Diversidade climática

Eu não entendia nem os críticos nem o seu direcção. Espero que neste fórum está permitida a entrada de um estrangeiro. :cheers:

Mesogeiakos falou para este fórum de Karpathos e sua excepcional temperatura média de janeiro de 2011, a maior da Europa?
Eu tenho a explicação para esse fenômeno.
Mas isso não depende de mentiras. É um problema de qualidade dos dados HMNS. :malandro:
Well, here is the answer. Sorry for using English, that's too technical for using google-translate.
I have retrieved the metar reports of the Karpathos HNMS station (LGKP) from the Ogimet website for January 2011. Here are the original data. http://www.ogimet.com/display_metar...&anof=2011&mesf=01&dayf=31&horaf=23&send=send (I'm not sure this url is static). 180 reports are empty (NIL) thus I drop them.
Then, I tabulate the hour of the metar report (local time).
[FONT="Courier New"]------------------------------------
   hour_loc        Freq.     Percent
          1           32        3,53
          4           29        3,20
          5            1        0,11
          6           20        2,21
          7           61        6,73
          8           55        6,07
          9           51        5,63
         10           83        9,16
         11           55        6,07
         12           53        5,85
         13           87        9,60
         14           49        5,41
         15           42        4,64
         16           76        8,39
         17           50        5,52
         18           46        5,08
         19           84        9,27
         22           32        3,53
      total          906      100,00

Surprisingly, the archived metar messages under-report night-time conditions and they comparatively over-report day-time conditions. :shocking: This is very clear in the kernel density estimate (read it as a probability distribution) of the time of the reports:

This station perhaps reports during night far less than it does during day, and this would obviously inflate computed means by trimming cool hours data. :buh:

Well. Sorry for the OT. :o


Karpathos very often does not report during night. No data between 17.50 and 02.50.

[FONT="Courier New"]1120Z 27 Mar 2011 to 1150Z 28 Mar 2011

     DD/HHMM hPa    C   C   %   deg m/s km                  
==== ======= ====== === === === === === ==== ======= =======
LGKP 28/1150 1019.0  18  10  59 240   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1120 1019.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1050 1020.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1020 1020.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0950 1020.0  18  10  59 240   3 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0920 1020.0  18  10  59 290   4 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0850 1020.0  18  10  59 270   5 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0820 1020.0  17  10  63 280   4 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0750 1020.0  17  10  63 280   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0720 1020.0  17  10  63 290   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0620 1020.0  16  10  68 290   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0550 1020.0  15  12  82 320   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0450 1019.0  12  10  88 320   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0350 1019.0  12   6  67 330   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0250 1018.0  11   7  76 340   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 27/1750 1019.0  14  11  82 310   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1720 1019.0  15  10  72 320   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1650 1019.0  15  10  72 300   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1620 1019.0  16  10  68 280   2 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1550 1019.0  16  10  68 280   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1520 1019.0  17  11  68 280   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT100
LGKP 27/1450 1019.0  17  11  68 270   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT100
LGKP 27/1420 1019.0  18  10  59 270   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1350 1019.0  18  10  59 250   3 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1320 1019.0  18  11  64 260   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1150 1019.0  18   9  56 240   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1120 1019.0  18   8  52 240   5 10.0  FEW020  SCT180[/FONT]
Interesante o atlas climatico da peninsula iberica.

Há Bsk, Bsh, Bwk e Bwh nas provincias de Murcia e Almeria.

Lembro que segundo aquele personagem grego somente há bsh em Almería. Pois bem, con dados oficiais há bsh pelo menos nas provincias de Almería, Murcia, Sevilla, Cordoba e Alicante :)

E o que tem cando algum ignorante fala do que nao sabe.

Hellinikon measured 355 mm in 1993 (http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/pa16716.dat). :rain:

The National Observatory of Athens (Thiseio) in 1993 measured 304 mm. (http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/pa16714.dat) :rain:

Actually as I have said and maybe you missed it is that ''according to Greek press'' those were the values.I can scan the articles in Greek just for precision


Karpathos very often does not report during night. No data between 17.50 and 02.50.

[FONT="Courier New"]1120Z 27 Mar 2011 to 1150Z 28 Mar 2011

     DD/HHMM hPa    C   C   %   deg m/s km                  
==== ======= ====== === === === === === ==== ======= =======
LGKP 28/1150 1019.0  18  10  59 240   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1120 1019.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1050 1020.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/1020 1020.0  18  10  59 250   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0950 1020.0  18  10  59 240   3 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0920 1020.0  18  10  59 290   4 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0850 1020.0  18  10  59 270   5 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0820 1020.0  17  10  63 280   4 10.0  SCT020
LGKP 28/0750 1020.0  17  10  63 280   4 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0720 1020.0  17  10  63 290   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0620 1020.0  16  10  68 290   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0550 1020.0  15  12  82 320   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0450 1019.0  12  10  88 320   2 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0350 1019.0  12   6  67 330   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 28/0250 1018.0  11   7  76 340   3 10.0  FEW020
LGKP 27/1750 1019.0  14  11  82 310   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1720 1019.0  15  10  72 320   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1650 1019.0  15  10  72 300   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1620 1019.0  16  10  68 280   2 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1550 1019.0  16  10  68 280   3 10.0  FEW018  SCT100
LGKP 27/1520 1019.0  17  11  68 280   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT100
LGKP 27/1450 1019.0  17  11  68 270   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT100
LGKP 27/1420 1019.0  18  10  59 270   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1350 1019.0  18  10  59 250   3 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1320 1019.0  18  11  64 260   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1150 1019.0  18   9  56 240   4 10.0  FEW020  SCT180
LGKP 27/1120 1019.0  18   8  52 240   5 10.0  FEW020  SCT180[/FONT]

With the exception that the HNMS meteorological bulletin is quality controlled.For example the data you are providing do not come from HNMS are they?You are hypothesing that this is the cross calibration and quality control HNMS takes in their monthly bulletin.

That would be a rather interesting assumption.Can u please elaborate as to how the HNMS bulletins are erroneous in some way or indeed they do not follow the WMO procedures under their quality control.My understanding is that this would mean an assumption that the HNMS does not really know how to follow WMO procedures.So by all means please go ahead
Neste estudo sobre o Vale do Douro, dizem que na zona do Douro Internacional é a região com a precipitação mais baixa do país. O que pensam dessa afirmação?

http://www.estig.ipbeja.pt/~aibpr/E...o/2semestre/Planos/Plano Deenv. Tur Douro.pdf

A afirmação está na página 44. A partir da página 40 falam do clima (e noutras partes) - dizem que as zonas mais secas apenas têm 400mm

Sim, alguns vales da bacia do Douro, nomeadamente na região do Côa, correspondem às áreas mais secas de Portugal Continental.

No trabalho Répartition et rythme des précipitations au Portugal, de Suzanne Daveau, aparecem algumas áreas com valores anuais da ordem de 300mm na região da bacia do Côa.
Deve ser a zona mais seca do continente português, mas não de Portugal inteiro.
Esse fonte que o Dan indica, demonstrava a existência de pelo menos 2 zonas com até menos de 300 mm, no Vale do Douro.
Deve ser a zona mais seca do continente português, mas não de Portugal inteiro.

Estas a dizer que a zonas nas ilhas mais secas que 300 ou 400 mm anuais?!