algum de vocês que gostam tanto desses gráficos consegue explicar aos outros o que eles significam e o que mostram ?
algum de vocês que gostam tanto desses gráficos consegue explicar aos outros o que eles significam e o que mostram ?
Sem dúvida que o estudo das anomalias magnéticas é interessante e intrigante. Por essa razão ainda é uma área científica que necessita ainda de mais dados, mais estudos. Este tópico surge no âmbito de uma possível correlação entre anomalias um sismo de grau 7, ocorressem 10 de grau 6 ou até 100 de grau 5 a mais?
Fica a opinião!
Algum de vocês que gostam tanto desses gráficos consegue explicar aos outros o que eles significam e o que mostram ?
..Ou talvez uma anomalia magnética associada a um sismo de grau 5 não seja suficientemente mensurável! Um sismo de grau 7 é equivalente em termos de energia libertada no mesmo espaço de tempo a 10 sismos de grau 6, que por sua vez equivalem a 100 sismos de grau 5, não é estatística é apenas uma escala logaritmica de base 10! Pergunto-me se nesse dia ou dias em que ocorreu essa anomalia magnética, se não ocorreram algures 2 ou 3 dias depois, para além da média normal diária, 10 sismos de grau 6 ou até 100 de grau 5?! Eu não fui ver, não posso confirmar.. Mas sim, sismos de grau 5 ocorrem todos os dias, e de grau 6 nalguns dias, mas 10 de grau 6 ou 100 de grau 5 a mais que a média?? Em termos de energia libertada significam o mesmo que encontrar um de grau 7!
Então estes graficos funcionam da seguinte maneira:
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O magnetismo terrestre esta directamente e quase unicamente relacionado com o Sol!! Tal como a lua influencia as marés exactamente pelo motivo do magnetismo de quando esta está entre a Terra e o Sol há marés vivas, quando esta na ordem Sol-Terra-Lua há mares mortas.
A vento solar é o que mais influencia o magnetismo. Criando a Plasmasfera e o cinturão de radiação de Van Allen. Em que o Vento solar desvia-se da Terra como derivado ao atrito provocado pelo nosso planeta. Com isto cria como que uma corrente interna com características "circulares". Quando há uma anomalia estas características perdem-se... mas como isso eu já não sei explicar... ainda não consegui compreender essa parte do magnetismo
... =S
It provides data from the ACE satellite and pretty pictures of a computer simulation which calculates the effects of the data on our magnetosphere. Unfortunately, it provides very little indication of what any of it means.
It's helpful to look at the actual data used for the simulation. The pressure on the magnetosphere is a function of two things; the speed of the solar wind and the density of the solar wind. These factors can be seen on the graphs below the pressure representation. Right now the speed of the wind is quite low (~350kps), indicating low energy levels. The density, the number of particles in the wind, is reasonably high. Notice that the speed is quite steady but the density fluctuates quite a bit. Those fluctuations are what is causing the simulator to show fluctuations in pressure. Imagine it like someone gently throwing handfuls of sand at a balloon. A small handful of sand doesn't do much to the balloon but a large handful, thrown at the same speed will have a larger effect.
In itself, pressure has little to do with geomagnetic activity. The shape of the bow wave and the pressure on it don't tell us much. A geomagnetic storm is a complicated affair, involving a number of factors one of them being the polarity of the solar wind and its relationship to the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field. To find out more about this we need to look at more of the raw data. The Magnetic Field Vectors tell us about the North-South alignment of the solar wind. These are the Bz and By data streams. Under "normal" conditions these vectors are quite stable, gently fluctuating a bit and occasionally switching polarity. It is when these changes get wild take on a southern orientation and the solar wind increases in both speed and density that it is likely we will experience a geomagnetic storm.
On June 24 of this year, we experienced a minor geomagnetic storm (didn't hear much about it did you?) Here is an animation from the simulator for that day. Notice that when the storm hits at about 15:00GMT the speed and density suddenly increase. Notice also that the Bz and By values go wild. Again, to put things into perspective, this was a minor event. In a major storm all of these data streams are going to be doing a lot more than what we see here.
Another thing to remember is that this is a real time simulation. It tells us what is happening now, it is not a forecast. As you can see in the movie above, the onset of a solar storm is quite sudden. When it happens, it happens. There really aren't any precursors. In a destructive geomagnetic storm, we'll lose power at the same time the simulator is saying "uh,oh".
There is another part of the simulation which catches a lot of attention, the magnetic field representation. The red and blue lines represent magnetic lines of force found within the Earth's magnetic field. To get an idea of the scale we are looking at, the loops on the left, the sunward side, are reaching out to a distance of about 50,000 miles from Earth's surface.
