Os locais mas quentes do sur de Espanha

HNMS ja publicou o boletin climatico com as temperaturas oficiais de Grecia em março:

A temperatura media mais alta foi na ilha asiatica de Rodos com 14,6ºC (em media simple 14,3ºC).
Lembro que Malaga Puerto e Fuengirola tiveram mais de 16ºC em media simple. Em fevereiro foi a misma historia.
Em abril sucederá algo similar.
Nao tenho nenhuma dubida de que em media anual a costa de Malaga é mais quente que as ilhas gregas. Sorprendente ja que as ilhas quase sempre sao mais quentes que os territorios continentais.

Saúdos, e a quen nao lhe agrade o resultado, ha que lembrar que nao sao dados meus, sao dados oficiais de AEMET e HNMS :)
O observatorio NOA no centro da cidade de Atenas, é pelo tanto com muita ilha de calo (é um equivalente ás estacions RUEMA) teve em abril 15,5ºC de media. Ainda que nao é um observatorio oficial de HNMS, é uma referencia.


An image clarifying the NOA station location (circled in red the shelter, a yellow line for the anemometer).

A photo made from the Stevenson screen of the NOA station.

How it used to be...

So, about 10 meters from the building. Acceptable as a urban-UHI station. Not acceptable (noncompliant) for other applications. :D
Thanks for the pics, Amending.

Poucos locais chegarom ontem até os 25ºC na peninsula iberica. No lado espanhol as maximas foram as seguintes em estaçaos de AEMET

Temperaturas maximas ontem en estaçaos oficiais de AEMET.
O vento do oeste esfría o vale do Guadalquivir, mas causa foehn em Malaga, Murcia, Alicante e Valencia. Rincon de la Victoria um día mais é o local mais quente da costa de Malaga: 28ºC em Rincon de la Victoria vs. 26ºC em Malaga Puerto.

Thanks for the pics, Amending.

For now we have no pictures of Eleusina, but now we have this piece of information



(here in Spanish: http://translate.google.com/transla.../?p=73&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.it&twu=1)

I was not satisfied with the Kassomenos & Katsoulis (2006) hypothesis that thermal pollution due to industrial heat island accounted for the circumstance that Elefsina is over 70% of the days warmer than the urban station of Nea Philadelphia (which is well known for being affected by the strong urban heat island of Athens). I was not persuaded that industries waste so much energy. The extra-contribution of metal boxes and cars is instead very persuasive. :thumbsup: Metal boxes under the sun may jump in a while to 100°C, as well as dark cars surfaces. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
It would be interesting now to examine how often Elefsina set its record highs on sunday, when productive activities are reduced. For now I can say only that 11 jul 1977 was on monday.
For now we have no pictures of Eleusina, but now we have this piece of information



(here in Spanish: http://translate.google.com/transla.../?p=73&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.it&twu=1)

I was not satisfied with the Kassomenos & Katsoulis (2006) hypothesis that thermal pollution due to industrial heat island accounted for the circumstance that Elefsina is over 70% of the days warmer than the urban station of Nea Philadelphia (which is well known for being affected by the strong urban heat island of Athens). I was not persuaded that industries waste so much energy. The extra-contribution of metal boxes and cars is instead very persuasive. :thumbsup: Metal boxes under the sun may jump in a while to 100°C, as well as dark cars surfaces. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
It would be interesting now to examine how often Elefsina set its record highs on sunday, when productive activities are reduced. For now I can say only that 11 jul 1977 was on monday.

Yes, very interesting information. I remember seeing many times in the news, pollution alert in Athens, probably Europe's most polluted capital. Perhaps the second capital is Moscow.

Amending, how do you explain that Tatoi also reached 48ºC in 11 july 1977? It's strange because I think that Tatoi has never exceeded 40ºC again.
Yes, very interesting information. I remember seeing many times in the news, pollution alert in Athens, probably Europe's most polluted capital. Perhaps the second capital is Moscow.

Amending, how do you explain that Tatoi also reached 48ºC in 11 july 1977? It's strange because I think that Tatoi has never exceeded 40ºC again.

I really do not know. Taking a look of daily data would help but I have found none for Tatoi.
Maybe a nuclear test close the station? :D

The topic of these records is not easy. If you take a look of WMO website, you'll see that for recent events a particular commitee evaluates a dossier about the case. For the Elefsina and Tatoi, simply a communication reports it. I am investigating about that. Even finding an amateur station close to Tatoi airport and comparing it to the amateur station at Elefsina would help in developing some ideas about.

