Seguimento Europa 2011

Forte instabilidade esta noite a afectar o nordeste da França, a Bélgica, o Luxemburgo, a Holanda e o noroeste da Alemanha. Já esta tarde o sudeste do Reino Unido foi afectado por tempo instável:


Voos suspensos, trens atrasados ​​e um bloco de apartamentos em chamas:

Inferno - ondas de fumaça a partir de um bloco de apartamentos em Bermondsey, sudeste de Londres, depois que um raio atingiu:

Causado por um raio??? nunca vi tal coisa :shocking:
Estofex hoje para a Europa:

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A level 2 was issued for south-western Russia and north-eastern Ukraine mainly for excessive precipitation and tornadoes.

A level 1 was issued for western Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States and southern Finland mainly for excessive rain and tornadoes.

A level 1 was issued for Southern Poland to the northern Balkans mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for Italy and the southern Balkans mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for eastern Spain mainly for large hail and excessive precipitation.


Low geopotential extends from the North Sea to the Black Sea. A north-westerly jet affects most of the Mediterranean. Over north-eastern Europe, a high is present.


South-western Russia, north-eastern Ukraine, eastern Belarus to the Baltic States

A strong easterly flow evolves between the high over the northern parts of Europe and the trough centred over the western Ukraine. Warm air advection sets in from the east and a strong low-level jet is expected to develop that will probably reach 25 m/s at 850 hPa. In the warm air advection regime, a convergence zone is expected over the northern Ukraine between rather warm air masses over Russia and cooler air over the Ukraine that extends north-eastward across Belarus to the Baltic States. Moisture pooling is forecast along this convergence zone and the low-level mixing ratio is expected to be 11-13 g/kg in the lowest kilometre. Additionally, reasonable steep lapse rates are expected to spread westward and will overlap with the rich moisture. Daytime heating is expected to result in CAPE values reaching 1000 J/kg.

The strong convergence assists for storms through-out the period that are expected to merge into MCSs that move north-westward. Excessive precipitation is forecast with these storms given the humid air and the continuous forcing as the storms move almost parallel along the convergence line.

Tornadoes are forecast to be another main threat. Through-out the period, strong low-level vertical wind shear will overlap with the instability over a broad area especially over south-western Russia. 0-1km bulk shear is forecast in the 15-20 m/s range with 200 m²/s² SRH by latest GFS in the evening hours. Especially isolated storms are forecast to become well-organized and tornadoes are expected that may be strong. Farther west, the tornado potential decreases due to weaker low-level vertical wind shear.

Besides the rain and tornado risk, large hail and severe wind gusts are not ruled out, especially in the northern and eastern portions of the risk area, where the boundary-layer is expected to be better mixed and storms will be more isolated. Later in the period, severe wind gusts are expected along the gust fronts of MCSs that propagate north-westwards into Belarus and north-western Ukraine. Excessive precipitation and tornadoes may occur through-out the night hours.

Southern Poland to the northern Balkans

The trough over the North Sea moves south-eastward and merges to the eastern trough later on. At lower levels, the cold air mass over Germany will accelerate at the eastern flank of a low centred over Romania. On Thursday, the cold air mass will be located to the west of a convergence line from central Poland to Hungary and will advect rapidly south-eastward. Current thinking is that the low-level cold air advection will limit the thunderstorm potential. The best chances for stronger storms are forecast from southern Austria to Serbia ahead of the cold air as well as near the convergence from central Poland to Hungary.

Given weak winds at mid-levels, storms will likely be slow-moving and may cluster. Locally large hail and excessive precipitation is not ruled out. Later in the period, strong north-westerly winds are forecast to develop especially in the cold air behind the main cold front that spreads into the northern Balkans. Near the convergence line to the east, some instability may overlap with the strong north-westerly flow at 850 hPa, and a tornado is not ruled out. Current indications do not prefer such a scenario, though.

Eastern Spain

At the southern periphery of the North Sea trough, a north-westerly jet streak will travel across Iberia. Daytime heating over the central regions is expected to result in steep lapse rates that will spread eastwards. Along the coasts, moist low-level air of the Mediterranean Sea is forecast to spread westwards given a thermal low over Iberia. Upslope flow and low-level convergence are forecast to overlap with the steep lapse rates and favourably vertical wind shear. Supercells are forecast capable of producing large hail and locally excessive precipitation. Isolated severe wind gusts are not ruled out. Storms are forecast to decay in the evening hours.

