A minha opinião: para Portugal, apenas está descrita uma raça (Caucasóide).
Dentro desta raça, a variedade mediterrânica é a mais comum.
Também temos a variedade Alpina e a variedade Nórdica.
Dentro da variedade mediterrânica, há vários subtipos no nosso país, que constituem claramente a maioria da população: Ibero-insular e Atlanto-Med.
«The cephalic index mean for the entire nation is 76.4, with two prominent peaks in the distribution curve, one at 74 and the other at 77. Regional variation is slight, with provincial means ranging from 75 to 78. The most dolichocephalic local groups live in the northwestern part of the country. The heads of the Portuguese are large in relationship to their stature, with a mean head length of 194 mm. and a breadth of 147 mm.
It is curious that the Portuguese, like the Andalusians, are broader jawed than most Mediterraneans, and comparable in this respect to some Berbers.»
Carleton Coon
Coarse Mediterranean é um subtipo Paleolítico, que ainda existe de forma dispersa, por vezes de forma mais ou menos pura, mas persistente, desde os Atlas do Norte de África, Ilhas das Canárias, passando pela P. Ibérica, França, Ilhas Britânicas (Irlanda, por exemplo) e até à Escandinávia. Por vezes e em todos estes países, se encontra de forma alpinizada.
Na Sardenha, este subtipo, também ainda existe.
Poderá existir fora destas zonas, mas mais raramente.
Alguns grupos de descendentes paleolíticos parecem ser reliquias de um passado, quando ainda não haviam as variedades que conhecemos hoje e que constituem alguns dos primeiros verdadeiros Caucasóides.
Tendo em conta os fósseis, as variedades primitivas de tipo caucasóide, não deverão ter menos de 25.000 anos.
Mais medições:
Several relatively complete anthropometric series give us a means of comparing Spaniards with other peoples. A series of 79 Spaniards measured in Madrid116 have head dimensions comparable to those of Yemenite Arabs, Oriental Jews, and Kabyles. The vault length (191 mm.) and breadth (150 mm.) yield a mean cephalic index of 78; the auricular height is 126 mm.
Detailed studies of small regional populations have been made in various parts of Portugal. A particularly interesting community is that of São Pedro Magodouro in a mountainous olive-growing section of Bragança, in the province of Tras os Montes.125 These people are the most dolichocephalic group in Portugal, and may serve as an illustration of one end type in the Portuguese population. Stature is short to moderate, with a mean of 163 cm., the relative sitting height is 51.9; the relative span, 102.5. The head length mean is 193 mm., that of head breadth 141 mm., the auricular height mean, 122 mm.
The vault height mean is about 126 mm.
The mean vault dimensions of the recruits from these valleys are: length, 195 mm., breadth, 149 mm., and auricular height, 126 mm., with a cephalic index of 76.8.
In body measurements the Valle people are large, although the mean stature of 174.7 cm. for one hundred adult males is not the greatest in this region. The women, with a mean of 160.0 cm., are much smaller. The sex difference in height, as in many other features, is particularly great here, and much greater than in Norway as a whole; it totals 14.1 cm. in Valle, as against 10.0 cm. in the entire country. The Valle people are, as a rule, heavy boned, and like the rest of the population of which they are a part, longer and heavier bodied than members of the eastern Nordic type.
The mean head Length of the Valle males reaches the extreme figure of 198 mm., considerably longer than that of the dolichocephalic eastern Norwegian Nordics; the breadth, 154.9 mm., is as great as that among many brachycephals, although in this case, in view of the exceptional head size, the resultant cephalic index mean is only 78.9. A mean head height of 125 mm. is, however, moderate. The face is large, with a mean nasion-menton height of 128.3 mm., and a bizygomatic breadth of 142.9 mm. The forehead and jaw are broader, likewise, than in most of Norway, with means of 106.6 and 109.2 mm.
