"That is why one to three tropical entities are expected to reach Europe in the coming months," said Roys, adding that tropical storms or tropical rainstorms may survive the trip across the Atlantic and reach the continent.
During the first half of the season a tropical system would be most likely to strike in the region of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northern England. But as the storm track shifts south into late October and November, this threat would also shift south into northwestern Spain and Portugal.

"Some of the strongest windstorms are most likely to happen somewhere in southern France, Spain or Portugal this winter," Roys cautioned.
Forecasters have pinpointed at least one portion of southern Europe that will largely miss out on the worst of the stormy weather. Southern Portugal and southwestern Spain are forecast to encounter periods of calm weather this winter, which may be great news for some key crops like grapes, oranges and olives. This region is the largest olive producer in the world, Roys noted.
Há que esperar.