The amazing annual mean temperatures of South Crete

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. que em Limassol (Chipre), a temperatura média anual do mar é de 21,7ºC.

The sea temperature might be so (actually I have no idea on this) but Ian over in the UK forum had made a quick comparison for the same period on the air temperature for Cyprus.Here are the results.

As for other areas warmer than Palaiohora in Crete,yes I agree,but those most definitely wont be in the valleys as the minimums there are way too low.The best candidates are locations on the south coast.
Os vales teem noites muito mais frias...o que acontece em Palaiohora deve ter a ver com a falta de inversões térmicas e a proximidade ao mar, que resulta em minimas muito altas ( proximas á SST que anda pelos 26-28ºC no Verão).
Os vales talvez ja tenham minimas muito mais parecidas ás do Interior sul da PI, 16-20ºC..pois drenam o ar frio do interior criando bolsas de inversão.

Outra coisa é que os ventos dominantes de N devem sofrer algum efeito de fohen ao passar as montanhas do interior de Creta..

Em Pt continental, assim minimamente parecido, só temos a Arrabida...talvez fosse interessante meter uma estação tipo no Portinho ou na Figueirinha..devem ter pelo menos as minimas bem mais altas do que qualquer outro ponto da costa ocidental.

Spot on stormy!

What is happening in Palaiohora is the effects of the almost constant foehn winds during the summer (due to the Meltemi winds acting as such) and this coupled with the protection the wider area receives from the mountains.

If you notice Crete closely u will see the big differences from place to place.Especially when it comes to areas protected by the mountains.Palaiohora seems very special as it is almost perfectly sheltered by the mountains in the north and so during the summer the prevailing Meltemi winds give it an almost constant foehn plus it's location by the warm waters of the Libyan sea gives us this amazing temperatures.
The sea temperature might be so (actually I have no idea on this) but Ian over in the UK forum had made a quick comparison for the same period on the air temperature for Cyprus.Here are the results.

As for other areas warmer than Palaiohora in Crete,yes I agree,but those most definitely wont be in the valleys as the minimums there are way too low.The best candidates are locations on the south coast.

Compara com Kyrenia (Cyprus).
A temperatura média em 2012 em Kyrenia foi de 21,1ºC. Lanarca 20,2ºC.
E Kyrenia fica no norte.
Compara com Kyrenia (Cyprus).
A temperatura média em 2012 em Kyrenia foi de 21,1ºC. Lanarca 20,2ºC.
E Kyrenia fica no norte.

21.04C was in Palaiohora for 2012 so pretty much the same.Do u have the data for Kerinia between 2007-2012 so we can compare directly?

I couldnt find the data of Kerinia on ogimet,where did u find them?I highly doubt Kerinia is warmer than Larnaca btw
21.04C was in Palaiohora for 2012 so pretty much the same.Do u have the data for Kerinia between 2007-2012 so we can compare directly?

I couldnt find the data of Kerinia on ogimet,where did u find them?I highly doubt Kerinia is warmer than Larnaca btw

Kyrenia - Ogimet

Em 2011 faltam uma série de dados, mas em 2010 a média foi de 21,58ºC.

Kyrenia - Ogimet

Em 2011 faltam uma série de dados, mas em 2010 a média foi de 21,58ºC.

It's two warm years yes.Do u have ALL the 6 years to compare?I am confident Palaiohora beats it as well.And where is 2010 of 21.58C?I cant find it.I only see the last few days of data

Actually I can not find either the 2012 or 2010 data u are saying.Can u provide the direct link of the data pls?

Only Larnaca appears with a full series of data for 12 full months
Última edição:
I mean that I wanna see the whole data for Kerinia and cant find them.I only see last few days from the link u provided.Pls show me where the 21.1C and 21.6C is to be found
It's two warm years yes.Do u have ALL the 6 years to compare?I am confident Palaiohora beats it as well.And where is 2010 of 21.58C?I cant find it.I only see the last few days of data

No ogimet só estão os valores diários.
Copiei todos esses valores para um ficheiro excel e fiz a média.
Dá é algum trabalho.

Tanto em 2010 como em 2012, únicos anos que fiz, a grande diferença entre Kyrenia e Lacarna está na temperatura mínima.

Kyrenia teve média das mínimas em 2010 de 17,84ºC e em 2012 de 17,31ºC.
What excel file?What is the source of this excel file?U mean that u personally were daily keeping the data of Kerinia for 2010 and 2012?

I wanna see the hard data for my self.Or post the excel file here.I highly doubt Kerinia is warmer than Larnaca.From ogimet nothing like that withstands at least from the links u provided.

U understand I always wanna check the whole data my self.Post the excel file and I will do the work no worries
Or provide me the direct link (or show me the way to find these data on my own from Ogimet) so u wont need to post the excel file and I will do the relevant work as well
What excel file?What is the source of this excel file?U mean that u personally were daily keeping the data of Kerinia for 2010 and 2012?

I wanna see the hard data for my self.Or post the excel file here.I highly doubt Kerinia is warmer than Larnaca.From ogimet nothing like that withstands at least from the links u provided.

U understand I always wanna check the whole data my self.Post the excel file and I will do the work no worries

Sim, copiei todos os dias e fiz a média.
Toma lá o link do ficheiro de 2010 e comprova os valores que te disse:
Sim, copiei todos os dias e fiz a média.
Toma lá o link do ficheiro de 2010 e comprova os valores que te disse:

lol sorry I am busting ur balls here but can u do it in english for me? google translate is crap.

Can u explain to me how u found the data of Kerinia for 2010 and 2012 from Ogimet?Can I also find it now so I can personally cross check ur work?

Thanks for the excel file!I ll check it
Ok i just checked your excel file quickly .You havent compared the simple mean correctly.I think u copy pasted it and then u calculated the ogimet mean (as is provided in the last column).The simple mean must be different.I quickly run some random days and you are off in terms of the simple mean.It's a lot of work but I ll try and fix it
Ok i just checked your excel file quickly .You havent compared the simple mean correctly.I think u copy pasted it and then u calculated the ogimet mean (as is provided in the last column).The simple mean must be different.I quickly run some random days and you are off in terms of the simple mean.It's a lot of work but I ll try and fix it

I just calculated the values in the end of the file. (Average).
Check the ogimet, month by month, and you'll see all the values are correct.

-> Excel file of Kyrenia vs Lacarna (2012). (3,16MB)

As I said, it's a hard work to copy&past everything. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to do the same for 2007, 2008 and 2009. (For 2011, data values are not complete)
That is what I am asking!!How do u check the Kerinia values month by month from Ogimet?I cant find them.Can u explain the exact path u followed to see the month by month data?

Give me the direct link so I will do it for the whole 6 years.For the time being I cant find anything from ogimet apart from the past few days in Kerinia.
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