas, e o ar polar vai ficar muito mais próximo de Portugal, mais do que esteve nesta entrada siberiana.

Pois pode acontecer que não só o ar de leste chega próximo de Portugal, mas igualmente o ar polar e húmido daqui da Islândia comece a descer para sul, se a jet stream decidir tomar esse caminho. Ou seja, eu começo a ver a possibilidade de se formar o padrão que geralmente traz neve e muito frio a Portugal. Mas para já são especulações.
Re: frio com e vento...brrrr...mas com sol tamben!

Girl having warm soup (very thick, typical Dutch peasoup for winter) on the ice. She is on skates.


Não sei como, mas ainda não tinha visto estas fotos! Uma verdadeira "beleza no frio"!:D
Re: frio com e vento...brrrr...mas com sol tamben!

Não sei como, mas ainda não tinha visto estas fotos! Uma verdadeira "beleza no frio"!:D

She was quite young! So beautiful..I thought so too but typical Dutch aswell. IShe looks typically Dutch and honestly, for NL she is nothing special I think.
I think Duthc women really are beautiful. If you love blue eyes and blond ordark blond hair, this is the place to be. They tend to have long legs and have very well proportioned female figures. They are (of course) very similar to Scandinavian girls, but tend to have a slightky softer face than for instance Danish girls.

Was buying new skates and there was this blond goddess that actually make me drop my jaw. Pictured her too...Such a nice girl too, not just beautiful but very kind. You know, may be 22 years can picture her being the mum of yourkids and be confident everything is fine. May be it is just me, but some women make me feel like that...

Some pics of today (no girls close up btw..sorry..) in Veere, a picturesque town 5 km NE of where I live. They have "kreek" which is a body of deep water, in this case created by Allied Bobarding the dikes over there.
Quite large and the iceclub alsways prepares the natural ice in winter.

First pic: ice gets cracked because of the skates and it needs to settle once many people have skated on it. Large cracks develop. Get with yur skates into a crack and you either stummble, fall or break your ankle..The cieclub today started to put things under water at 15 o'clock. Airtemperature was -3 C, ice temperature -6 C. 2 hours later, this was the result. Tomorrow we'll have a fantastic, new icefloor!


Seemingly lone skater...


Looks warm but it was -4 C at that moment. Wind was okey...I was sweating while skating. Quite usual actually.


This guy has a good technique. The way you should skate. Has old fashioned skates klicking mechanism.


Mum, with kid and friends:


Girl works cleans the ice. Friend is telling her what to do...;-)


Specially for you, the girl buying skates as a surprise for her boyfriend.
She wanted skates for 100 euro. Which is okey for ice hockey skates


here are the ones I bought...I got a discount because the salesguy could not offer what I asked for. From 750 to 340 euro.

Skate closed (when it is in the air)


Skate open (when you push it of the ice, providing a full stretch of the leg with full push giving higher speed)


The shoe is a termoplast. So after a while, I'll get back and it will be warmed. It will fit my foot exactly. Than it will be put into a special oven so it will remain that way, beeing idealy fit to my foot. It is like meauring with calibrated equipment: it needs to be precise to get thebest results!

My dad is 100% Portuguese and LOVES iceskating. Iceskating is the nr1 sport in The NEtherlands easily. Millions of people watch it on TV and millions of people do iton the ice. Global warming has dimished our chances for natural ice signficiantly. To get this back to weather and climate. Our average january temp used to be 0,3 C and now it is already 3 C!!! Luckily, this is caused by some very mild motnhs wchich still get intermixed with periods with prolonged forst.

Monay, thaw will set in. We havbe had 2 weeks with continuous frost, in my place only interrupted with 3 hours of temperatures of 0 to 1 C...
Re: Blizzard Europa (Jan/Fev 2012)

Este é o ultimo post que escrevo a partir da Polónia:( amanhã cedo vou voltar a Portugal, aqui vivi o Inverno mais frio e nevoso da minha vida, passei aqui bons momentos, mas infelizmente esta etapa acabou:(.

Despeço-me com a sempre agradável temperatura de -19.8 °C:cold:, (vou ter saudades destas temperaturas :().