Os locais mas quentes do sur de Espanha

Ferreiro e/ou Mesogeiakos (dependendo da quota parte de responsabilidades nos pontos seguintes):

A paciência começa a esgotar-se para certas coisas.

1 - Apresentem de uma vez por todas dados OFICIAIS e CLIMATOLÓGICOS! Dados isolados de dias ou de anos valem 0 em Climatologia.

2 - De uma vez por todas chega de conversa com "crushes" ou "destroy". Isto é um fórum de meteorologia e não de armas de guerra. Tratem a meteorologia e climatologia conforme ela deve ser tratada.

3 - Chega de conversas de outros forums. Mais, os users deste tópico devem ser tratados pelo nome usado NESTE FÓRUM e não por qualquer outro nick.

4 - Provocações gratuitas são proibidas por aqui. mantenham a conversa em nível socialmente aceite.

É que já cansa isto!
Ferreiro e/ou Mesogeiakos (dependendo da quota parte de responsabilidades nos pontos seguintes):

A paciência começa a esgotar-se para certas coisas.

1 - Apresentem de uma vez por todas dados OFICIAIS e CLIMATOLÓGICOS! Dados isolados de dias ou de anos valem 0 em Climatologia.

2 - De uma vez por todas chega de conversa com "crushes" ou "destroy". Isto é um fórum de meteorologia e não de armas de guerra. Tratem a meteorologia e climatologia conforme ela deve ser tratada.

3 - Chega de conversas de outros forums. Mais, os users deste tópico devem ser tratados pelo nome usado NESTE FÓRUM e não por qualquer outro nick.

4 - Provocações gratuitas são proibidas por aqui. mantenham a conversa em nível socialmente aceite.

É que já cansa isto!

Yes, please forgive the unfortunate wording.Even though I do use those mostly in a humurous way.Flamming is not my intention.
Ferreiro e/ou Mesogeiakos (dependendo da quota parte de responsabilidades nos pontos seguintes):

A paciência começa a esgotar-se para certas coisas.

1 - Apresentem de uma vez por todas dados OFICIAIS e CLIMATOLÓGICOS! Dados isolados de dias ou de anos valem 0 em Climatologia.

2 - De uma vez por todas chega de conversa com "crushes" ou "destroy". Isto é um fórum de meteorologia e não de armas de guerra. Tratem a meteorologia e climatologia conforme ela deve ser tratada.

3 - Chega de conversas de outros forums. Mais, os users deste tópico devem ser tratados pelo nome usado NESTE FÓRUM e não por qualquer outro nick.

4 - Provocações gratuitas são proibidas por aqui. mantenham a conversa em nível socialmente aceite.

É que já cansa isto!

Estoy haciendo un topic de seguimiento de temperaturas medias en el sur de Europa, y estoy usando DATOS OFICIALES. Ese individuo griego trata de destruir el topic porque no le gusta el resultado.

Estou tranquilo e vou seguir trabalhando com os dados oficiais de AEMET e HNMS. Saúdos.
Ese individuo griego trata de destruir el topic porque no le gusta el resultado.

Actually I am bringing forward the ommisions.Such as the data of only few days for each month,the non inclusion of Karpathos etc.

The ''result'' is that with different periods you will have different results.The end game climatologically favours the SE of the continent and not the IP in terms of highest mean annual temps.This is well known.
Mesogeiakos, you don´t know nothing about the warmest areas of IP, so why talking about that?
Climatologically? You don´t gave any data to conclude about climatology...
More, you only know some climatological data about some scattered points, not about an entire country, which means that you are strongly limited on your conclusions...
That´s why you don´t see any scientific articles talking about this subject and even a common and serious person, wouldn´t take most of your resumes, seriously.
Just accept your limitations, because we don´t have any problem in accepting ours.
Mesogeiakos, you don´t know nothing about the warmest areas of IP, so why talking about that?
Climatologically? You don´t gave any data to conclude about climatology...
More, you only know some climatological data about some scattered points, not about an entire country, which means that you are strongly limited on your conclusions...
That´s why you don´t see any scientific articles talking about this subject and even a common and serious person, wouldn´t take most of your resumes, seriously.
Just accept your limitations, because we don´t have any problem in accepting ours.

