Abusando da Paciência:
Vince: Eu ainda não li este trabalho inteiro.
Mas eu penso que existe alguma curruptela estatisca no meio, mas não li por inteiro o artigo.
Scafetta N., R. C. Willson (2009), Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L05701...trabalho de primeira linha.
The authors state in their conclusions that:
"This finding has evident repercussions for climate change and solar physics. Increasing TSI between 1980 and 2000 could have contributed significantly to global warming during the last three decades [Scafetta and West, 2007, 2008]. Current climate models [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007] have assumed that the TSI did not vary significantly during the last 30 years and have therefore underestimated the solar contribution and overestimated the anthropogenic contribution to global warming."
Vince: Eu ainda não li este trabalho inteiro.
Mas eu penso que existe alguma curruptela estatisca no meio, mas não li por inteiro o artigo.
Scafetta N., R. C. Willson (2009), Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L05701...trabalho de primeira linha.
The authors state in their conclusions that:
"This finding has evident repercussions for climate change and solar physics. Increasing TSI between 1980 and 2000 could have contributed significantly to global warming during the last three decades [Scafetta and West, 2007, 2008]. Current climate models [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007] have assumed that the TSI did not vary significantly during the last 30 years and have therefore underestimated the solar contribution and overestimated the anthropogenic contribution to global warming."