Seguimento Europa 2009

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Estão de novo 4º e vieram as nuvens depois dum dia de algum sol, e de novo trovoadalá fora!
É normal quando pensámos que este ar arctico, frio e húmido, está a colidir com o ar quente e húmido do mediterrâneo.
Só espero que neve de novo, como é a previsão
Aviso do Estofex para hoje dia 26 de Março.


Wavy north-westerly frontal jet affects western, central, and south-eastern Europe west of a long-wave trough over the eastern portions of Europe. A weak ridge is situated over south-western Europe. A strong upper jet streak now situated across western central Europe is expected to travel south-eastward at the southern flank of a sharp short-wave trough. It will likely be associated with strong DCVA from the Adriatic region to the Aegean region during the period.


Adriatic region

Numerous thunderstorms have formed across western central Europe on Wednesday in the range of the sharp upper short-wave trough that will travel further south-eastwards during the next hours. On Thursday morning, the trough axis will be located over northern Italy. The affected air mass is characterized by steep lapse rates and dry low levels as indicated by latest soundings. However, some more substantial low-level moisture can be found to the west of Italy, and models suggest that this air mass will advect into parts of the Adriatic Sea. Given strong forcing, mid-levels are expected to cool significantly, and latest GFS indicates rather deep instability and cold equilibrium temperatures. Limiting factor is poor low-level moisture. Showers and thunderstorms may form. Strong deep layer vertical wind shear is present just at the cyclonic flank of the aforementioned jet streak, where thunderstorms may organize into small bowing lines or mesocyclones. Although the chance seems to be low, a tornado is not completely ruled out with this convection that will spread south-eastward during the period.

Aegean to southern Turkey

Situation on Thursday seems to be comparable to the Adriatic region. Air mass over the Aegean and south of Turkey is rather cold with steep lapse rates and some low-level moisture. As the upper trough axis approaches in the evening hours, upper height falls will likely lead to deeper instability. Strong forcing is expected and showers and thunderstorms are forecast. Best potential for severe thunderstorms is expected near the cyclonic flank of the upper jet streak, where deep layer vertical wind shear is strong. With stronger cells, a tornado cannot be ruled out completely. Additionally, rather strong low-level winds may favor a few severe wind gusts along bowing segments.
E se neste Março de todos os calores em território Luso ,
o aquecimento global estará obviamente a dar cartas,
que hão-de dizer os Escandinavos e sobretudo os Finlandeses,
acerca disto?


Veja-se a enormidade das mínimas que ainda se verificam por terras vikings.
Aquecimento global ?
Não será para todos.
Se de um lado tapa, do outro destapa...
Na quarta-feira ocorreu um Tornado no sudoeste da Grécia que provocou muitos estragos e que matou duas pessoas quando o automóvel em que circulavam foi atirado pelo ar.

Athens - Two people died after a tornado suddenly struck the western Peloponnese on Wednesday, causing extensive damage.

The two individuals were found dead after the car they were driving was thrown off a main road in Manolada, in the Hlia report after the tornado struck.

Reports said dozens of homes were damaged and electricity poles uprooted as the tornado struck a distance of more than 10 kilometers.

The western and northern Peloponnese suffered extensive damage in 2007 after massive forest fires broke out, killing a total of 84 people, including several firefighters.

Ontem ocorreu um outro Tornado, desta vez em Dhekelia/Chipre, também muitos estragos mas sem vitimas a lamentar.

Editado por um moderador:
Como sabem o Daniel Vilão encontra-se em Benidorm e relata :
  • algum vento;
  • chuva a noite toda;
  • cerca de 15ºC.

Um especial agradecimento ao Joao Soares, que relatou as minhas informaçoes no forum.

Por cá, chuva fraca a moderada e contínua, com cerca de 14 ºC no momento.
Por Benidorm, o Daniel relata uma noite de chuva moderada a forte, e com alguma Trovoada!

Afirma ter visto o termómetro de um carro da Polícia marcar 10ºC, sendo que neste momento estão cerca de 11ºC:p

Uma bonita animação das imagens de Satélite das últimas horas!

Por Benidorm, o Daniel relata uma noite de chuva moderada a forte, e com alguma Trovoada!

Afirma ter visto o termómetro de um carro da Polícia marcar 10ºC, sendo que neste momento estão cerca de 11ºC:p

Uma bonita animação das imagens de Satélite das últimas horas!


