Oslo and Bergen set heat records
BergenHeat recordsNorwayNorway TodayOslo
Sørenga in Oslo was well visited Wednesday afternoon.Phot: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix
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Victoria Garza 31. May 2018
On Wednesday afternoon, both Oslo and Bergen beat their old heat records for the month of May with 31.1 and 31.2 degrees, respectively.
It was announced in advance that Wednesday would be a very hot day all over southern Norway, and the meteorologists were wagering whether it would be Oslo or Bergen that broke the 30 degree mark first.
At 13.28, the Meteorological Institute on Twitter reported that a new warm record for May was set in Bergen, when 30.5 degrees was recorded.
By 3 pm however, there was a new update with another record from the weather measurement station at Florida, in Bergen city center.
“Florida has reached 31.2 degrees, so now we’re watching it with excitement,” said the meteorologist’s update on Twitter.
At 31.2 degrees, only 0.6 degrees remains to reach the warmest temperature ever recorded in Bergen. In July 2003 31.8 degrees was recorded.
At 17 o’clock, Oslo beat it’s previous record of 29.8 with 31.1 degrees, according to NRK.
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