E então? O facto disso ter acontecido, e até por motivos naturais, mais uma vez até vem ajudar a explicar o pq de tanta preocupação ou "alarmismo" com o AG...
In China, the two foods in the tightest spots are pork and corn, with the nation’s pigs hit hard by African swine fever and much of the year’s corn crop ruined by floods. But fresh foods of all stripes are in short supply, too, due to the coronavirus pandemic and flooding — from eggs, to seafood, to leafy green vegetables.
For August overall, maximum and minimum temperatures were close to average for most parts.
E o lugar onde está guardada 80% da água fresca do mundo? Lembro-me de há uns anos ter visto que a Antártida tinha os glaciares em ligeiro crescimento, mas acho que essa tendência já acabou há muito
High temperatures across the polar region bestowed the Arctic with the second warmest August in history and, at the same time, with the hottest summer ever observed there.