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Já não deve faltar muito para os céticos publicarem a sua análise anual -
India Cold Wave Breaks Records, Shuts Schools and Makes Bad Air Worse
NEW DELHI — A brutal cold wave has swept northern India, blanketing streets in freezing fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and prompting school closures.
India’s capital, New Delhi, experienced its coldest day in December in 119 years on Monday, with the maximum temperature dipping below 49 degrees Fahrenheit (9.4 Celsius), about 20 degrees below the average for December. Last week, the city broke its longest cold spell in more than two decades, with 10 consecutive days of extreme weather.
Northern India, with its expanses of farmland and desert, is more accustomed to heat waves than dangerous cold fronts, both of which have been linked to climate change.
The fog is often so blinding that drivers cannot see cars slowing down in front of them, causing accidents and highway pileups. In December, hundreds of flights and trains were delayed or canceled because of low visibility.
Last week, six people were killed in the city of Noida, near New Delhi, after their car skidded off the road. Investigators blamed heavy fog.
In neighboring Bangladesh, a prolonged cold spell that started in November has left at least 50 people dead, including 17 children, according to Ayesha Akhter, a medical officer in Dhaka, the capital.
Retailers are struggling to keep up. Ramesh Gupta, a shopkeeper in New Delhi who works at one of India’s biggest electrical wholesalers’ markets, said that most branded heating appliances had sold out and that prices for basic heaters had doubled in the last week, to about $19 from $10.
Vivek Sharma, who sells woolen clothing in South Delhi, said he kept shuttling between his small shop and the warehouses where he replenishes his inventory. Even those places were running low, he said.“I have never seen such demand for warm clothes,” Mr. Sharma said as a customer picked through knitted sweaters. “After an hour, nothing will be left.”
On Tuesday, frigid winds blew a hole in the side of a night shelter in Chandni Chowk, a lower-income part of New Delhi. The 50 or so people sleeping inside started to shiver and drew closer to each other.
“In such biting cold, it is not possible to sleep without a roof,” said Manmohan Singh, a laborer who earns less than $10 a day and sometimes sleeps in the shelter.
Outside the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, a large hospital in New Delhi that offers free treatment to the country’s poorest, hundreds of patients sprawled out on sidewalks, covering themselves with quilts for a night in the cold.
“I have no other option,” said Sarveshwar Pandey, a farmer in a wool cap, who had traveled hundreds of miles from Bihar for knee treatment and slept outside on Tuesday.
The New York Times
"The climate change affecting the intensity and frequency of Western Disturbances can bring mercury down in northern region in years to come, while central and southern Indian regions could be more warmer," says Dr Bhupinder B. Singh, senior scientist at the government's premier Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) at Pune.
"The climate change affecting the intensity and frequency of Western Disturbances can bring mercury down in northern region in years to come, while central and southern Indian regions could (could ???) be more warmer,"
Portanto, se houver uma anomalia de temperaturas para cima ou para baixo, a justificação vai ser sempre alterações climáticas, tá certo.
e tenta procurar a temperatura média do planeta (que é perto de 14ºc) e dão sempre em relação a época de 1850 1900 que foi uma altura de temperaturas mais baixas e medidas em termómetros de mercúrio, mas pronto quando alguém fala disto é sempre negacionista e maluquinho das conspirações, mas quando pergunto qual deve ser o clima certo que devíamos ter ninguém respondePortanto, se houver uma anomalia de temperaturas para cima ou para baixo, a justificação vai ser sempre alterações climáticas, tá certo.
Somos mesmo anjinhos ao pensar que as médias de um planeta se fazem em apenas 100 anos.
Há pessoas que pensam além das modinhas da nova eraIncrivel como ainda ha pessoas a ignorar o obvio com todos os dados disponiveis.
Ninguém te vai responder, só te vão dizer que é incrível como ignoras o óbvio. Mas qual é o óbvio mesmo?e tenta procurar a temperatura média do planeta (que é perto de 14ºc) e dão sempre em relação a época de 1850 1900 que foi uma altura de temperaturas mais baixas e medidas em termómetros de mercúrio, mas pronto quando alguém fala disto é sempre negacionista e maluquinho das conspirações, mas quando pergunto qual deve ser o clima certo que devíamos ter ninguém responde
A ciência e os cientistas, e centenas de estudos de caráter científico. Mas realmente isso da ciência é uma coisa chata, que pode ser sempre refutada com argumentos não científicos... Num fórum de ciência, claro. Por isso é normal que num fórum de meteorologia (que é uma ciência) perante argumentação não científica, não haja grande paciência.Ninguém te vai responder, só te vão dizer que é incrível como ignoras o óbvio. Mas qual é o óbvio mesmo?