Astronomia e Ciências Espaciais 2014

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Que monstro :shocking:

Os quatro telescópios principais que compõem o VLT (Very Large Telescope) do Observatório Europeu do Sul (ESO), no Chile, foram utilizados em conjunto para avaliar o tamanho de uma estrela hipergigante amarela. E, conforme anunciou o ESO em comunicado esta quarta-feira, permitiram descobrir várias características surpreendentes, como o seu desmesurado tamanho e a presença de uma estrela companheira, tão próxima dela que as duas literalmente se tocam.

Segundo a equipa internacional que realizou as observações, liderada por Olivier Chesneau, do Observatório da Côte d’Azur (França), o diâmetro da HR 5171 A, situada na nossa galáxia (a Via Láctea), é 1300 vezes maior que o do Sol. Trata-se assim da maior estrela amarela detectada até hoje e de uma das dez maiores estrelas jamais descobertas, sendo 50% maior do que a célebre supergigante vermelha Betelgeuse, situada na constelação de Orionte.

A HR 5171 A é também um milhão de vezes mais brilhante do que o Sol e, apesar de se encontrar a uns 12.000 anos-luz da Terra, é praticamente visível a olho nu “para quem tiver a vista aguçada”, diz ainda o comunicado.

Quando esta explodir...
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Lua, há escassos minutos :)


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The heliophysics communitty is buzzing today in response to an article in Nature Communications, which describes an intense solar storm that narrowly missed Earth almost two years ago. On July 23, 2012, a CME rocketed away from the sun at 2000 km/s, almost four times faster than a typical eruption. The storm tore through Earth orbit, but fortunately Earth wasn't there. Instead it hit the STEREO-A spacecraft, which experienced the most intense solar proton storm since 1976. Researchers have been analyzing the data ever since, and they have concluded that the storm was akin to the Carrington Event of 1859.

The Carrington Event was a series of powerful CMEs that hit Earth head-on, sparking Northern Lights as far south as Tahiti. Intense geomagnetic storms caused global telegraph lines to spark, setting fire to some telegraph offices and disabling the 'Victorian Internet." A similar storm today would have a catastrophic effect on modern power grids and telecommunication networks. According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences, the total economic impact could exceed $2 trillion or 20 times greater than the costs of a Hurricane Katrina. Multi-ton transformers fried by such a storm could take years to repair.

The paper in Nature Communications describes what gave the July 2012 storm Carrington-like potency. For one thing, the CME was actually two CMEs separated by only 10 to 15 minutes. Plus the CMEs traveled through a region of space that had been cleared out by another CME four days earlier. As a result, they were not decelerated as much as usual by their transit through the interplanetary medium.

The storm clouds crossed Earth's orbit in a place where Earth itself would be about 1 week later, so it was a relatively narrow escape. The whole episode highlights the perils of space weather. Many observers have noted that the current solar cycle is weak, perhaps the weakest in 100 years. Now we see that even a weak solar cycle can produce a very strong storm. Earth is not safe from these kind of events, so it's time to be prepared.

The original research reported here may be found in Nature Communications: "Observations of an extreme storm in interplanetary space caused by successive coronal mass ejections" by Ying D. Liu et al., published on March, 18, 2014.

Teria sido um evento fascinante e memorável mas profundamente destrutivo. É caso para dizer: Safamo-nos de boa. Da próxima podemos não ter tanta sorte.
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Duas fantásticas descobertas na Astronomia a primeira foi a descoberta surpreendente de que o asteróide remoto Chariklo se encontra rodeado por dois anéis densos e estreitos. Este é o objeto mais pequeno descoberto até agora que apresenta anéis e apenas o quinto corpo no Sistema Solar

A segunda foi descoberto o mais distante planeta-anão! E estima-se existir um planeta maior por perto:
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Mars alternates between good and bad years for viewing in our sky, and 2014 is a good year! Why? Because Earth will fly between the sun and Mars on April 8, 2014. This month we’re closer to Mars than Earth has come for almost six-and-a-half years. Mars appears brighter and bigger in our sky than it has since December 2007. It’s also in a convenient place for viewing. Watch for Mars in the night sky! Mars looks like a bright red star, although it shines with a steadier light than the twinkling stars. In early April, Mars is rising in the east around the time of sunset. By late April, it’s already up in the east when night falls. It’s up all night! Plus Mars will be near the moon on the night of the total lunar eclipse on April 14-15!

In fact, circle the nights of April 13-14 and April 14-15 on your calendar. A bright nearly full moon will pair up with the red planet on the night of April 13-14. The next night (April 14-15), as seen from the Americas, the blood-red eclipsed full moon will appear next to blood-red Mars. Follow the links below to learn more about seeing Mars in 2014.
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Topico duplicado já esta em gopro, mas mais uma vez é fake, um objecto que chega a terra a perto de 40 kms nunca irá atingir uma velocidade tão baixa, ou é consumido pelo atrito ou chega a alta velocidade a terra