Os locais mas quentes do sur de Espanha

Here the response of HNMS. I had sent them these links




asking if they accurately identify the HNMS Nea Filadelfia weather station.

Oggetto: 	RE: Nea Filadelfia weather station
Da: 	********@hnms.gr
A: 	<********@********.it>
Data: 	12/05/2011 10:07
Dear *******,

Your message reached me a while ago. I apologize for the delayed response.

The picture you sent me is from Nea Philadelphia Meteorological Station, which closed last year.

Sorry, but I cannot give you any details about shelters used.

Best Regards,

Athanasios D. Sarantopoulos, Ph.D.
Division of Climatology - Applications
14 E. Venizelou Street,  16777 Hellinikon, Greece
phone: +30(210)9699032,   fax:  +30(210)9628952
http://www.hnms.gr, E-mail: ********@hnms.gr

(I have deleted some details, especially Dr. Sarantopoulos' email in order to avoid an inundation of spam)

I had asked him also about the shelters technology (Stevenson vs multiplate vs coaxial pipes, passive vs fan-aspirated etcetera).

The bad news is that he says the station was closed (without saying temporarily) last year. We will miss that station. Nostalgia, I'm afraid, is a thing we have to get used to.

Speaking of lies...lets turn the tables.The answer says ''the picture you send me'' which picture was it?Can you please proove to us this.It would be really interesting as a)you have not enclosed anything that prooves what you say and b) given the track record we have from ''Italian friends'' for trying through various blogs to discredit Athens European record (oh and there are a lot,my god its like a national effort or something ;) ) its only fair to ask for further proof in ''bona fide''

And finally how does this specifically infer to the exact hypothesized UHI of Nea Filadelfia.That is the million dollar question basically.

Until then we should remember that Tatoi and Elefsina recorded on the same day the European record....and well sorry it was recorded on a ''sun''day that might have given Athens an unfair advantage:) following the logical fallacies problem you seem to be inclined to!
Speaking of lies...lets turn the tables.The answer says ''the picture you send me'' which picture was it?Can you please proove to us this.It would be really interesting as a)you have not enclosed anything that prooves what you say and b) given the track record we have from ''Italian friends'' for trying through various blogs to discredit Athens European record (oh and there are a lot,my god its like a national effort of something ;) ) its only fair to ask for further proof in ''bona fide''

And finally how does this specifically infer to the exact hypothesized UHI of Nea Filadelfia.That is the million dollar question basically.


The usual extravagant craziness. The desire to oppose to factual evidences often forces you to skip consistency constraints in your argouments. Notice that the same exactly applies to your email to AM when you asked about the 48.5°C of Catenanuova in 1999. How can you prove that you did not edit the response and you did not manipulate it how you liked it? That's matter of verifiability. Anyone can email Sarantopoulos or anyone else in HNMS showing the links to the reportage and check what was asked and if the response was reported allegiantly or not.
Thats the merit of methodological falsificationism: verifiable things can be checked with ease, and dismissed if false. Never read Karl Popper yet? :huh:
For instance, I have recently emailed a health psychologist at the Kingston's and asked her if she advises any phd student (with some more detail).

Until then we should remember that Tatoi and Elefsina recorded on the same day the European record....and well sorry it was recorded on a ''sun''day that might have given Athens an unfair advantage:) following the logical fallacies problem you seem to be inclined to!

Perhaps you have not understood too well the empirical result and the conceptual point originating the issue. In Sunday there is less UHI in industrial areas, not more UHI, as during days with less intense activity there is less energy usage and less thermal pollution. If a record is measured on Sunday it is more likely to be less inflated by UHI, not more. So in Sunday Jul 10, 1977 UHI was less an advantage than it would be say Thursday 14 July 1977. However empirical data shows that for Elefsina in 70's there was not clear weekly trend in daily mean temperatures. The trend becomes clear and systematic in 2000's.
About the 48°C in 1977, I have not particular demurs about. It is a old record measured by old technology equipment as many others are, and perhaps they are comparatively reasonable. I actually do not know how much Elefsina temperature were inflated by UHI in 1977. UHI is a major problem today, but in my opinion it was not in mid-70's. For me, the 48°C is good. I would be much more prudent, instead, with Thissio, Hellinikon and Nea Filadelfia contemporary measures, that are inflated by the UHI.

The usual extravagant craziness. The desire to oppose to factual evidences often forces you to skip consistency constraints in your argouments. Notice that the same exactly applies to your email to AM when you asked about the 48.5°C of Catenanuova in 1999. How can you prove that you did not edit the response and you did not manipulate it how you liked it? That's matter of verifiability. Anyone can email Sarantopoulos or anyone else in HNMS showing the links to the reportage and check what was asked and if the response was reported allegiantly or not.
Thats the merit of methodological falsificationism: verifiable things can be checked with ease, and dismissed if false. Never read Karl Popper yet? :huh:
For instance, I have recently emailed a health psychologist at the Kingston's and asked her if she advises any phd student (with some more detail).