Italy to southern Balkans

A rather strong north-westerly mid-level flow is expected, and deep layer vertical wind shear will be around 15 m/s. The affected air mass is unstable given rather rich low-level moisture and steep mid-level lapse rates. Storms are expected to develop during the day and may become supercells, capable of producing large hail and severe wind gusts. Storms are forecast to decay during the night hours.

Northern Sweden and surroundings

At the western flank of the high pressure area, a warm air mass experiences upslope flow along the Scandinavian mountains. Current indications are that some low-level moisture and diurnal heating will result in weak instability. Thunderstorms are forecast to develop at the noon hours. Given a strong southerly mid-level jet, these storms will move quite rapidly northward and may organize. Locally large hail and severe wind gusts are forecast, but the threat seems to be too marginal for a risk level at this time.
Chuva forte inunda casas e ruas em Copenhaga

Fortes chuvadas inundaram centenas de casas e várias ruas na capital da Dinamarca, interrompendo o tráfego e atrasando a circulação de comboios.

Jeppe Ilkjaer, um porta-voz dos serviços de socorro da empresa Falck, disse recebeu chamadas de mais de mil proprietários de casas cujas caves tinham ficado inundadas devido à chuva na tarde de sábado.

A Direcção das Estradas da Dinamarca informou que as inundações obrigaram ao encerramento de quatro das principais rodovias, em redor de Copenhaga, e provocaram atrasos nos comboios.

Não há registo de feridos devido às inundações, que também provocaram interrupção nas linhas telefónicas da polícia de Copenhaga.

Os serviços de socorro disseram que 150 milímetros de água caíram no sábado sobre a área de Copenhaga, estando igualmente prevista chuva forte para a noite deste domingo.

Hoje neste momento estão umas belas células no norte de Espanhã:

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A level 2 was issued for NE / E Iberia mainly for very large hail and damaging wind gusts.

A level 1 surrounding the level 2 was issued for E Iberia and the Balearic Islands mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.

A level 1 was issued for N Algeria mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.

A level 1 was issued for parts of Czech Republic, W Poland and E Germany mainly for excessive precipitation.

A level 1 was issued for S Norway, S Sweden and Denmark mainly for excessive precipitation.

A level 1 was issued for W Russia and parts of Estonia and Latvia mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts and to a lesser extent for tornadoes.

A level 1 was issued for the Bosporus region mainly for large hail and excessive precipitation.


An occluding surface low over Poland moves slowly eastwards. Some showers and thunderstorms are expected along its cold front / occlusion and also in the warm sector over Russia.
Ahead of a shortwave trough over central Iberia, a developing surface low is found over NE Spain, moving to the northeast. Moderate to high instability is found over NE Spain with an overlap of strong 20 - 25 m/s deep layer shear which makes this region most favourable for severe weather on Sunday.


...E / NE Iberia...

Some 1000 J/kg MLCAPE are in place with strong deep layer shear and some 100 - 250 m²/s² SRH3. A deep EML, reaching from 850 hPa up to the 550 hPa level as seen in recent soundings from Barcelona and Murcia, provides some -100 to more than -200 J/kg CIN which should suppress widespread disorganised initiation. Current thinking is that an upper vort-max from the shortwave trough will trigger some isolated storms. Convection will tend to evolve into well-organised multicells and supercells, capable of producing large to very large hail and severe wind gusts due to evaporative cooling. Later in the period, discrete storms may merge into one or two MCSes with a pronounced severe wind gust threat. Continuous development of new storms further upstream may lead to excessive rainfall in some places but the hail / wind gust threat should be dominant. Although no high coverage of severe weather reports is expected, a level 2 was issued mainly for a few significant severe events as hail > 5 cm in diameter and wind gusts exceeding 33 m/s. Towards the east, CIN is strongly increasing and it is uncertain whether storms will develop over the Balearics or not. Isolated significant severe events are not ruled out when convection develops but the uncertainty w.r.t. initiation leads to a level 1.

For the same reasons as mentioned above, a level 1 is also issued for N Algeria.

...East-central Europe, S Scandinavia...

Continuous advection of warm and unstable air towards the Erz Mountains and other mountaneous areas within the discussed region may lead to a long-lasting period of intense convective and stratiform rainfall. Even though most of the storms are not very intense, a few flash flood events are expected.

Another region with a high potential of excessive rainfall is S Sweden and E Denmark where instability is a bit higher than in Germany and Czech Republic.