We have been through this before,havent we?Yes off course we do not know the exact warm spot of IP and Greece since we do not have stations everywhere.This is obvious.

However climatologically speaking and from the official time series of the stations on record Greece has the warmest stations in mean annual temperatures.Off course generalizations do not help, though it is pretty obvious that it will be South Greece to have the warmest spots annually in Europe according to the dissemination of the climatological knowledge we currently have.
Estas sao as temperaturas medias desde o día 10 de fevereiro ate ontem dia 15 de março. Dados oficiais de AEMET (Espanha) e HNMS (Grecia).
Es lo que hay. Al que no le guste que no mire. De Estepona y Maspalomas faltan bastantes días, pero las demás estaciones están casi todos los días (y los pocos que faltan es porque AEMET y HNMS no los publicaron).

We have been through this before,havent we?Yes off course we do not know the exact warm spot of IP and Greece since we do not have stations everywhere.This is obvious..

Of course, that we were before on this, but you insist on the same thing, don´t you?
If that´s obvious, then refrain on commenting about that. Just stick on what you know. For example: point y is warmer than point b... Apart from that and without any solid evidence, please, use the terms «opinion» and «probability», when you are trying to convince other people of your stance...

However climatologically speaking and from the official time series of the stations on record Greece has the warmest stations in mean annual temperatures..

Even for that, I would say: probably.
Europe limits definitions aren´t well established yet... You find loads of different information. So it´s up to each one judgement

Off course generalizations do not help, though it is pretty obvious that it will be South Greece to have the warmest spots annually in Europe according to the dissemination of the climatological knowledge we currently have.

No, it´s well far from obvious...
Again, you are limited on that, then refrain on making general assumptions.
Of course, that we were before on this, but you insist on the same thing, don´t you?
If that´s obvious, then refrain on commenting about that. Just stick on what you know. For example: point y is warmer than point b... Apart from that and without any solid evidence, please, use the terms «opinion» and «probability», when you are trying to convince other people of your stance...

Even for that, I would say: probably.
Europe limits definitions aren´t well established yet... You find loads of different information. So it´s up to each one judgement

No, it´s well far from obvious...
Again, you are limited on that, then refrain on making general assumptions.

The ''general assumptions'' are based clearly on the knowledge we have so far.Since we currently have zero locations in IP warmer than South Greece mean annual temps then obviously Greece is at an advantage here.

So according to the information HUMANITY has so FAR yes Greece rules in warm climatology in Europe ;)

Unless and until we can have the relevant info to discredit this,then we can not choose to hide behind our finger hoping that somehow Greece will come out cooler!At least we know what we know...dont make us forget about them please ;)

Come on belem,do you honestly believe that IP can compete with South Crete and SE Dodecanese annually?Let us not kid ourselves mate;)
Sensacional Málaga Costa. Em plena entrada fria na Península Ibérica com neve em Segovia (1000 metros) a temperatura maxima hoje em Puerto de Málaga foi de 21°C.
Imbatível na Europa em calor durante os meses de inverno. Somente Canarias, Madeira e Açores podem superar as temperaturas medias da costa de Malaga em este inverno. As ilhas gregas sao 2ºC mais frias que Malaga Porto ou Fuengirola em temperatura media em fevereiro e março de 2011. Impresionante!!!

The ''general assumptions'' are based clearly on the knowledge we have so far.Since we currently have zero locations in IP warmer than South Greece mean annual temps then obviously Greece is at an advantage here.

Not we, just talk by yourself.
Until now I have zero evidences that Greece is warmer than Iberia, I only know that some spots are warmer than the others and that Greece has many of it´s weather stations located on sheltered areas ( unlike Portugal, for example) so this can lead us to wrong conclusions.
This was explained to you, «ad nauseam».