For now, what is well known is that the 48,7°C figure that was disseminated times ago as a record for Athens was deliberate misinformation and definitively a lie, insinuated probably because of the desire to overcome at least in words the 48.5°C by Catenanuova by couple of tenths. It has been refuted by HNMS: http://www.meteoweb.it/cgi/intranet...layout=sezioni&keyval=sezioni.sezioni_id=1536
Just a quick note. The 48°C in Elefsina and Tatoi were measured on july 10 (not 11) 1977. And it was sunday. :mad:

I have also done a quick test. Here are the mean temperatures of Elefsina HNMS (1973-2009) by day of week and decade.
Elefsina (HNMS) means by decade and day of week. 1973-2009 (°C)
   decade   -----------------------------------------------   Mean
                1      2      3      4      5      6      7       
     70's    17,5   17,6   17,6   17,6   17,6   17,6   17,6   17,6
     80's    17,9   17,9   17,9   17,8   17,7   17,7   17,8   17,8
     90's    17,6   17,6   17,6   17,6   17,7   17,7   17,5   17,6
   2000's    18,2   18,3   18,4   18,5   18,4   18,4   18,3   18,4
     Mean    17,9   17,9   17,9   17,9   17,9   17,8   17,8   17,9
* dow ranges from 1 (monday) to 7 (sunday)
Source: Data retrieved from NOAA-CDO.

The effect of the day of week seems negligible and it is statistically unsignificant. The effect of decade is instead significant, especially as regards years 90's and 2000's. I have not tested a more parametrized model. An interesting one would be
y = a + decade_i + dow_j +dow_i*decade_j [for '90's and 2000s]

in order to specify a parameter for industrial heat island effect varying by day of week for years after 1990 only.
If we watch well the table, we see that the means in 2000's are increasing day by day until friday, then they stabilize and sundays get cooler. This looks like systematic, but the effect is very small. Perhaps most large industries work during all week regardless for sundays and saturdays.
Interesting, Amending. Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Elefsina is nowadays a major industrial area, and the place where the majority of crude oil in Greece is imported and refined. The largest refinery is located on the west side of town.
According to Kassomenos and Katsoulis (2006), based on 12 years of data (1990-2001), the industrialization of west Attica (Elefsina and Megara), where at least 40% of the industrial activity of the country is concentrated, could be the cause of the warm climate of the zone.

Perhaps the oil refining industry is not resting on Sundays.
Interesting, Amending. Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Elefsina is nowadays a major industrial area, and the place where the majority of crude oil in Greece is imported and refined. The largest refinery is located on the west side of town.
According to Kassomenos and Katsoulis (2006), based on 12 years of data (1990-2001), the industrialization of west Attica (Elefsina and Megara), where at least 40% of the industrial activity of the country is concentrated, could be the cause of the warm climate of the zone.

Perhaps the oil refining industry is not resting on Sundays.

This is more detailed. http://hubpages.com/hub/Elefsina-Ba...e-serious-examples-of-environmental-pollution

"In the year 1860 it seems that the history of the contemporary city began by the settlement of merchants, the construction of a railway track (1884) and the opening up of Corinth Isthmus. The installation of the soap-making factory of Charilaou (1875), the cement industry TITAN (1902), the distilleries VOTRYS (1906) and KRONOS (1922) meant the industrialization of the city while, in 1938 the first pollution of Elefsina bay from oil transported for the industrial needs was noticed. The needs of the industries for labour force create successive waves of domestic migration.
The settlement of 2.000 Greek refugees from Asia Minor in 1922 is followed by the population blow-up of 50’s by the settlement of inhabitants of Epirus, Chios, Dodecanese, Corfu and later on (1960) of Crete and repatriated Greeks from the Black Sea. By the simultaneous installation of many big and small industries, Elefsina changed completely its form. Presently, refineries, steel mills, cement factories, shipyards, ammunition industry, 2000 smaller industries, handicrafts and commercial business are operating in the broader area"
"The region’s dominant problem, which brought about the most serious environmental problems is the presence of many industries. In the region operate over 3000 industrial and craf-based installations, from which, some of the biggest industries of the country, such as: two oil refineries (Hellenic Petroleum S.A., Petrola Hellas S.A.), two steel industries (Hellenic Halyvourgia, Halyvourgiki S.A.), two cement industries (TITAN, Halyps Cement-Italcementi Group), an ammunition industry (PYRKAL), two shipyards, ship scrapping installations, a commercial harbour (as well as a roadstead, where vessels can lie at anchor), establishments of petrol products storage and processing, three fossil fuel processing units, one paper processing industry, scrap units, chemical industries and pits. Besides that, there is also the forthcoming operation of the gigantic new cargo facilities and railway station of Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE). Air is also highly polluted, due to the industrial activity, fossil fuel consumption and traffic circulation, the costal zone pollution is the top-ranking environmental problem and another problem is traffic congestion and noise pollution, due to heavy vehicles circulation, like lorries or busses: the noise pollution is considered as a very serious environmental problem."
"Elefsina is the town where the majority of crude oil in Greece is imported and refined. After the end of the war, but also of the civil tragedy that follows it, Elefsina enters definitely into the course of industrialisation. Its geographic situation and its harbour favoured the development of any kind of economic activities. Thus, apart from the old industries that are now modernized, new factories are established in the town area. In 1953 the steel factory starts functioning. In 1955 the oil factory is built and few years' later smaller factories like the ice factory and the shipyard Savvas are founded. Athens's nearest military airport is a few kilometers east of Elefsina. It has been used since the mid-20th century. Its runway is about 2 km and its buildings are to the west. It sits in the Thriasian/Eleusina Plain.
However, the concentration of so many factories in the town and in the wider area of Thriasio Pedio,where so many industries are in function, has catastrophic results on the environment. The air and water pollution has negative consequences also on the population's health. The strong protests and oppositions of the inhabitants result in remediate measures and in a small reduction of the pollution."

