Sismos Internacional - 2007

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Re: Sismologia - Seguimento 2007

Foi de facto um sismo muito violento. O nº de vítimas mortais já ascende a mais de 500 mas deverá ser bastante superior.

Para além do sismo de 8.0 houve dezenas de réplicas, sendo que duas delas foram superiores a 6.0


O último sismo de grande intensidade nesta região tinha sido a 23 de Junho de 2001, Magnitude de 8.4, que provocou apenas 75 mortos apesar de ter sido um dos sismos mais intensos nas últimas décadas em todo o mundo.

Pior sorte aconteceu umas décadas antes, a 31 de Maio de 1970, um sismo de 7.9 provocou a maior tragédia da história do Peru até hoje. Mais de 50 mil pessoas morreram.

A costa do Peru (e de outros países) tem um longo e trágico historial sísmico, pois fica na fronteira entre a placa tectónica de Nazca e a placa sul-americana. Para perceber o quanto intensa é a interacção entre estas 2 placas, basta dizer que a Cordilheira dos Andes se formaram devido ao processo de subducção da placa de Nazca sob a placa sul-americana, ou seja, a placa de Nazda desliza para debaixo da sul-americana.


Oceanic-continental destructive plate boundaries
This type of plate margin can be seen running the length of the west coast of South America, where the Nazca plate is being subducted beneath South America. It can also be seen along the west coast of North America north of Carolina to Alaska.
The western margin of South America is made up of a considerable thickness of low density continental crust, which makes the plate buoyant and thus causes it to override or 'float' above the denser Nazca plate. The Nazca plate is composed entirely of dense basaltic rocks and peridotite, and therefore when the plates are forced together the denser Nazca plate is dragged down beneath the less dense continental plate, forming a subduction zone.


Um video com fotografias dos efeitos do sismo, bastante emotivo e pertubador.

Editado por um moderador:
Novamente bastante activo o Anel de Fogo do Pacífico, com vários sismos de grande intensidade na Indonésia. Esta zona como devem saber é a mais sísmica e vulcânica do Mundo, conta com 432 vulcões, sendo que mais de metade dos vulcões activos no mundo estão nesta cintura, que conjuntamente com o movimento de várias placas tectónicas contribui para que 90% de todos os sismos do planeta sejam ao longo deste anel, e 80% dos sismos mais violentos também tivessem sido registados aquil.

Novo sismo na Indonésia :

Terramoto abala ilha de Sumatra
Um terramoto com a magnitude de 6,4 atingiu a ilha indonésia de Sumatra, afirmou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS).

Segundo a agência geológica indonésia, o tremor foi registado a 149 quilómetros a sudoeste de Painan, na Província de Sumatra Ocidental, e ocorreu a uma profundidade de 70 quilómetros.

Este mês, no dia 12, um terramoto de magnitude 8,4 matou mais de 20 pessoas em Sumatra e milhares de casas foram destruídas e danificadas na região.

Nas últimas duas semanas, a área tem sido alvo de uma série de fortes réplicas, que levaram a alertas de tsunami na Indonésia e em outros países da região.

A Indonésia, situada num cinturão de intensa actividade sísmica conhecido por ‘Anel de Fogo do Pacífico’, foi atingida por um forte terramoto em Dezembro de 2004, que provocou um devastador tsunami no oceano Índico.

Mais de 230 mil pessoas morreram na região, entre elas 170 mil indonésios.


Não ta mm nada facil...sera que estas libertaçoes ed energia serão beneficas, ou serão o pressagio p algo monumental..?
Estranho. Dois sismos em locais muito distintos à mesma hora e quase à mesma profundidade. Será somente coincidência?

2007-12-02 07:38:26.5 8.56N__103.06W__10km__4.7__ NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE
2007-12-02 07:38:15.0 31.66N___35.48E__15km__4.2__ DEAD SEA REGION

Magnitude mb 6.0

Date time 2007-12-07 at 00:47:28.0 UTC
Location 30.18 N ; 140.98 E
Depth 10 km


Earthquake jolts Japan island, felt in Tokyo

TOKYO, Dec 7 (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6 jolted a tiny island about 500 km (310 miles) south of Tokyo on Friday, a Japanese government agency said.
The quake, at 9:48 a.m. (0048 GMT), was felt in the capital and areas further north.
The epicentre of the tremor was near the island of Torishima and its depth about 50 km (30 miles), the Japan Meteorological Agency said on its Web site (
There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage and no tsunami warning was issued.

Inicialmente foi marcado magnitude 6.0 pelo USGS e EMCS, mas mais tarde (como já vem sendo hábito), reduziram para 5.7 e 5.8, talvez para pensarmos que foi "normal". :disgust:

("they lowered that eq reading quickly its just a 5.7 lol ..they do that all the time. Trying to get people to believe ...."all is ok" lol wont work.")
Strong earthquake rocks UN climate conference in Bali

JAKARTA: A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Bali island in Indonesia on Friday, officials said, and it was strongly felt at the UN climate conference in the resort island.

The earthquake, which hit at 1605 IST, struck 261 kilometres southwest of the Bali resort of Nusa Dua, where delegates are meeting to craft a strategy to combat climate change, Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said in a statement.
There was no threat of a tsunami, and the quake struck at a depth of 10 kilometres, the agency said.
Re: Seguimento - Dezembro de 2007


Pela primeira vez na história, uma pessoa morreu por causa de um tremor de terra no Brasil. Foi uma garota de 5 anos de idade. O terremoto ocorreu em Itacarambí, Minas Gerais, estado do Brasil à cerca de 1100km ao norte de São Paulo. Aconteceu as 0h05min de 09 de dezembro, durou 15 segundos e teve intensidade de 4,9° na Escala Richter, deixou 6 pessoas feridas, derrubou 6 casas e danificou outras 70.

