O vulcão tem estado continuamente a libertar muita cinza para a atmosfera
FL000-FL200: 0 aos 6 mil metros
FL200-FL350: Dos 6 mil aos 10/11 mil metros
A no fly zone has been designated from FL000 to FL 200 in the north part of Portugal. All the coordinates are published in the NOTAM A1907/10
More areas designated as NO FLY ZONE have been published via NOTAM A1914/10 A1915/10 A1916/10 some of these areas are from FL200 to FL350.
AO should pay attention to possible tactical rerouting around the No Fly Zone in Portuguese airspace and calculate fuel accordingly.
FL000-FL200: 0 aos 6 mil metros
FL200-FL350: Dos 6 mil aos 10/11 mil metros