So according to the information HUMANITY has so FAR yes Greece rules in warm climatology in Europe ;)

No, that´s according to information carefully selected from you...
Europe is only where you want, the weather stations must be the ones you want ( I also would love to see the pictures of your greek weather stations!), the type of comparisons ( like the short term ones) are shown up when you want...
I also would like to see your reasoning against Rivaz...
Please, instead of saying to others, to not trust on a scientist, provide tangible evidences against him and don´t say us « go look for it on old foruns on which I had these kind of discussions with other people» just to see why and how you were kicked from there...

Unless and until we can have the relevant info to discredit this,then we can not choose to hide behind our finger hoping that somehow Greece will come out cooler!At least we know what we know...dont make us forget about them please ;)

Those points were all adressed above.

Come on belem,do you honestly believe that IP can compete with South Crete and SE Dodecanese annually?Let us not kid ourselves mat;)

I´m not sure about which place is warmer yet, the values shown are similar and unlike Greece, Iberia has low percentage of weather stations located on it´s warmest areas ( especially Portugal, but Spain as well).
If your math isn´t that poor, you can figure out by yourself that all your conclusions can/may be found as false, soon or later. Saying that´s impossible to « compete» with Greece in warm climatology, in South Europe, is utterly absurd, in my opinion.
You actually don´t need to try to convince me again, with the data that you have been posting over and over. Sincerely, I think that around 19-20 ºc of year average is perfectly reachable in the warmest areas of continental Iberia. Differences are more probably insignificant and it´s a bit odd to desperately call one or another the warmest by far, it´s like saying that Netherlands at sea level is much warmer than Belgium at sea level or the opposite...
Assim é a classificação. É surpresa de ver Las Palmas por diante de Maspalomas. Março continua frio nas Ilhas Canárias.
A costa de Málaga é inalcançável para o resto da Europa continental e ilhas mediterraneas (chipre?).

Not we, just talk by yourself.
Until now I have zero evidences that Greece is warmer than Iberia, I only know that some spots are warmer than the others and that Greece has many of it´s weather stations located on sheltered areas ( unlike Portugal, for example) so this can lead us to wrong conclusions.
This was explained to you, «ad nauseam».

No, that´s according to information carefully selected from you...
Europe is only where you want, the weather stations must be the ones you want ( I also would love to see the pictures of your greek weather stations!), the type of comparisons ( like the short term ones) are shown up when you want...
I also would like to see your reasoning against Rivaz...
Please, instead of saying to others, to not trust on a scientist, provide tangible evidences against him and don´t say us « go look for it on old foruns on which I had these kind of discussions with other people» just to see why and how you were kicked from there...

Those points were all adressed above.

I´m not sure about which place is warmer yet, the values shown are similar and unlike Greece, Iberia has low percentage of weather stations located on it´s warmest areas ( especially Portugal, but Spain as well).
If your math isn´t that poor, you can figure out by yourself that all your conclusions can/may be found as false, soon or later. Saying that´s impossible to « compete» with Greece in warm climatology, in South Europe, is utterly absurd, in my opinion.
You actually don´t need to try to convince me again, with the data that you have been posting over and over. Sincerely, I think that around 19-20 ºc of year average is perfectly reachable in the warmest areas of continental Iberia. Differences are more probably insignificant and it´s a bit odd to desperately call one or another the warmest by far, it´s like saying that Netherlands at sea level is much warmer than Belgium at sea level or the opposite...

Well,it might be ''utterly absurd'' for you but this is easily explained by the fact that you live in the IP.So off course when a myth is deconstructed in our eyes we tend to not believe anything.

For example how many people knew that Attica in Greece can climatologically challenge any area in the continent in the summer means?Who knew in IP that Athens can challenge the warmest areas of Andalusia and win in each and every point? Apart from that who was aware that it was Athens the area to have the highest temperature ever to be recorded in Europe and in fact in two suburbs simultaneously and also the highest frequency of temperatures over 45C in Europe just next to the sea?Who was aware that Athens's port can have minimums in the summer at par with the Red Sea?

