And you on the other hand why do u react on what you perceive is childish on my behalf?Is it because deep down you are reacting equally childish by trying to distort my points?
I have fun playing around with data.If I happen to nag someone,well tough!In fact I love being relentless against Ferreiro.So what?:People can crack a joke from time to time.No biggie
I said myself 6 years is not that big of a deal.It does help however demonstrate better my ''childish'' thesis that in all probability South Crete is the warmest area of Europe.
I am not claiming some kind of pluralistic megalomania of scientific data.In fact just the opposite.I provided what I consider good and accurate data that support my claim without resorting to some academic tantrum.
Well, I´m trying to have rational debate, it´s just that.
You know (and nearly everyone here did understood) what I meant with childish.
If you think that´s a not child behavior, I´m ok with it.
I don´t want to distort anything, I want to be cautious.
Your debates with Ferreiro are even funny, that was not my point.
Well, your data is interesting, but in my opinion, you´ll have a long way to prove your point.
Yes, point B can be warmer than point A, during R period, but it´s that and only that, unless Iberia and Greece are 5 m2.