Perhaps you have not understood too well the empirical result and the conceptual point originating the issue. In Sunday there is less UHI in industrial areas, not more UHI, as during days with less intense activity there is less energy usage and less thermal pollution. If a record is measured on Sunday it is more likely to be less inflated by UHI, not more. So in Sunday Jul 10, 1977 UHI was less an advantage than it would be say Thursday 14 July 1977. However empirical data shows that for Elefsina in 70's there was not clear weekly trend in daily mean temperatures. The trend becomes clear and systematic in 2000's.
About the 48°C in 1977, I have not particular demurs about. It is a old record measured by old technology equipment as many others are, and perhaps they are comparatively reasonable. I actually do not know how much Elefsina temperature were inflated by UHI in 1977. UHI is a major problem today, but in my opinion it was not in mid-70's. For me, the 48°C is good. I would be much more prudent, instead, with Thissio, Hellinikon and Nea Filadelfia contemporary measures, that are inflated by the UHI.

Well for once (and for an Italian) your sense of humour is weak. I believe what you say about Sunday and I simply justify any ''criticism'' by saying the obvious....that Sun-day gave an extra edge to Athens back in 1977 :lmao:

Following the reasoning fallacies of a mere sociologist I say we break some ground about your honesty regarding the Thiseio ''meteorological station photos''... I find it difficult to believe that you did not carry out research on the actual ''meteorological station'' per se,so before discrediting your ''pictures'' I will give you some time to come back with better research before exposing the ''salad'' of arguments you love.What do you say?;)

See?I am giving you a chance not to ridicule yourself!

PS.Oh btw what did Kingston say on your ad-hominen ''verification'' policy ? Did they happen to say that any PhD student moved their PhD like 9 months ago bsc of partnership ?Was that included in their ''details'' or does it give you constrains in ''verifying'' stuff (following the ethics of the ''sociological'' way of doing research I take it)?:lmao:
Well for once (and for an Italian) your sense of humour is weak. I believe what you say about Sunday and I simply justify any ''criticism'' by saying the obvious....that Sun-day gave an extra edge to Athens back in 1977 :lmao:

Following the reasoning fallacies of a mere sociologist I say we break some ground about your honesty regarding the Thiseio ''meteorological station photos''... I find it difficult to believe that you did not carry out research on the actual ''meteorological station'' per se,so before discrediting your ''pictures'' I will give you some time to come back with better research before exposing the ''salad'' of arguments you love.What do you say?;)

See?I am giving you a chance not to ridicule yourself!

PS.Oh btw what did Kingston say on your ad-hominen ''verification'' policy ? Did they happen to say that any PhD student moved their PhD like 9 months ago bsc of partnership ?Was that included in their ''details'' or does it give you constrains in ''verifying'' stuff (following the ethics of the ''sociological'' way of doing research I take it)?:lmao:

How did you jump from the pictures of Nea Filadelfia to those of Thiseio? I haven't shown the pictures of the Thiseio station yet. If you want to see them, I can email them to you or give you the imageshack links to display and download them. But when I asked them the pictures I have not asked permission to show them publicily on forums, so I will not do that for now.

Give me some minutes to retrieve the email where they explained me about.

One interesting detail is that the station providing the real-time data that Ian Williams has monitored last summer is not the same of the monthly and yearly bulletins. The latter is located at the entrance of the NOA main bulding, while the other is located at the actinometric site in Thission (next to the second "cupola", the low and rusty one). The actinometric station has also an excellent dual tubes fan-aspirated solar radiation shield. This accounts for the small differences in mean tmins and tmax Ian found at the end of the month of August: they were two different stations. One with passive stevenson shelter 150 cm from the ground (so low tmins due to the WMO compliant height and high tmaxs due to bad stevenson shelter) and the other quite high from the ground (so high tmins) and good fan aspirated shield (so low tmaxs).

About Kingston, I do not want to reveal details publicily on forums. People caring their anonymity in my opinion must be permitted to do so, at least as long as they do not use their anonymity to behave like hooligans. However don't worry, she did not reply and she deleted my message without reading it. Also the most malignant academic credential check sometimes may fail. ;)
That's too long and too much off-topic. Perhaps it is better to open a topic for this. Is there a "methods and instruments" room in this forum?
Amending, be careful with that character called Mesogeiakos. According to him, in 1993 in Athens rainned less than 100 mm. The real figure was approximately 300 mm. He is used to lie:

http://www.meteopt.com/forum/climatologia/diversidade-climatica-4708-52.html (página 52)

I know that, but I am trying to ignore his provocations, to behave in a constructive way, and to treat him like a normal and equilibrated person with all the great wheels at their right place inside brain mechanisms. Maybe he accepts trying to deal with reality once or at least to behave accordingly.

Nevertheless I am still persuaded that it is far better that he works off in internet forums than behaving destructively in real life, so his aggressivity in forums may be useful, cathartic.
Muito calor ontem na regiao mais oriental de Espanha. Por cima dos 36ºC nas estaçaos de AEMET do interior da provincia de Valencia e quase tamén 36ºC em Zaragoza. O vale do río Guadalquivir nao puido ontem alcançar os primeiros postos.