...W Russia and Baltics...

Near the cold front of the low pressure system over Poland, some 10 - 15 m/s deep layer shear overlap with approx. 1000 J/kg MLCAPE. A few isolated marginally severe hail events / isolated severe wind gusts could be expected with multicells and linear segments which are most likely to develop. Tornadoes are not very likely but an isolated event cannot be ruled out. A small low-end level 1 is introduced for the regions where isolated severe events may occur.

...Bosporus region...

Low-end instability and some 20 - 25 m/s of deep layer shear overlap over parts of Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. SRH3 in order of 150 - 200 m²/s² may be sufficient for a few organised multicells and supercells which may produce isolated large hail and excessive precipitation due to high effective PWAT.
Estofex hoje dia 4 de Julho para a Europa:

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A LVL2 has been issued across the western Mediterranean primarily for large hail and damaging winds.

A LVL1 has been issued over east-central Europe mainly for marginally severe hail and wind gusts.

A LVL1 threat has been issued across western Russia mainly for excessive convective rainfall.


The upper main frontal zone has shifted far southward into Mediterranean region, with an imbedded, de-amplifyingtrough moving into the central Mediterranean during the period. An extensive upper cut-off cyclone persists over the eastern parts of Europe. Both features are accompanied by weak SFC low-pressure areas, but overall, quiescent conditions prevail at the surface.


... western Mediterranean ...

Sunday's 12Z ascent from Murcia, Spain, exhibited very impressive lapse rates and rather deep moisture, resulting in 2000+ J/kg of MLCAPE ... indicating what the current air mass is capable of.

It seems that of MLCAPE of 1000 - 2000 J/kg, as well as a sturdy cap, will persist over the western Mediterranean on Monday. However, the lapse rates and instability may weaken some ... also, the depth of the moisture is uncertain, suggesting that MLCAPE might not be as high everywhere as in the Murcia sounding. However, ahead of the mid-level trough, sufficient large-scale ascent should exist to help initiate deep convection, although storm coverage remains quite uncertain given the strong cap. Also, it seems that a clear low-level focus for initiation is missing.

Deep shear in excess of 25 - 30 m/s should be sufficient for supercells and bow echoes, capable of (very) large hail and damaging winds. GFS assumes pockets of 10+ m/s LLS over the region, suggesting that perhaps a brief tornado could occur as well, though the chances seem somewhat limited given the strong cap. Although the anticipated low storm coverage will limit the overall magnitude of the severe threat, it also reduces the chances of destructive cell interference. It thus is possible that only a few but quite persistent/intense cells will develop. Moreover, if storms form and encounter pockets of deep moisture, upscale growth could occur, though this scenario is not explicitly simulated by either WRF or GFS. Still, the intense shear and at least locally ample instability requires a LVL2 threat, which is placed where shear looks to be most favorable and where models most coherently develop precip.

... east-central Europe ...

Scattered showers and thunderstorms should form across Poland into N Romania in a weakly unstable and weakly capped air mass. Deep shear is simulated to be in the 15-20 m/s range, which is within the overlap of the supercell and multicell parameter spaces. It seems that the most intense cells could produce some hail/wind briefly exceeding severe limits, marginally warranting a LVL1 threat.

... western Russia ...

Rather widespread storms are expected E of the eastern-European upper low in a rather moist and weakly-capped air mass. Deep shear should be rather weak with 5-10 m/s, so that the overall severe threat should be limited. However, favorable interactions of storms with previously laid-out outflow boundaries or similar mesoscale features may support a few very sporadic/brief large hail/severe wind events. The main threat should be excessive convective rain, though, given slow storm motions and anticipated large storm coverage.
Cheguei hoje a Viena..e voltarei para Pt no Domingo.

Segundo o sensor analogico razoavelmente instalado, estao 27.8C neste momento...o ceu esta nublado por cirroestratus e altocumulus e o vento sopra fraco a moderado de SSE.

Estes dias avizinham-se quentes e com boas hipoteses de trovoada nomeadamente Sabado e Domingo.

( Foi preciso "ir a Europa" para apanhar calor e trovoadas heheh)
A minha sensacao quando cheguei a Viena foi :
" ALIVIO! finalmente Verao!!!"

