Sismos Internacionais 2016

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Ken McCaffrey‏@k_mccaffrey
Rupture for long portions of Vettore fault - visible from the road. @theearthquakes @LukeWedmore @NERC_COMET


Robin Lacassin ‏@RLacassin 15m15 minutes ago
Robin Lacassin Retweeted Ken McCaffrey

Mw6.5 #earthquake #Italy: clear double (at least) coseismic rupture Monte Vettore Fault: on up. limestone scarp, & on oblique fault beneath

Sky TG24 ‏@SkyTG24 4h4 hours ago
#Terremotocentroitalia, fratture sui rilievi montuosi nei pressi dell’epicentro. In diretta con @Monicanpl #Canale50


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a realidade Italiana é diferente da nossa, as falhas passam mesmo por debaixo do território, e o Stromboli o Vesúvio estão lá para nos lembrar disso, por cá é o famoso Gorringe que esta longe mas que já deu provas do que pode fazer.
a prevenção é a melhor arma, infelizmente com a mania do novo velho chique as casas são mal recuperadas apenas para inglês ver, as famosas gaiolas vão ao ar
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Reactions: Wessel1985 e lserpa
a realidade Italiana é diferente da nossa, as falhas passam mesmo por debaixo do território, e o Stromboli o Vesúvio estão lá para nos lembrar disso, por cá é o famoso Gorringe que esta longe mas que já deu provas do que pode fazer.
a prevenção é a melhor arma, infelizmente com a mania do novo velho chique as casas são mal recuperadas apenas para inglês ver, as famosas gaiolas vão ao ar
Essa é a falha mais conhecida e com potencial mais destruidor, mas existem outras que já geraram eventos destrutívos como a falha de Benavente, a falha da Vilariça, Nazaré-Pombal, a do Vale do Sado, etc.
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Smoking Gun: Classic Active Faults

Although many of Italy’s extensional faults are so young that there is frustratingly little evidence for geologists to map at the surface. They are called ‘blind faults,’ because the geologists are blind to their presence. But the faults near Norcia are an exception: They are remarkably clear and well developed features. Although uncertain, these faults probably last ruptured in 1703. One sees a landscape (below) very similar to the U.S. Basin and Range province of Nevada and Utah, which is also strewn with active extensional faults.


The features of extensional (‘normal’) faults are evident in the epicentral region. Repeated earthquakes have likely pushed down the basin in which Norcia sits, and uplifted the range in which Castelluccio is nestled. Wineglass valleys are unique to extensional fault-sculpted landscapes, and the giant landslide above Castelvecchio was probably triggered by a past Preci or Campi Fault quake. These faults are schematically shown by Galadini and Galli (2000).

Stressed faults continue to rupture, and they in turn change the stress

At this point it is unclear if only the Campi and Preci Faults ruptured, or if the Norcia Fault did as well. At M=6.6, surface rupture is likely, with 50-100 cm of slip expected, and so soon the answer will reveal itself by geological mapping, as well as by GPS, satellite radar, and seismic observations. What we can say at this point is that the M=6.6 shock is probably a compact, high-stress drop event, and that if it indeed ruptured the Campi and Preci Faults, stress has been transferred south onto the Norcia Fault, which is now in play.


Here is the figure we published on 26 October, revised to show the past 24 hours of new mainshocks and aftershocks (left). The 30 October 2016 shock probably struck on the Campi-Preci Faults, which, according to the INGV, was brought closer to failure by the 24 August 2016 M=6.2 shock (right).

In our judgment, the Norcia, Gorzano, Capitignano Faults could now be the next domino pieces to fall.
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