As the first estimate of the event, ‘Correio dos Açores’ newspaper (Correio dos Açores, edition of 10 May 1939), using Azores Meteorological Service references, describes the 8 May 1939 earthquake and tsunami. According to this source, the earthquake occurred at 01:47:34 am with epicentral coordinates of latitude 34.25°N and longitude 27.15°W. The shock was felt, mainly, at central and oriental groups of the archipelago. The felt intensities (Mercalli scale) range between V and VI in Santa Maria Island, IV and V in São Miguel Island, and III and IV in Faial Island.
Moreira (
1968 Moreira VS. 1968. Tsunamis observados em Portugal, Vol. 134. E´vora, Portugal: Evora University.
[Google Scholar]) determined the earthquake magnitude, Ms7.0, and revised the origin time (01:46:48 UTC) and the epicentral coordinates (37.0°N, 23.9°W).