Os locais mas quentes do sur de Espanha

Classificaçao depois de 14 días de março.
Continua o reinado absoluto da costa de Málaga. Atenas e as ilhas gregas não podem competir com o inverno na costa andaluza.

Ja temos as temperaturas médias da primeira metade de março.
Não há surpresas.
Malaga Puerto 15,08ºC e Fuengirola 14,65ºC versus Palaiohora (Creta) 13,21ºC e Rodos 12,83ºC. Uma diferença enorme.

Ja temos as temperaturas médias da primeira metade de março.
Não há surpresas.
Malaga Puerto 15,08ºC e Fuengirola 14,65ºC versus Palaiohora (Creta) 13,21ºC e Rodos 12,83ºC. Uma diferença enorme.

Well now that the cold snap has passed for Greece and the February heat snap has passed for Spain,I give Spain 7-8 days before Greece retakes all top spots for whole March!From now on Greece will consistently top the Iberian Peninsula until the end of the year in mean annual temps

Also you are forgetting Karpathos

In the summer Malaga port will have difficulty reaching even the minimums of Palaiohora!!
Well now that the cold snap has passed for Greece and the February heat snap has passed for Spain,I give Spain 7-8 days before Greece retakes all top spots for whole March!From now on Greece will consistently top the Iberian Peninsula until the end of the year in mean annual temps

Also you are forgetting Karpathos

In the summer Malaga port will have difficulty reaching even the minimums of Palaiohora!!

You are wrong. Andalucia had its cold snap too in early March. The difference is that cold snaps are colder in Greece Islands than in Costa del Sol (Malaga's Coast).
January, February were warmer in Malaga Port than in Rhodes or Palaihora too, and March will be warmer again. Sorry.
Well now that the cold snap has passed for Greece and the February heat snap has passed for Spain,I give Spain 7-8 days before Greece retakes all top spots for whole March!From now on Greece will consistently top the Iberian Peninsula until the end of the year in mean annual temps

Also you are forgetting Karpathos

In the summer Malaga port will have difficulty reaching even the minimums of Palaiohora!!

The warm areas of the Iberian Peninsula have either the same or higher mean monthly temps between October and April, when compared to Greece/Southernmost Italy.

The remaining months are cooler due to the higher minimum temps that you have in the Mediterranean basin.

The annual difference is negligible...the wet season temps are equal or higher in IP, the summer max temps are mainly equal and the summer min temps are lower....the sum of this is a 1º or 2º difference in the extreme spots, and a 0º difference in most o the territory;)

But as Ferreiro says...we are having a cool March here too...average in Lisbon is aroud 11min/18.5max and we are having around 9/16º...very cold...similar to a normal February..
And seasonal forecasts point to a cool April also...mean in Lisbon is around 12/20 and it may get 1º degree colder than that..
The warm areas of the Iberian Peninsula have either the same or higher mean monthly temps between October and April, when compared to Greece/Southernmost Italy.

The remaining months are cooler due to the higher minimum temps that you have in the Mediterranean basin.

The annual difference is negligible...the wet season temps are equal or higher in IP, the summer max temps are mainly equal and the summer min temps are lower....the sum of this is a 1º or 2º difference in the extreme spots, and a 0º difference in most o the territory;)

But as Ferreiro says...we are having a cool March here too...average in Lisbon is aroud 11min/18.5max and we are having around 9/16º...very cold...similar to a normal February..

It's true.

Andalucia (and Portugal) is much farther away from Russia than Greece. For that reason when you compare weather stations in the same conditions (Malaga Puerto, Fuengirola and Athens Hellenikon, Rodos or Palaiohora, both of them in coastal areas just beside the sea) the result is that the winter is by far warmer in Malaga.
En Grecia la temperatura media no se calcula como en España y Portugal

Let's remind Dedalus,how Seville which had a RECORD for August 2010 was colder to Athens for August 2010.

The Iberian Peninsula EVEN WITH RECORD BREAKING CONDITIONS does not stand a chance in hell next to Athens in the summer.Did you forget Dedalus how Athens destroyed Seville in the summer?

Let's us remind him then with the SAME METHOD;)



Mean Max 35.5C
Mean Min 25.8C
Mean 30.65C






Mean 30.6C


Who can compete with Athens in the summer Dedalus?
It's true.

Andalucia (and Portugal) is much farther away from Russia than Greece. For that reason when you compare weather stations in the same conditions (Malaga Puerto, Fuengirola and Athens Hellenikon, Rodos or Palaiohora, both of them in coastal areas) the result is that the winter is by far warmer in Malaga.

Malaga porto warmer in the winter than Palaiohora,Karpathos or Ierapetra??:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Mate Southern Greece is UNBEATABLE in the winter!Look at January 2011 Karpathos destroyed all of Iberia AND WITHOUT THE DATA OF SOUTHERN CRETE!!
Mesogeiakos have just now suffered a new bout of anxiety and hysteria. Every time I publish a summary of the data from AEMET it gives him a nervous breakdown :)
Mesogeiakos have jast suffered a new bout of anxiety and hysteria. Every time I publish a summary of the data from AEMET it gives him a nervous breakdown :)

Yes,the work of Ferreiro for 18 days of February and 15 days in March speaks volumes ha?:D:D:D:D

Who are you kidding mate?The psychological trauma that Mesogeiakos and Greece has created to you from last summer will take much more than 18 days of February data and 15 days of March data to overcome.;)

Greece rules in warm climatology in Europe and WE ALL know it ;)
With official data from AEMET (Spain), HNMS (Greece), from 10th february until now

Malaga Puerto
February 16,64ºC
March 15,03ºC

February 14,29ºC
March 13,21ºC

February 14,29ºC
March 13,21ºC

Athens Hellenikon
February 11,66ºC
March 9,36ºC

Es lo que en España llamamos victoria por goleada.

Para que se vea mejor

With official data from AEMET (Spain), HNMS (Greece), from 10th february until now

Malaga Puerto
February 16,64ºC
March 15,03ºC

February 14,29ºC
March 13,21ºC

February 14,29ºC
March 13,21ºC

Es lo que en España llamamos victoria por goleada.

1.With a COLD SNAP in Greece

2. HEAT SNAP in IP and

3.with ONLY 15 days of March data

4.with only 18 days of February data

Meanwhile back in the real world here is what was Europe's warmest area for A WHOLE WINTER MONTH AND WITHOUT THE DATA OF SOUTHERN CRETE!!

January 2011

Hellooooo Murcia was 29.2 in February,close to the 30C record of Malaga for Spain.

Off course Spain had an intense heat episode and in fact a really prolonged one in February.Are you like kidding me???

Now as I have said south Greece is unbeatable in geographical Europe in mean temps in the winter

At last HNMS has published the January bulletin and Karpathos was Europe's warmest area with a mean of 14.4C for January 2011.And this is in absence of the data for South Crete!!

What I am merely saying is that the Iberian Peninsula does not stand a chance in hell next to South Greece's warmest areas.Mate I have been studying the warm climatology of Greece for 15 years and there is zero chance that the Iberian Peninsula can come close to the mean annual temps of South Crete,areas of North Crete and off course the SE Dodecanese.

Karpathos HNMS data Jan 2011

Mean Max 16.2C
Mean Min 12.6C
Mean(simple) 14.4C



That is what we call in the real world separating apples from oranges ;)

Dedalus,Greece makes IP look like Antarctica even with RECORD breaking conditions in IP!!