The solar wind carries with it its own magnetic field (the Interplanetary Magnetic Field), left over from when it left the surface of the Sun. When the IMF encounters the Earth's field some complex interactions take place. Close to the Earth, where the Earth's field is stronger, the IMF is not strong enough to have much influence and the Earth's field maintains is toroidal shape. Farther out the IMF dominates, dragging, stretching, and twisting the weaker field of the Earth.
The IMF is not constant. It changes in strength and polarity (the north/south) orientation. It is these changes which produce the changes in the magnetic field lines of Earth's magnetic field. The ACE satellite (which provides the data for the simulation) measures several aspects of the IMF but we are primarily concerned with the Bz component. This is the one that is oriented in the same plane (roughly) as the Earth's magnetic field. When the IMF has a northward orientation (the same as Earth's) the Earth's magnetic field repels the Sun's field. When the IMF has a southward orientation the two fields can connect through a process called magnetic reconnection. The stronger the Bz component, the stronger the connection or repulsion. This can be seen very clearly in the simulation. When there is a southward value in the Bz component the lines of force take on a splayed appearance. They are joining with the IMF and streaming far out into interplanetary space. When there is a northward value in the Bz this connection does not occur.
The lines of force are always shaped by the solar wind. With a southward Bz they hold hands with the Sun's field. With a northward orientation they keep to themselves. With a southward orientation we see the red and blue lines separating as they connect with the Sun's field instead of themselves. When we see the magnetic field lines forming a tight ball it does not mean the magnetosphere is collapsing, it means that it is not interacting with the solar wind as much. It means it is reverting to it's "natural" shape, the shape it would have if there were no solar wind at all.
Here is an example of the effects of a southward orientation:
Here is an example of a northward orientation:
When the solar wind is southward, magnetic reconnection occurs. This reconnection forms a sort of conduit (not really a crack or a hole) through which the particles of the solar wind (ions and electrons) can travel. By moving through these pathways the particles are able to reach the inner regions of the magnetosphere where they become trapped. These connections come and go, sometimes only lasting minutes.
In June of 2007 the THEMIS satellites detected one of these reconnection conduits, the famous "breach". But it was not the reconnection which was really interesting (though this was a large one, they happen regularly), it was the fact that the solar wind had a northward orientation at the time. Before this, it had been theorized that magnetic reconnection could occur with a northward solar wind but the theories were verified by the THEMIS satellites (yea, science!). Just exactly how it came about is giving the theorists even more to play with.
So, what happens to these ions and electrons that get trapped and bounce around in the magnetosphere? Some of them, the ones closer to the magnetopause, get dragged back into the tail of the magnetosphere and rejoin the solar wind. Some, guided by the Earth's magnetic field, work their way toward the poles. At the poles the magnetic lines of force direct the particles downward into the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere. This is where the auroras occur. The particles which originated from the sun, got trapped by the magnetosphere and then forced to the polar regions, now find themselves surrounded by uncharged particles (atoms). When the solar particles (driven by the magnetic field) slam into these atoms they "precipitate", in the process producing the light show of the aurora.
I have to start with a disclaimer. The interactions of the solar wind and the magnetosphere are very complex. I don't have the tools for a full understanding but I do have a grasp of the fundamentals.
For some reason the 17:37 simulator run doesn't show in the archive but the one from 17:28 is pretty close to the same situation. At that time there was a bump up in solar wind density that accounts for the increase in pressure. You can see in successive runs that as the density again decreases, so does the pressure. Notice also that the velocity has been showing a slow but steady decline. I would expect that we might see a couple more brief bumps over the next day or so due to the sporadic flares we've been seen during the decline of activity of our Group (which seems to have woken up a bit in the past few hours).
The Kp readings are not tied very closely to the solar wind density or speed. As you can see in the data for the Magnetic Field Vectors, the magnetic orientation of the solar wind has been quite stable. This part is tricky but as I understand it, it takes a fairly strong southern orientation of the By component to produce much in the way of geomagnetic effects. In any case the amount of fluctuation in both components has been minimal. It's that fluctuation that seems to get the magnetosphere riled up. That's why the Kp levels have been low.
Our magnetosphere is doing what it does, deflecting the solar wind. The harder the wind pushes, the harder the magnetosphere pushes back. That's why the pressure increases and the magnetosphere will always win. A huge solar event does not "strike" Earth, it strikes the magnetosphere. In defense (to be poetic) the magnetosphere creates the disturbances which can cause huge problems for us.
The "holes" which occur are not really holes through the magnetosphere. They are more like tunnels into the magnetosphere which allow the charged particles
of the solar wind to penetrate to areas that they can't normally reach. These areas are thousands of miles above the surface of the Earth and the "holes" pose no direct danger. But...if one of them happens to form at the same time as a good sized event on the Sun, the additional charged particles could enhance the processes which lead to geomagnetic storms and kick it up a notch or two.
This climb up to Solar Maximum is going to be really interesting. We've got tools up there that we've never had before. We're going to be learning a lot.