O nosso escudo anti-chuva continua a funcionar na perfeição! A massa de nuvens ao aproximar-se do nosso país, dá meia-volta e regressa pelo mesmo caminho.:mad:
COMUNIDADE DE VALÊNCIA (Espanha) - La ola de frío cubre de nieve el interior

La brusca bajada de las temperaturas, que han llegado a caer 11 grados en Castelló en tan solo un día, ha provocado que los paisajes de la provincia presenten una imagen propia de los meses de invierno. Y es que tras un paréntesis la nieve ha regresado a los pueblos del interior, en este caso en primavera. Comenzó a nevar el sábado por la tarde-noche por encima de los 900 metros en el Penyagolosa, Vilafranca, Castellfort, Ares, Morella y la Tinença de Benifassà donde llegaron a acumularse alrededor de 5 centímetros de nieve. No hubo problemas significativos en las carreteras, aunque la nieve llegó acompañada de una intensa niebla.
Ayer siguieron las precipitaciones débiles y la nieve en el interior y, según la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (Aemet), se prevé que las precipitaciones se alarguen hasta hoy pero con la misma intensidad moderada. Los Serranos, con nieve - En Aras de los Olmos y algunas aldeas de Alpuente amanecieron la mañana de ayer con nieve.
Las precipitaciones y la bajada de temperaturas anunciada para el fin de semana han hecho que los termómetros hayan caído hasta 15º, en menos de 24 horas, registrando temperaturas negativas en algunas zonas. En la comarca de Los Serranos ha estado lloviendo de manera continuada durante los dos últimos días y en zonas como Titaguas ha provocado algún incidente, como fue el rescate de unos 30 acampados de 8 y 9 años, con sus monitores que habían ido a pasar el fin de semana a las inmediaciones del río Turia y que hubieron de ser rescatados por la Guardia Civil, servicios forestales, ayuntamiento y vecinos del pueblo voluntarios, para pasar la noche en el Centro Social de la localidad
Respecto a las temperaturas máximas en la Comunitat ayer sufrieron un descensos entre moderado y notable respecto a la jornada anterior, con una media de entre 4 y 5 grados. Destacaron Castellfort, con once grados menos, que dejaron el termómetro en 4 grados, y Utiel, con nueve grados menos y un registro de 8 grados. En las capitales de provincia, el mayor descenso lo experimentó Castelló, con una bajada de cinco grados que dejó el mercurio en 14, y tanto en Valencia como en Alicante hubo una bajada de cuatro grados y quedaron también en los 14.
Precipitaciones - En cuanto a las precipitaciones, en 24 horas se registraron en Chelva hasta 55 litros de agua por metro cuadrado, seguido de Andilla, con 54, y también destacaron Ayora con 40, o Elda con 39. En Valencia capital llovieron poco más de 8 litros por metro cuadrado, en Alicante 5 y en Castelló tan sólo litro y medio por metro cuadrado.
Aviso do Estofex para hoje na europa dia 31 de Março:


A zonally elongated area of high pressure is centered between 47-57°N and causes stable weather. Low pressure areas are present over Scandinavia and the western Mediterranean Sea. The core of this low is initially near SE Spain, but it is predicted that a wave will develop along the cold front north of Algeria and the low pressure center will likely install near the Balearic islands. ECWMF model shows the core to take a more eastern track via Sardegna. LCL-LFC distance and MLCAPE/ICAPE differences suggest convection can be elevated within the warm plume and more surface-based towards the west.


...western Mediterranean area, Tunisia...

Most storms will occur along the cold front and warm sector moving north during the day. In the region deep layer shear is forecast to be around 15 m/s, which supports mainly multicell clusters. Marginal large hail may occur, however the main issue can become rainfall when repeated storm activity affects Sardegna and Corsica.
In particular over northern Tunisia, deep layer shear is enhanced to 30 m/s with SREH higher than 300 m²/s². Supercells with chance of large hail and a tornado are possible.
Aviso do Estofex para Hoje na Europa dia 1 de Abril:


An area of mid-level high pressure system with center over the Northern Sea will stretch from Atlantic to Central Europe and then curve to
SE Europe. This "channel" of high geopotential heights will separate the short-wave trough which is expected to deepen when moving from Scandinavia to NE Europe and a broad mid-level cut off low, placed over the W. Mediterranean. A warm advection will be well-established ahead of this low with weak cold front which will start affecting Italy by 12Z. Under the exit region of the jet, in association with strong QG forcing at mid-levels, slight cyclogenesis will be induced in the range of the frontal zone.


.... Sicily, Central Italy ...

The combination of advection of warm, humid airmass and strong synoptic-scale lift ahead of the advancing mid-level impulse should result in the release of latent instability, with MLCAPEs reaching several hundred of J/kg. Strong mid and upper level flow will increase the values of DLS to more than 20 m/s with shear in the lowest 3 kms staying in order of 10 - 15 m/s. As a surface trough is expected to develop with several small pressure centres confined to the cold front, slightly enhanced SREH values will build up over the island of Sicily by 12Z ( Per several GFS runs, only around 100 - 150 J/kg will be available to the developing storms). Convergence on the frontal zone should lead to the initation of thunderstorms, which will affect the area between 09 and 18Z. Due to the favourable wind-shear conditions, thunderstorms should be well organized, probably of multicellular nature, oriented along the progressing front. Threat of marginally severe hail is anticipated, especially if isolated cells manage to develop, with supercellular characteristics. One of the limiting factors for hail, however, will be the relatively little CAPE to be tapped by the storms as well as the lack of isolated cells ahead of the front. The greatest threat over Italy will last from 09 to 12Z, over the Sicily from 12 to 18Z.
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