Há que olhar para as zonas com o mesmo clima. A seca da Califórnia já é minimamente conhecida mas Israel já vai no 4º ano de seca.
Solução alternativa para se ter mais água em PT
Exterminar espanhóis 
Solução alternativa para se ter mais água em PT

Ever since millions of people fled the country, the Jordan River—which runs through Israel, Jordan and Lebanon—has swelled more than three times its size in 2008. This is partially because there are few farmers left in the country to use water for their crops, and virtually no demand for the water for drinking and cooking within decimated cities, according to a study published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America.
Currently, the reservoirs in Jordan are at a record low - only one-fifth full - and the vital winter rains are becoming increasingly erratic.
There seems little respite for the country, which draws 160 percent more water from the ground than is replenished by nature.