Aquecimento Global

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Claro que todos estes recuos dos glaciares estão mais do que monitorizados, investigados e documentados cientificamente. Mas como para a opinião negacionista os cientistas são na sua maioria aldrabões, tudo o que é prova científica e factual do aquecimento global vai para o lixo, e com ela a inteligência de uma massa de seguidores ignorantes ou que não lhes convém aceitar a realidade. Então aparece um testemunho in loco feito por pessoas "comuns" e esse testemunho torna-se viral e muitos dos tais seguidores do negacionismo espantam-se e começam a duvidar: "ohhh, se calhar é mesmo verdade, se estas pessoas tiraram estas fotos e não são cientistas..." :facepalm:

A minha pergunta é: qual a razão porque os factos registados e observados por uma esmagadora maioria de cientistas de todos os países, de todo o mundo, de todos os regimes políticos, etc, são ocultados e/ou negados? De que lado está a "conspiração", afinal?
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A minha pergunta é: qual a razão porque os factos registados e observados por uma esmagadora maioria de cientistas de todos os países, de todo o mundo, de todos os regimes políticos, etc, são ocultados e/ou negados? De que lado está a "conspiração", afinal?
Mas tu queres mesmo pedir racionalidade a membros de um culto? A razão pela qual essas pessoas acreditam que o aquecimento global/alterações climáticas é uma mentira é a mesma que leva a que milhões de pessoas sigam religiões ainda em pleno século XXI, quando praticamente tudo pode ser explicado pela racionalidade empírica associada ao método científico. :disgust:

A conspiração está obviamente do lado daqueles que promovem a ideia de que as alterações climáticas são uma farsa, que são aqueles que têm interesse em que nada se faça para continuarem a lucrar com os combustíveis fósseis. Para criarem o culto dizem aos seus seguidores que "tudo o que conhecem sobre as alterações climáticas é uma mentira" - que é para depois poderem recitar o sermão cheio de falsidades e conspirações. É assim que começam todos os cultos, religiões ou ceitas... :unsure:
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It is now too hot, not only in Portugal, but also in many other places in Europe

"Since 1954, so-called radio soundings have been carried out daily. At noon and midnight, a weather balloon rises from Payerne/VD, which measures, among other things, the air temperature. From this, the zero degree limit can be determined exactly for this time. Until 2022, the zero degree limit was only once above 5000 m. In 2022, this limit was breached once, and in 2023 twice. Now it happened again on Saturday afternoon, the zero degree limit rose again to a good 5000 m.


Climate change helps a lot [to get this hot]
What used to (almost) never happen is now happening almost regularly. With climate change, the average zero-degree limit has risen by 300 to 400 m since 1961. The chance that the 5000-meter mark will be exceeded is therefore increasing.


A última edição da Courrier Internacional realmente dedica muito espaço ao aquecimento global. Artigos de várias fontes mostram diferentes perspectivas, o que é muito valioso.

Pode-se baixar o PDF do site deles, o que é uma ótima opção para quem quer aprofundar mais no assunto.

David :-)


O mais anómalo é isto:

2024 began with extremely warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Atlantic during February to March, when temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). This was the strongest warm event since 1982. Equally remarkable was the rapid transition from warm to cold SST anomalies. Never before has the eastern equatorial Atlantic swung so quickly from one to another extreme event.
Surprisingly, the observed cold anomalies in the eastern equatorial Atlantic during June/July 2024 coincide with a weakening of the southeasterly trade winds near the equator. Relaxed equatorial winds are usually associated with reduced upwelling and warm anomalies. Only south of 5 degrees South were the southeasterly trade winds stronger than usual. As of now, these atmosphere-ocean conditions, apparently unfavorable for the developing Atlantic Niña event, are quite perplexing. We will need to dig deeper to reveal the exact causes of this seemingly unusual event.
We’ll be keeping an eye on this event in coming weeks, and will have a follow-up post later this month letting you know whether an Atlantic Niña fully developed. We’ll also go over some of the hypotheses scientists have for what triggers these events and how their frequency might be affected over the coming century by human-caused global warming. Stay tuned!

É esperar pela publicação da atualização ->
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Mike Weber, a paleooceanographer from Germany's University of Bonn, who specializes in Antarctic ice sheet stability, says sediment records dating back 21,000 years show similar periods of accelerated ice melt.

The ice sheet has experienced similar accelerated ice mass loss at least eight times, Weber said, with acceleration beginning over a few decades that kick off a phase of ice loss that can last centuries, leading to dramatically higher sea levels around the world.
Weber says ice loss has picked up over the last decade, and the question is whether it's already kicked off a centuries-long phase or not.

"Maybe we're entering such a phase right now," Weber said. "If we are, at least for now, there will be no stopping it." "


"Weber says the earth's crust rebounds in response to retreating glaciers and their diminishing weight could balance out sea level rise, and new research published weeks ago shows that a balance is still possible if the rate of change is slow enough.
"If we keep emissions low, we can stop this eventually," said Weber. "If we keep them high, we have a runaway situation and we cannot do anything."
Mathieu Casado, a paleoclimate and polar meteorologist at France's Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory, specializes in studying water isotopes to reconstruct historical temperatures.
Casado said data from dozens of ice cores collected throughout the ice sheet has allowed him to reconstruct temperature patterns in Antarctica dating back 800,000 years.
Casado's research showed that the current temperature rise in the last fifty years was clearly outside natural variability, highlighting the role of industry in producing carbon emissions that drive climate change.
He added that the last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago and sea levels were 6 to 9 meters higher "with quite a bit of contribution for West Antarctica."
Temperature and carbon dioxide were historically at equilibrium and balanced each other out, Casado said, but we currently have much higher levels of CO2 and are far from equilibrium.
Casado and other scientists noted the speed and quantity at which carbon is being pumped into the atmosphere is unprecedented.
Gino Casassa, a glaciologist and head of Chilean Antarctic Institute, said that current estimates show sea levels rising by 4 meters by 2100 and more if emissions continue to grow.
"What happens in Antarctica doesn't stay in Antarctica," said Casassa, adding that global atmospheric, ocean and weather patterns are linked to the continent.
"Antarctica isn't just an ice refrigerator isolated from the rest of the planet that has no impact." "
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He added that the last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago and sea levels were 6 to 9 meters higher
Estas conclusões estão de acordo com os contornos que se vêem actualmente na costa do continente, por exemplo com a existência da arriba fóssil da Caparica ou das costas do Sotavento. Com o abaixamento posterior do nível ficaram à vista vastas faixas de terreno à frente das arribas. Com nova subida essas faixas voltarão a desaparecer, mas desta vez com consequências trágicas. Variações menores, de pouco metros como a que se espera até 2100 em cenários mais graves, a par dos assoreamentos fizeram desaparecer certas intrusões marítimas que até permitiram já em tempos históricos a navegação por estuários ou braços de mar até portos interiores.