Os Austriacos nao acham o mesmo...estamos em alerta amarelo para calor ( Permanencia de Tmax acima de 28 graus) e amanha ou Domingo talvez chegue a a Tmax superar os 32 graus...:lol:

Ate agora os extremos de hoje sao:


A maxima esperada devera rondar os 29 graus...agradavel..
Violents orages en Suisse Alémanique

Des orages violents accompagnés de vents parfois tempétueux ont frappé la Suisse alémanique. Il a aussi grêlé notamment dans le canton de Schwyz et à Rapperswil (SG) où des grêlons de 3 cm ont provoqué des dommages. Deux personnes ont perdu la vie après avoir été écrasées par un arbre, près de Risch (ZG).
Le drame est survenu alors que des promeneurs se mettaient à l'abri à proximité d'un groupe d'arbres pour se protéger d'une forte averse de grêle. Soudain, un arbre a chuté, écrasant plusieurs personnes. L'une d'elles est décédée sur les lieux et l'autre à l'hôpital. Deux autres blessés ont été hospitalisés mais leur vie n'est pas menacée.
Les orages sur la Suisse alémanique ont notamment frappé le canton de Schwyz. Les pompiers et le personnel du service d'entretien ont été mobilisés pour pomper l'eau de caves inondées ou dégager des arbres encombrant des routes. Les averses été le plus abondantes au sud des Alpes. A Lugano, il est tombé en 24 heures 115 millimètres et dans la région de Locarno 100 millimètres, a indiqué SF Meteo.
En Suisse alémanique, entre 50 et 60 millimètres ont été mesurés au Zürichberg et dans le Napf (BE), près de 40 à Schaffhouse, 32 à Lucerne et 30 à Breitenbach (SO). De très fortes rafales de vent, des milliers d'éclairs et des chutes de grêles ont été observés par les services météorologiques. Sur le lac d'Aegeri (ZG), le vent a soufflé jusqu'à 132 km/h. En dix minutes, il est tombé 30 litres d'eau par mètre carré. Une trombe d'eau, colonne d'air mélangée d'eau en rotation, a même été observée sur le lac de Zurich
Le Tessin n'a pas été épargné. Il y a également beaucoup plu et la police a reçu de maints appels à l'aide. Les pompiers de Lugano sont intervenus une soixantaine de fois en deux heures et demie. Dans la région de Locarno, il est tombé 90 litres par mètre carré, soit presque la moitié des précipitations d'un mois de juillet. Les orages ont aussi provoqué un glissement de terrain qui a conduit à la fermeture de l'autoroute A2 entre Mendrisio et Melide-Bissone, en direction du Saint-Gothard, a indiqué Viasuisse.

Claro, quem sai do árctico tem sempre essa sensação :D

Por Lisboa tem estado ventoso e esta um tempo muito mais agradavel..sempre com o vislumbre no horizonte de boas celulas convectivas:p:cool:

Vento moderado de W tornando-se fraco de S a partir das 12h.
Ceu com periodos de muito nublado por nebulosidade estratiforme alta, dando lugar a cumulus e cumulunimbus pela tarde.

Min 20.2

Amanha espera-se menos nebulosidade...sera um dia quentinho e com trovoadas pela tarde.
Hoje a nebulosidade e o vento matinal deveram-se a passagem de restos de uma frente fria, que se afastou para NE dada a existencia de uma protuberancia na crista subtropical...a frente causou tempo severo ontem e hoje ao passar na Alemanha e na Polonia, embora a zona oeste da Austria e a Suica tambem tenham sido afectadas por sistemas convectivos de mesoescala, associados a actividade frontal.
Por Lisboa tem estado ventoso e esta um tempo muito mais agradavel..sempre com o vislumbre no horizonte de boas celulas convectivas:p:cool:

Vento moderado de W tornando-se fraco de S a partir das 12h.
Ceu com periodos de muito nublado por nebulosidade estratiforme alta, dando lugar a cumulus e cumulunimbus pela tarde.

Min 20.2

Amanha espera-se menos nebulosidade...sera um dia quentinho e com trovoadas pela tarde.
Hoje a nebulosidade e o vento matinal deveram-se a passagem de restos de uma frente fria, que se afastou para NE dada a existencia de uma protuberancia na crista subtropical...a frente causou tempo severo ontem e hoje ao passar na Alemanha e na Polonia, embora a zona oeste da Austria e a Suica tambem tenham sido afectadas por sistemas convectivos de mesoescala, associados a actividade frontal.

Uma noite tropical em Viena? Deve ser raro por aí.. :)