yea, athens warmest, official record officially, wmo label, yes yes yes . :D

:lmao: :huhlmao: :lmao: :huhlmao:
This is more detailed. http://hubpages.com/hub/Elefsina-Ba...e-serious-examples-of-environmental-pollution

"In the year 1860 it seems that the history of the contemporary city began by the settlement of merchants, the construction of a railway track (1884) and the opening up of Corinth Isthmus. The installation of the soap-making factory of Charilaou (1875), the cement industry TITAN (1902), the distilleries VOTRYS (1906) and KRONOS (1922) meant the industrialization of the city while, in 1938 the first pollution of Elefsina bay from oil transported for the industrial needs was noticed. The needs of the industries for labour force create successive waves of domestic migration.
The settlement of 2.000 Greek refugees from Asia Minor in 1922 is followed by the population blow-up of 50’s by the settlement of inhabitants of Epirus, Chios, Dodecanese, Corfu and later on (1960) of Crete and repatriated Greeks from the Black Sea. By the simultaneous installation of many big and small industries, Elefsina changed completely its form. Presently, refineries, steel mills, cement factories, shipyards, ammunition industry, 2000 smaller industries, handicrafts and commercial business are operating in the broader area"
"The region’s dominant problem, which brought about the most serious environmental problems is the presence of many industries. In the region operate over 3000 industrial and craf-based installations, from which, some of the biggest industries of the country, such as: two oil refineries (Hellenic Petroleum S.A., Petrola Hellas S.A.), two steel industries (Hellenic Halyvourgia, Halyvourgiki S.A.), two cement industries (TITAN, Halyps Cement-Italcementi Group), an ammunition industry (PYRKAL), two shipyards, ship scrapping installations, a commercial harbour (as well as a roadstead, where vessels can lie at anchor), establishments of petrol products storage and processing, three fossil fuel processing units, one paper processing industry, scrap units, chemical industries and pits. Besides that, there is also the forthcoming operation of the gigantic new cargo facilities and railway station of Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE). Air is also highly polluted, due to the industrial activity, fossil fuel consumption and traffic circulation, the costal zone pollution is the top-ranking environmental problem and another problem is traffic congestion and noise pollution, due to heavy vehicles circulation, like lorries or busses: the noise pollution is considered as a very serious environmental problem."
"Elefsina is the town where the majority of crude oil in Greece is imported and refined. After the end of the war, but also of the civil tragedy that follows it, Elefsina enters definitely into the course of industrialisation. Its geographic situation and its harbour favoured the development of any kind of economic activities. Thus, apart from the old industries that are now modernized, new factories are established in the town area. In 1953 the steel factory starts functioning. In 1955 the oil factory is built and few years' later smaller factories like the ice factory and the shipyard Savvas are founded. Athens's nearest military airport is a few kilometers east of Elefsina. It has been used since the mid-20th century. Its runway is about 2 km and its buildings are to the west. It sits in the Thriasian/Eleusina Plain.
However, the concentration of so many factories in the town and in the wider area of Thriasio Pedio,where so many industries are in function, has catastrophic results on the environment. The air and water pollution has negative consequences also on the population's health. The strong protests and oppositions of the inhabitants result in remediate measures and in a small reduction of the pollution."

yea, athens warmest, official record officially, wmo label, yes yes yes . :D

:lmao: :huhlmao: :lmao: :huhlmao:

Thanks, Amending. All text is quite enlightening.