Re: Seguimento Europa 2010
Sorry (em Ingles) but without getting into the dispute at large, but Ferreiro is very right when he says that some "redes" are not official. I have checked many weatherstations, also from official institutes like the KNMI, whenever data became rather peculiar. And virtually everytime this could be deduced to local station errors. Like :trees, buildings, hedges.
In the case of amateurs, on top of that, this is generally lacking in so many cases:
- WMO surroundings (200m surrounding the station no obstacles, short grass etc). Virtually no one measures as such.
- Not a good sensorscreen
- No calibrated equipment (DAVIS vantage Pro has already an error of 0,5 C standard).
It is not to bring amateurs down. It is simply a fact that they rarely, rarely measure officialy. Their data are not right or wrong, they simply can not be compared with official data in most cases. Indeed rarely organisations of amateurs check any station. There are a lot of wanabee-people. I have seen pictures of amateurs claiming "absolutely free" surroundings when in fact they were measuring in a largish garden (20-50 m or so) in a village. When I asked them to change their status (it is classified in the Netherlands) they simply did not respond...
So no: amateur stations can not be used as a comparison with official stations in most cases. You can easily get several degrees of difference in so many ways.
Ferreira, in my opinion, is also correct when he says that he does not need to live anywhere to dispute things. He has ample official data by AEMET to prove his point. Others have to show us data of the same quality and length
(30 years) to prove him wrong. Not their subjective personal experiences.
I asked the quastion for data of -5 in Spain below 1000 metres. I have not seen any proof and I do not believe it in general. I think -2 is about as low as you get in the coldest places.
1 - Não vejo nada de mal em dados colhidos por organizações particulares\amadoras, uma vez que a seriedade pode ser a mesma de organizações institucionais. O facto é este: há critérios de qualidade mínimos para fazer parte destas organizações. Muitas vezes as estações meteorológicas são de grande qualidade (profissional até).
Até por isso estamos cá nós entusiastas\amadores a disponibilizar os nossos dados, muitas vezes de zonas sem cobertura por parte das organizações oficiais.
2 - Não é vergonha tentar impressionar os membros e leitores deste fórum. De facto o que é vergonhoso é andarmos nesta lenga-lenga dias e dias a fio, situação caricata até...
Os dados que vão sendo colocados obedecem ao espírito do fórum. Podem ser de estações amadoras mas não significa que sejam falsos. Todos temos que entender que estes dados nos dão o clima aproximado destas zonas que, volto a frisar, não tem cobertura das entidades oficiais.
São os amadores, mais ou menos entusiastas, mais ou menos "profissionais" na meteorologia, que procuram preencher os espaços vazios na impossibilidade de existirem estações meteorológicas oficiais em cada espaço, em cada zona.
Por favor: tornem este espaço mais salutar!
Sorry (em Ingles) but without getting into the dispute at large, but Ferreiro is very right when he says that some "redes" are not official. I have checked many weatherstations, also from official institutes like the KNMI, whenever data became rather peculiar. And virtually everytime this could be deduced to local station errors. Like :trees, buildings, hedges.
In the case of amateurs, on top of that, this is generally lacking in so many cases:
- WMO surroundings (200m surrounding the station no obstacles, short grass etc). Virtually no one measures as such.
- Not a good sensorscreen
- No calibrated equipment (DAVIS vantage Pro has already an error of 0,5 C standard).
It is not to bring amateurs down. It is simply a fact that they rarely, rarely measure officialy. Their data are not right or wrong, they simply can not be compared with official data in most cases. Indeed rarely organisations of amateurs check any station. There are a lot of wanabee-people. I have seen pictures of amateurs claiming "absolutely free" surroundings when in fact they were measuring in a largish garden (20-50 m or so) in a village. When I asked them to change their status (it is classified in the Netherlands) they simply did not respond...
So no: amateur stations can not be used as a comparison with official stations in most cases. You can easily get several degrees of difference in so many ways.
Ferreira, in my opinion, is also correct when he says that he does not need to live anywhere to dispute things. He has ample official data by AEMET to prove his point. Others have to show us data of the same quality and length
(30 years) to prove him wrong. Not their subjective personal experiences.
I asked the quastion for data of -5 in Spain below 1000 metres. I have not seen any proof and I do not believe it in general. I think -2 is about as low as you get in the coldest places.