The amazing annual mean temperatures of South Crete

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And you on the other hand why do u react on what you perceive is childish on my behalf?Is it because deep down you are reacting equally childish by trying to distort my points?

I have fun playing around with data.If I happen to nag someone,well tough!In fact I love being relentless against Ferreiro.So what?:People can crack a joke from time to time.No biggie

I said myself 6 years is not that big of a deal.It does help however demonstrate better my ''childish'' thesis that in all probability South Crete is the warmest area of Europe.

I am not claiming some kind of pluralistic megalomania of scientific data.In fact just the opposite.I provided what I consider good and accurate data that support my claim without resorting to some academic tantrum.

Well, I´m trying to have rational debate, it´s just that.

You know (and nearly everyone here did understood) what I meant with childish.

If you think that´s a not child behavior, I´m ok with it.

I don´t want to distort anything, I want to be cautious.

Your debates with Ferreiro are even funny, that was not my point.

Well, your data is interesting, but in my opinion, you´ll have a long way to prove your point.

Yes, point B can be warmer than point A, during R period, but it´s that and only that, unless Iberia and Greece are 5 m2.
Ok while you are done playing with words the fact remains that there is no other area warmer than Palaiohora for the relevant period in geo Europe from the stations we have...And there wont be one... at least outside South Crete.

See?I knew we could reach an agreement
It's a 2000 people town/village.It cant really be ''urban''.If you can find pics from the NOA site let me know ,I am searching for those too,I had no luck.No worries.The data seem pretty good and accurate if we contrast them with the other stations in South Crete both from HNMS and NOA.
It's a 2000 people town/village.It cant really be ''urban''.If you can find pics from the NOA site let me know ,I am searching for those too,I had no luck.No worries.The data seem pretty good and accurate if we contrast them with the other stations in South Crete both from HNMS and NOA.

Eu resido em Lousã, uma vila em Portugal. Tenho a minha estação meteorológica e nada tem de semelhante co a do INM, por a minha estar dentro da localidade, apesar de estar cerca de 20 metros do solo.

Se estiver dentro da localidade pode ter temperaturas superiores a 2ºC, algo que eu verifico através do veículo e a altitudes superiores ou inferiores em zonas rurais. (raramente encontro no Verão valores superiores nessas zonas, o que levo a pensar que o efeito seja o urbanismo).

Isto serve apenas de exemplo.
I think the Davis fan aspirated stations are really good in solving this issue to be honest.They are very accurate in temperature sensitivities provided they are correctly installed .As I said if you compare the daily data between Palaiohora (NOA) and Palaiohora (HNMS) stations they are very compatible albeit the later being slightly warmer.

Anyways I think we are splitting hair here.It's a big village actually.Not really urban with really remarkable climatological conditions due to it's amazing topography.If you check pictures of the town of Palaiohora you will see how complex terrain ,with mountains ,hills etc it is.It's fascinating!

The data I believe are pretty good and accurate.
I think the Davis fan aspirated stations are really good in solving this issue to be honest.

A minha estação não é uma Davis, mas é "fan aspirated" e não creio que irá resolver o problema porque o veículo vai em "grande movimento" e revela esse problema.

Seja como for, penso em breve resolver esse teu problema do Davis "fan aspirated).
A minha estação não é uma Davis, mas é "fan aspirated" e não creio que irá resolver o problema porque o veículo vai em "grande movimento" e revela esse problema.

Seja como for, penso em breve resolver esse teu problema do Davis "fan aspirated).

Ok then the other station from HNMS,the WMO accredited one has ''solved'' it...and surprise surprise it's even warmer.What can the 10 vehicles that pass every 20 minutes from the centre of Palaiohora can do?And the station is not even in the center. Come on it's a big village.No urban heat island ,not full of vehicles etc

Unless all the stations in Palaiohora are crap then I dont see a reason to debate the obvious.Come on.It's South Crete you guys.Off course it will rock :)
Ok then the other station from HNMS,the WMO accredited one has ''solved'' it...and surprise surprise it's even warmer.

Unless all the stations in Palaiohora are crap then I dont see a reason to debate the obvious.Come on.It's South Crete you guys.Off course it will rock :)

Não disse nada disso.

Eu não conheço essa estação, não tenho nada contra, muito menos denegri-la.

Apenas quero saber se é uma estação dentro da localidade, ou como outra climática, a cerca de 2/3 km da localidade.
I know it's in the town.The traffic is really low though.If you check the camera one car passes every 20-30 minutes?Sometimes it takes an hour for a car to pass through.Not to mention during the night.It's like deserted area in the night lol.

Anyways it's just 2000 people living in the broader area.Nothing much.A village.
Ok you and 3-4 people in Spain or Portugal will hear you.The rest of the people know that Canaries are in Africa and Crete in Europe.See?Puzzle solved.

Why dont we include the French Polynesia as well then?:) It's a part of France haha.
I know it's in the town.The traffic is really low though.If you check the camera one car passes every 20-30 minutes?Sometimes it takes an hour for a car to pass through.Not to mention during the night.It's like deserted area in the night lol.

Anyways it's just 2000 people living in the broader area.Nothing much.A village.

Se residem no local 2000 pessoas e é um local extremamente turístico, existem 2/3 mais edifícios que numa localidade pouco turística.

Não quero denegrir os valores que apresenta essa estação.

É uma estação urbana e os valores têm de ser considerados dessa forma.

Não vejo o problema, mas acho estranho o teu entusiasmo de negação desse facto.
I doubt it has an impact on the station.Besides the HNMS station is even warmer and it is a WMO station.

I dont believe that small town of 2000 people will have any impact even if the station in the very centre.The data are good I think.Very good actually
I doubt it has an impact on the station.Besides the HNMS station is even warmer and it is a WMO station.

I dont believe that small town of 2000 people will have any impact even if the station in the very centre.The data are good I think.Very good actually

Nós aqui criticamos vivamente as estações do INM por falta de manutenção, localização, etc., mas temos a noção que nos encontramos num país com poucos meios monetários.

Vens aqui festejar algo que nem seria algo de crítica por aqui, porque é uma estação dedicada à sua função climática.

Em relação à estação da HNMS é também totalmente desconhecida.

Tens alguma críticas, comentários dos residentes locais sobre essas estações? Poderão estar colocadas numa rua ou jardim da localidade? Têm manutenção frequente?
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