The Greeks:
Their heads, with a mean cephalic index of 82, are long for brachycephals (189 mm.), and of moderate breadth (154 mm.); the head height of 127 mm. is moderately high. The occiput protrudes but little in most of the group; 40 per cent have lambdoidal flattening, while some degree of occipital flattening occurs in over 50 per cent. It is pronounced, however. in only about 20 per cent. Their facial breadths are: minimum frontal, 107 mm., bizygomatic, 142 mm., and bigonial, 111 mm.; the great breadth of the jaw, as compared with that of the forehead, is a Greek specialty, and is strongly contrasted with the inverted triangle face form of Albanian Dinarics. The face height is 124.4 mm., the upper face height 75.6 mm.; the facial index, 87, is mesoprosopic, the upper facial index, 53, a little high in comparison with the foregoing. The noses are both long (58.8 mm.) and moderately broad (37 mm.); the nasal index of 63.2, leptorrhine.
As one would expect, the head dimensions vary with stature; the mean head lengths in the north range from 186 mm. to 190 mm.; in the south from 183 mm. to 185 mm. The head breadths run from 162 mm. in Malsia ë Madhë to 165 mm. in Luma. The widest heads are thus found in proximity to Old Montenegro. The vaults of the Ghegs are moderately high; ranging from 129 mm. in the north, to 126 mm. in the south.
The only adequate anthropometric data extant which deals with the Toscs is a series from southwestern Albania, from the town of Gjinokastër and its neighborhood.129 These Aginocastrians are on the short side of medium in stature, with a mean of 164 cm.; they are long-bodied, with a mean relative sitting height of 53.7, and medium in arm extension (rel. span = 103.4). They are, as a rule, medium to lateral in bodily build. Their cephalic index mean, 90.8, is by far the highest recorded in Europe. Their head length, 177 mm., is extremely small, its breadth, 161 mm., great. The auricular height of 122 mm. is moderate to low.
The mean head length of 186 mm., and breadth of 151 mm. show a moderately small head size; the auricular height of 125 mm. is relatively high.
The Serbs, for their stature, have, even more than the Slovenes, relatively small heads. The mean length is only 182 mm., the breadth 184.5 mm., while the auricular height mean is only 123 mm.
As is to be expected among men of their stature and bulk, the Montenegrins have large heads, but these are not quite as large as those of the somewhat shorter Irish, Icelanders, or Fehmarners. The mean head length is 188 mm., the breadth 160 mm., the auricular height about 128 mm.
They are very large-headed, with mean head lengths of 194 mm. to 198 mm., and breadths of 155 mm. to 159 mm. The West and East Frisians are mesocephalic, with mean cephalic indices of 79.5; the North Frisians are sub-brachycephalic, with means of 81.5. The vault heights run from 123 to 125 mm., moderate in view of the great length and breadth dimensions.
Northwestern Germans(Fehmarn Islanders):
The samples studied in northwestern Germany may be divided into two groups, Fehmarn Island48 and all others.49 The island of Fehmarn, lying in the Baltic south of the Danish archipelago, some fifteen miles across the Fehmarn Belt from the Danish island of Laaland, is separated from the Schleswig-Holstein mainland by a narrow sound. The population of Fehmarn is derived from an old Wendish element, dating from the time of the Slavic expansion, to which have been added Low Saxons and immigrants from Dithmars, the southwestern coast of Schleswig-Holstein, just south of North Frisia. There is also without doubt a considerable survival of genetic factors from the pre-Wendish occupants. In modern times the Fehmarn people have been moderately isolated, enough so to have developed and preserved a local type of their own.
This type, in brief, is the nearest living approximation to the Borreby race of the Mesolithic. The Fehmarners are very tall (173.6 cm.), broad-shouldered, wide-spanned, but at the same time long-legged; their heads are of prodigious size, with a mean length of 194 mm., breadth of 162 mm., and heights of 129 mm.
The Fehmarners, although quite variable individually, cannot readily be divided into distinct sub-types, since the prevailing Borreby strain has permeated the small, endogamous population thoroughly. Correlations indicate the presence in small numbers of a more brachycephalic element characterized by darker eyes than the total group, and by a convex nasal profile; this may be a Bell Beaker Dinaric survival, but if so it is almost completely absorbed. There seems to be little evidence of a classical Nordic type in this large-headed, coarse-featured group; what Nordic blood has entered into the blend has been recombined or bred out.
