Re: Seguimento Europa 2010
Elefsina is catagorised as suburban by the same study you referred me to.
Megara is still close to buildings. It depends where that station is sighted but it is either close to the airstrip or close to the houses. So we need more info on that. Athens AP is 1-3 km away from any city and in large part surrounded by open country. Elefsis is clearly not. Megara: not like the AP at all.
Given the fact that heatisles are well known in every town or city, I think the exception needs to be proved not the rule.
It is very clear I agree with Seville and Athens. Like I said and I'll say again: the Athens area is STILL quite possibly the warmest area when it comes to minima and average temperatures.
But how about Hornachuelos then...It has a record of 1930-1969 (or so, at least more than 30 years) and it has an average of 28,9 C over that period in july. According to your logic, you need to disprove that one. How about that one then?
And Badajoz Instituto had 31,0 C as a Tmed in 1866. It is still on the site of the AEMET. With a tmedof the maximum of 42,3 C. Also on their site. Credible?
The Athen observatory is at 35,3 C according to my data. Athens airport
34,0C, Elefsis 36,2 C. Minima: Elefsis 26.2, Athens AP 22.9 and 25.5 for Athens airport.
Now look: a more exposed part in itself can explain a lot of Athens AP temperatures. And more exposed to the sea, could certainly explain a somewhat lower daytime max. But it certainly cannot explain the also much lower minimum temperature. at day, you have a seabreeze and may be it kicks in earlier there. At night, there are no seabreezes to speak of. So we would expect the most exposed areas to have higher temperatures. Instead, we see Athens AP having significantly LOWER temperatures.
The seawater is 27 C currently. Thiseio at 5 km from the see, much like the airport, is not any cooler than the sea nearby on average at night. So how can that be? No heatisle effect may be? Oke, where I live it is much colder in summer and winter than you guys there. My stations is 10 km inland. We have KNMI station at 60 m from the sea. It registered 16,1 C and my station 14,1 C. The seatemperature is 19 C or so. So even 60 m from the seaboard it is still clearly colder. And the water is surrounding the station form ll sides as you can see.
Here are the coordinates of the KNMI station. N and E.
So Athens has all the signs of a clear heatisle effect, but somehow here it doesn't count...Right. Everywhere else in the world we see the exact same behaviour, and it is called UHI but in Athens some people call it "normal".
It is no different than Sevilla, only it is bigger.
The Guadalquivir region: even the Atlantic coast is now at 22-25 C. All stations BAR Sevilla San Pablo.... are cooler. On averag, any station in Sevilla is much cooler than the sea when it comes to daytime minima. 19 C or so and the average sea temp on the atlantic side will be 21-23 C.
And still, I think that Athens or Greece could be the warmest place on those values you value most. I have not looked at Catania or other Italian places that may come very close on average.
I honestly don't care if Athens is warmer on average, minima or even maxima or not. If it is so, it is. Who cares. it is not a competition, to me not at least. My main focus are those high maxima. I see you start comparing those too. It is very clear that the Guadalquivir (and Guadiana) region is clearly warmer on that one, 2-3 C on average in many stations. Nothing to be proud of but there is no doubt from this perspective.
Well the accurate definition of an area being warm means ''on average'' at least this is what laymen meteorologists define it as.So in this sense the myth is totally disconstructed since we know that Athens has consistently the highest mean and which you fail to proove to us accademically how the mean in this station in Athens is influenced.
However even if I make you the favour and willingly disqualify the Observatory,then suburban Seville does not stand a chance against ''suburban'' Athens with the Elefsina station which is off course the official european temperature holder.
But it seems you have not been checking the comparisons very well.Megara station 45km to the west beats the Observatory minimums.Give us your theory around Megara in Attica as well?Is it influenced by Athens as well or is that Athens has been consistantly the warmest area of Europe in the summer due to Attica's unique geomorphology and geospatial position?
Also how does my participition in other forums even if I post 3million posts discredits what I say?
Btw as of today the Observatory beats the mean max of San Pablo so far for August...
Here is the standing so far untill yesterday