O que serão aqueles rebentamentos que parecem foguetes a estourar a seguir á explosão?
Fantásticas imagens. Então, a NASA que sabe sempre tudo onde estava ela. Algum dia, cai um meteorito igual ao que matou os dinossauros e puff lá se foi a vida na Terra. Elas acontecem é quando menos se espera e não quando está tudo à espera.![]()
Não acham estranho a NASA ainda não ter-se pronunciado sobre este assunto? No site deles, na TV, nada de nada!
Chegou-me ao FB este video que foi feito hoje. Dizem que é na Russia e tem a haver com a queda.
Será?!?!?!? eu tenho duvidas mas partilho.
Editor's Note: NASA statement on Russian meteor:
"According to NASA scientists, the trajectory of the Russian meteorite was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object. Information is still being collected about the Russian meteorite and analysis is preliminary at this point. In videos of the meteor, it is seen to pass from left to right in front of the rising sun, which means it was traveling from north to south. Asteroid DA14's trajectory is in the opposite direction, from south to north."
Mas a NASA pronunciou-se... Não muito visivelmente, mas:
Chegou-me ao FB este video que foi feito hoje. Dizem que é na Russia e tem a haver com a queda.
Será?!?!?!? eu tenho duvidas mas partilho.
At around 9:30 a.m. local time on February 15, 2013, a blazing mass of rock and metal from space—a meteor—streaked across the sky over the Ural Mountains in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia.
The burning mass produced a loud sonic boom that shattered windows in multiple cities and towns across the region. Russian media outlets are reporting hundreds of injuries, most minor, and damage to thousands of buildings.
According to preliminary estimates by Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, the meteor likely weighed about 10 tons before entering Earth’s atmosphere. It was traveling about 30 kilometers (19 miles) per second, and it reportedly began to disintegrate at an altitude of about 30 to 50 kilometers (19 to 31 miles). Most of the fragments burned up as they passed through the atmosphere, but some meteorites did reach the surface. One reportedly left an impact crater that was 6 meters (20 feet) in diameter.