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Northern Hemisphere Total Snow Mass is ALREADY 300 Gigatons above the 1982-2012 Average

A dada altura devem ter usado o gráfico do ano passado.


O mundo está a arrefecer abruptamente? O sol vai-se apagar a qualquer momento? A Terra está a ser empalada por raios cósmicos? O jet polar vai amanhã chegar ao equador? O nível do mar vai recuar tanto que vou poder ir a pé para as outras ilhas?

Nem por isso. E quem quiser aprender mais sobre as nuances da neve, basta clicar aqui.

In northern areas, where rainfall generally turns to snow in winter, the snow mass has remained the same or even increased. In the southern parts, where in winter rainfall comes down as water rather than snow, both the extent of the snow cover and the snow mass have decreased.
Última edição:


If Solar Cycle 25 meets the panel’s predictions, it should be weaker than average. Cycle 25 is also expected to end a longer trend over the past four decades, in which the magnetic field at the Sun’s poles were gradually weakening. As a result, the solar cycles have been steadily weaker too. If Solar Cycle 25 sees an end to this waning, it would quell speculations that the Sun might enter a grand solar minimum, a decades-to-centuries long stretch of little solar activity. The last such minimum — known as the Maunder minimum — occurred in the middle of what’s known as the Little Ice Age from the 13th to 19th centuries, causing erroneous beliefs that another grand minimum could lead to global cooling.

“There is no indication that we are currently approaching a Maunder-type minimum in solar activity,” Upton said. But even if the Sun dropped into a grand minimum, there’s no reason to think Earth would undergo another Ice Age; not only do scientists theorize that the Little Ice Age occurred for other reasons, but in our contemporary world, greenhouse gases far surpass the Sun’s effects when it comes to changes in Earth’s climate.

Faltam 2 dias ->


Over next 7 days North America will be epicenter of largest temp anomaly in the world

It's important to note that just because Wisconsin has been below average it doesn't mean the whole world is too. A lot of the cold air that should be over the Arctic Circle has shifted over Canada and is a big reason for the forecasted temperature anomaly.Without that arctic airmass in place, above-average temperatures are able to intrude on areas that should be gaining sea ice rapidly. Instead, arctic sea ice extent is at record low numbers. All of Europe and North of Russia during the same time of our cooler than average conditions will be forecast to be 2˚C-12˚C above average.

Era glaciar iminente!!!
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It's holly damn Spring in New Zealand atm.
Keep on watching closely, but be careful, your eyes might sparkle !