Esse não foi o terremoto mais forte do Brasil:
TERREMOTO MAIS INTENSO: 6,2° na escala richter em Porto dos Gaúchos(MT)
EM 31/01/1955 nenhuma vítima.( área remota )

TERREMOTO MAIS DESTRUTIVO: 5,1° na escala richter em João Câmara(RN)
EM 30/11/1986- 4 mil casas derrubadas, nenhuma vítima

forte chuva em 6 de dezembro: 73,4mm acumulados em são paulo, rajadas de 70km/h, mais forte de 114km/h no campo de marte...
2007-12-13 07:23:44.3 22.96S 70.58W 50km 6.0 OFFSHORE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
2007-12-13 05:35:25.3 23.05S 70.65W 34km 5.3 OFFSHORE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
2007-12-13 05:20:24.6 23.13S 70.60W 40km 5.9 OFFSHORE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Indonesia, 6.3 and 5.8 earthquakes hit East Timor

JAKARTA, Indonesia: A deep 7.1-magnitude earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Saturday, sending panicked residents running out of their homes, the Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency and witnesses said.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami alert was issued, said Suharjono, an agency spokesman.
The tremor struck at a depth of about 100 kilometers (60 miles) in Maluku province, about 2,700 kilometers (1,700 miles) east of the capital, Jakarta.
The U.S. Geological Survey put the quake at a magnitude 6.3.
"The TV, chairs, everything in my house fell down, I saw utility poles shaking," Gulman, a resident of Saumlaki town on the island of Tanimbar, told El-Shinta radio.


Large Earthquakes May Broadcast Warnings, But Is Anyone Tuning In To Listen?

SAN FRANCISCO –- Scientists revealed data Thursday that an electromagnetic alarm might have preceded a 2007 earthquake in Northern California. The evidence could offer support to a controversial theory that mysterious and little-understood signals might offer fair warning for imminent catastrophic earthquakes.

Scientists detected the signal Oct. 30 near Milpitas, California, 19 hours before a medium-size quake -- with its epicenter in the Alum Rock neighborhood of San Jose -- shook the region, scientists told Wired News Thursday.
"Alum Rock saw a signal that didn't happen at any other site: It was a series of electromagnetic pulses that were drawn out over eight minutes," said Tom Bleier, a researcher with QuakeFinder, a Palo Alto firm. He cautioned, however, that further study is needed to determine if the electromagnetic signal has "some other cause" besides the quake.

The new data, reported here at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting, was met with some skepticism. But the evidence could be a watershed moment in earthquake detection, a field that has a long and perpetually disappointing history. The discovery could strengthen the case of scientists who suggest that big quakes are preceded by strange signals, including one that may have come before the catastrophic 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area.

"There are at least a dozen theories that predict these (electromagnetic precursors) should occur," said Jacob Bortnik, a UCLA space physicist and a consultant for QuakeFinder.
7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Indonesia, 6.3 and 5.8 earthquakes hit East Timor

JAKARTA, Indonesia: A deep 7.1-magnitude earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Saturday, sending panicked residents running out of their homes, the Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency and witnesses said.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami alert was issued, said Suharjono, an agency spokesman.
The tremor struck at a depth of about 100 kilometers (60 miles) in Maluku province, about 2,700 kilometers (1,700 miles) east of the capital, Jakarta.
The U.S. Geological Survey put the quake at a magnitude 6.3.
"The TV, chairs, everything in my house fell down, I saw utility poles shaking," Gulman, a resident of Saumlaki town on the island of Tanimbar, told El-Shinta radio.

2nd quake in northwestern Iran triggers panic

Large Earthquakes May Broadcast Warnings, But Is Anyone Tuning In To Listen?

SAN FRANCISCO –- Scientists revealed data Thursday that an electromagnetic alarm might have preceded a 2007 earthquake in Northern California. The evidence could offer support to a controversial theory that mysterious and little-understood signals might offer fair warning for imminent catastrophic earthquakes.

Scientists detected the signal Oct. 30 near Milpitas, California, 19 hours before a medium-size quake -- with its epicenter in the Alum Rock neighborhood of San Jose -- shook the region, scientists told Wired News Thursday.
"Alum Rock saw a signal that didn't happen at any other site: It was a series of electromagnetic pulses that were drawn out over eight minutes," said Tom Bleier, a researcher with QuakeFinder, a Palo Alto firm. He cautioned, however, that further study is needed to determine if the electromagnetic signal has "some other cause" besides the quake.

The new data, reported here at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting, was met with some skepticism. But the evidence could be a watershed moment in earthquake detection, a field that has a long and perpetually disappointing history. The discovery could strengthen the case of scientists who suggest that big quakes are preceded by strange signals, including one that may have come before the catastrophic 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area.

"There are at least a dozen theories that predict these (electromagnetic precursors) should occur," said Jacob Bortnik, a UCLA space physicist and a consultant for QuakeFinder.
GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin
Automatic GEOFON Global Seismic Monitor

Region: Near Coast of Northern Chile
Time: 2007/12/16 08:09:16.8 UTC

Magnitude: 7.1
Epicenter: 70.03°W 22.81°S
Depth: 14 km
Status: automatic
