Seguimento América do Norte - 2017

Barragem na Califórnia em risco de ceder.

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Não é a barragem em si mas sim o descarregador de cheia.
Essa imagem é apenas o descarregador de emergência.
Nunca tinha sido usado.
Mas antes disso limparam a zona por onde a água ia correr.
O problema é que na sexta feira a conduta do descarregador de cheia literalmente partiu se.
Apesar disso continua a ser usada e a provocar erosão.

O lago Oroville está completamente cheio e 148% acima da média histórica.

Os custos da reparação estão entre os 100 e os 200 milhões.

Os próximos dias serão críticos. Vem aí mais chuva.

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Here's the nightmare scenario at Oroville Dam that officials are fighting to prevent
Rong-Gong Lin II, Raoul Rañoa and Chris MegerianContact Reporters

Any dam engineer would be terrified of this nightmare scenario — the possible collapse of a retaining wall in California’s second largest reservoir.

That’s the prospect officials faced when they ordered more than 100,000 people evacuated downstream of the nation’s tallest dam Sunday.

FROM OUR PARTNERS:188,000 Told to Evacuate in California Over Warnings the Country's Tallest Dam …
It occurred insidiously: a pocket of erosion that crept ever closer to a low concrete wall that was supposed to be the last, best defense against disaster.

The threatened concrete structure, called a weir, was designed as an emergency escape route of sorts for rapidly rising waters at swollen Lake Oroville. By allowing some water to spill over its shoulders, the concrete wall would relieve tremendous pressure building on Oroville Dam itself, which is located nearby.

This concrete wall is the key feature of Lake Oroville’s emergency spillway, and it had never been used since the dam was completed in 1968. This last weekend was its first test, however, after erosion caused major damage to the facility’s main spillway.


An aerial view shows damage at the emergency spillway at Lake Oroville. (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
It wasn’t long after water began flowing over the weir, however, that the emergency spillway revealed a major weakness: An area of earth downhill from the weir had begun to erode and was creeping uphill, closer to the concrete wall.

If enough earth washed away, the hole would undermine the wall and breach it, releasing a 30-foot-wall of water on the valley below.

In other words, millions of gallons of uncontrolled water would begin to pour down the Feather River, the largest tributary to California’s largest river, the Sacramento, overwhelming towns along its banks.

“Imagine the little Dutch kid with the finger in the dike,” said Chris Orrock, spokesman for the California Department of Water Resources. In the story, the child saves the countryside by plugging up the hole that keeps water from rushing in to flood the region.

“Once the erosion hits the water, then it’s uncontrolled,” Orrock said. “And when that starts flowing, you can’t stop it.”

Fortunately, within about 90 minutes after state water officials decided to dramatically accelerate the draining of water through Lake Oroville’s damaged main spillway, the erosion on the emergency spillway slowed down.

By late Sunday night, the lake’s water level had fallen below the weir and was no longer flowing over the emergency spillway. The erosion had stopped.

Los Angeles Times staff writers Lin reported from San Francisco, Rañoa from Los Angeles and Megerian from Oroville, Calif.
Não é a barragem em si mas sim o descarregador de cheia.
Essa imagem é apenas o descarregador de emergência.
Nunca tinha sido usado.
Mas antes disso limparam a zona por onde a água ia correr.
O problema é que na sexta feira a conduta do descarregador de cheia literalmente partiu se.
Apesar disso continua a ser usada e a provocar erosão.

Estava a generalizar a situação, tal como todos os medias. Mas sim é descarregador de emergência... o qual já está bem mal tratado...!

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A situação é má. Os 2 escoamentos têm problemas estruturais e a previsão não é boa:


A integridade estrutural da barragem está em risco se o escoamento principal continuar a ser esforçado (e vai ter que ser). Uma falha catastrófica da barragem é uma possibilidade em aberto.

O lago Oroville é o 2º maior reservatório da Califórnia. Problemas relacionados com ele trarão enormes prejuízos económicos.

A infraestrutura dos EUA está em mau estado. O caso de Oroville dificilmente será único.

1) Dams are still hazardous: The ASCE estimates that there are now 13,991 dams classified as "high hazard," meaning that if they fail, people might die. Yes, this really can happen: In 2010, the Iowa Lake Delhi dam caused $120 million in damage and swept away dozens of homes when it failed during a heavy rainstorm. Many of these high-hazard dams are now quite old.


Última edição:
Sem dúvida, estamos a falar da maior Barragem dos EUA.

Mais alta.

Como certamente terás mais perspetiva que eu: o lago Oroville (o rio chama-se Feather) e o Alqueva são basicamente a mesma coisa em termos de armazenamento:



Claro que Oroville tem para aí uns 230 metros de altura e o Alqueva não chega aos 100.