The 4 year July mean max for Sparta is 36.3C and for August is 36.2C.You might be right about Guadalquivir but I think Sparta beats any area in Portugal in my opinion.Sparta's 20 year July mean max was 34.5C according to HNMS and that during a decade with very chilly summers in Greece.Sparta should be at least on par or warmer than Seville in terms of summer mean maxes I believe.
I think I once pointed you to Sparta, isn't it? It is an interesting valley. An average of 36,3 or so in the last couple of years is quite possible in Amareleja and other areas. I believe somehwere in 2006 or 2005 they even had that in June. As you have noticed on this site, it is a question what the warmest area in Portugal is because the former IM does not measure in valleys. They only measure above it. SO we do calculations etc but you cannot be sure. I have sen several maps that indicate an average july/august max somewhere between 35,5 and 37,5 C over the 1961-1990 period. I tend to think that both figures are quite high, although 35 C is on par with Sevilla over the same period and Sevilla is open to winds from the sea, while the nearby Portuguese stations in the Guadiana vallye and Chanca valey are not or far less so.
They are mentioned in one book about Portuguese climatology I have and the other one is a calculation ff an IM study.
There are a lot of ifs. I have already suggested to some to install a station at a farmer, in open terrain as low as we can get with a calibrated datalogger and a Vaisala nonventilated screen. I can build the Vaisala myself as I have done already. But people here do not respond, and arranging this from the Netherlands is difficult.
Meanwhile I am doing this succesfully in my own part of the Netherlands, where I operate several stations (2 now, a third one this month and a fourth and fifth this years). As a sidenote: I dod this to measure incoming seabreezes and absolute minima which can swing wildly in this lowlying country. For instance: I had -17,2 last february where the two nearby KNMI stations had -10,3 and -11,0. Another one a bit furthr away (40 km) had
-17,8. All you need to do is simply mail asmany people with a suitable measuring field> one responds and you install a station. Not that difficult. But may be Portugal is a bit different. People over here ar very interested in the weather. Went yesterday to the new site and the guy living there always checks the pluviometer and thermometers first thing in the morning for example (his wife told me so)..