Anatolian Turks:
The head form of the Turks as a whole is only moderately brachycephalic; 84.2 is the mean for Anatolia, and this varies from 81.8 in Brussa, between Smyrna and the Hellespont, to 85.4 in the eastern provinces, and 86.6 in Kastamuni, on the southern shore of the Black Sea. The western and southern Turks are low brachycephals, the eastern and northern ones high. In the regions of Brussa, Smyrna, and Konia, there is, therefore, an important long-headed minority. For the most part the heads of Turks are not large; the mean length for Anatolia is 181.6 mm., the breadth 152.6 mm., while the auricular height mean is 126.1. These dimensions could easily be matched among Yugoslavs or Macedonians. In Smyrna, the longest-headed province, the mean head length rises to nearly 184 mm., in Kastamuni it falls to 180 mm. The breadth similarly varies between 150 mm. and 156 mm.; even the roundest-headed region has a relatively small head breadth. It is interesting to note that th Greeks of the north shore of Asia Minor have the same head form as the Turks, but to a more exaggerated degree; with a length mean of 180.7 mm., breadth of 157.6 mm., and cephalic index of 87.2.
The faces of the Osmanli Turks of Anatolia, as well as their head vaults, have dimensions reminiscent of southeastern Europe. The total face height mean for the whole is 122 mm., and this varies little throughout the region. The bizygomatic mean, 140 mm., is also relatively constant, but narrowest in the Smyrna district. The minimum frontal, about 105 mm., is not excessive, nor is the bigonial, 108 mm. In these dimension the Turks resemble Balkan Mediterraneans and Alpines; their faces are not long enough for exaggerated Dinarics. Like the Greeks and the peoples to the west of the Black Sea, they preserve a forehead-jaw ratio which emphasizes the width of the mandible. The nose, with a mean height of 57 mm. and a breadth of 35.3 mm., is, however, fully Dinaric. It is largest (59 mm. by 36 mm.) in the eastern provinces, smallest (56 mm. by 35 mm.) in Smyrna. The nasal index of 62.4 is leptorrhine, but not as much so as that of Albanians.
Measurements on the head height and on the facial dimensions of British are not numerous enough or sufficiently standardized to be satisfactory.
His head is large, for Ireland has consistently the largest head size of any equal land area in Europe. The three principal vault dimensions of his head, 196 mm. by 154 mm. by 125 mm., give him the mesocephalic cephalic index of nearly 79, and the moderately hypsicephalic length-height index of 64. His cranial vault, like his body, could again be matched among the larger-headed peoples of Scandinavia and the Baltic lands.
*Hooton has head height for Irish as variable, mean head height of 120.18mm in the Aran Islands to 126.74 mm in N. Fermanagh-E. Donegal-Tyrone-Londonderry. The county average is 124.98 mm. The zone of lead head height is Sligo-Galway crescent including east Longford-Westmeath. West Galway, Mayo and Kerry showing diminished mean head heights. Minimum head height for Irish males was 120.18mm
The bodies of these Yemenis are slightly built; gross observations on constitutional type show the Yemenis to be predominantly leptosome in 60 per cent of cases, and rarely if ever pyknic. The relative shoulder breadth of 21.5 is smaller than that found in most European groups; the relative span of 102 resembles that of the pure Nordic groups of east Norway, and a relative sitting height of 51.3 is less than that found among most Europeans. The Yemenis, although short, are relatively long legged. Their heads are of moderate dimensions, with a mean length of 188 mm. and a mean breadth of 143 mm., giving a cephalic index of 76, which lies on the upper border of dolichocephaly. It is to be noted that while the head form is the same as that of the Nordic race, the length and breadth dimensions are considerably smaller. The head height of 125 mm. is moderately high, and comparable to Nordic dimensions.»
Os caçadores da pré-história tinham normalmente uma abóbada craniana mais baixa e os agricultores tinham maioritariamente uma abóbada craniana, mais alta. Mas também existiram caçadores com uma abóbada alta, ainda que tivessem aparecido mais recentemente e fossem menos numerosos.