Let's us not kid ourselves,my presence in the meteoforums has done two serious things

a.It has deconstructed all the myths of warm climatology regarding Europe

b.It has created a strong interest for Greece's warm climatology.Just look at this thread.How many post of Ferreiro are for Spain and how many are for Greece?If I count them I think he focuses more to Greece than Iberia!That is a victory in itself

So why follow the logic of people who live in IP and go to rounds answering random things in order to treat their insecurities?I am merely providing official info from the current official climatological knowledge we currently have!And to this extent i am always backed up officially by AEMET . HNMS, IN, Metoffice etc in what I say.

Southern Greece is really unbeatable and this is not a making of Mesogeiakos.By the end of the year it will become obvious that the mean temps of the South Greece will be by far superior to any area of the IP even with record breaking conditions in IP...It is maths and science and as I said I have been studying the warm climatology of Europe and Greece more than 15 years.

Greece has a unique climate in Europe,holding all the warm records of the continent both in the summer and the winter and its complexity is highlighted with all the relevant info that are provided.You see belem it is this deconstruction that I have achieved that is making you and most of Iberianos react so strongly to Greece's climatology...

Finally,Ian Williams and myself have spotted the methodological errors of Dedalus in his calculations and we will be presenting them here soon!

As we say in Greek...Εις το επανιδειν!;)
Well,it might be ''utterly absurd'' for you but this is easily explained by the fact that you live in the IP.So off course when a myth is deconstructed in our eyes we tend to not believe anything.

For example how many people knew that Attica in Greece can climatologically challenge any area in the continent in the summer means?Who knew in IP that Athens can challenge the warmest areas of Andalusia and win in each and every point? Apart from that who was aware that it was Athens the area to have the highest temperature ever to be recorded in Europe and in fact in two suburbs simultaneously and also the highest frequency of temperatures over 45C in Europe just next to the sea?Who was aware that Athens's port can have minimums in the summer at par with the Red Sea?

Let's us not kid ourselves,my presence in the meteoforums has done two serious things

a.It has deconstructed all the myths of warm climatology regarding Europe

b.It has created a strong interest for Greece's warm climatology.

So why follow the logic of people who live in IP and go to rounds answering random things in order to treat their insecurities?I am merely providing official info from the current official climatological knowledge we currently have!And to this extent i am always backed up officially by AEMET . HNMS, IN, Metoffice etc in what I say.

Southern Greece is really unbeatable and this is not a making of Mesogeiakos.By the end of the year it will become obvious that the mean temps of the South Greece will be by far superior to any area of the IP even with record breaking conditions in IP...It is maths and science and as I said I have been studying the warm climatology of Europe and Greece more than 15 years.

Greece has a unique climate in Europe,holding all the warm records of the continent both in the summer and the winter and its complexity is highlighted with all the relevant info that are provided.You see belem it is this deconstruction that I have achieved that is making you and most of Iberianos react so strongly to Greece's climatology...

Finally,Ian Williams and myself have spotted the methodological errors of Dedalus in his calculations and we will be presenting them here soon!

As we say in Greek...Εις το επανιδειν!;)

Who is dedalus? I'M FERREIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meus dados nao sao meus hahaha, sao dados de AEMET e HNMS!!! Pelo tanto nao poden estar errados.

Penso que todo tem um limite. Chamarme novamente con outros nomes que nao sao o meu e ademais afirmar que os dados de AEMET e HNMS sao erros penso que é hora de que os moderadores tomen uma decisao sobre este personagem chamado Mesogeiakos.

Ademais nao aporta nada ao debate. Em 12 paginas deste forum nao aportou nemhum dado oficial. O unico que face é repetir sempre o mesmo: Grecia é a mais quente. Nenhum locai de Europa pode competir com Grecia. Em Grecia chove menos e fai mais calor que en nemhun outro local. A Peninsula Iberica é o Polo Norte comparado com Grecia. E nemhum so dado oficial. Hay que joderse (como decimos en mi tierra).