Seguimento Europa 2009

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23 Ottobre 2009 ore 11:47: "Occhio" al ciclone tirrenico...

Il satellite questa mattina ci offre una panoramica estremamente suggestiva del vortice previsto e segnalato ieri su queste righe e oggi puntualmente presente al largo del Tirreno. La struttura, di dubbio contributo caldo entro il suo nucleo (quindi di possibile catalogazione quale "ciclone mediterraneo"), tenderà a venire destabilizzata dal suo successivo spostamento verso sud-est e dal suo prossimo transito sulla terraferma nei pressi della Calabria. La sua destinazione finale sarà dapprima lo Jonio nella giornata di sabato e infine il golfo Libico in quella di domenica.


Bestial, mesmo muito bom, obrigado Gerofil pela partilha!:thumbsup:
Fim de semana de mau tempo na Turquia; toda a orla do Mar Mediterrâneo, incluindo a ilha de Chipre, tem sido afectada por elevada actividade convectiva na última semana.

Downpours, colder temperatures grip Turkey

Sudden and sharp falls in temperatures accompanied by heavy downpours as well as snow across the country over the weekend decisively spelled out winter following mild temperatures throughout October. The turn in the weather has caused considerable damage in some cities and even casualties. On Sunday, three died while 14 others were seriously injured in a car crash in the city of Mersin. Authorities say the accident was caused by excessive rain and dangerously slippery roads.
Two people were found dead on Saturday due to carbon monoxide poisoning caused by exhaust from a coal-burning heater inside their home. The dead were identified as Adil Dalkıran (53) and Fatma Dalkıran (46). The couple was discovered lying motionless in the living room by their son Fatih Dalkıran (23), who had returned home from his night shift at a textile factory.
The first snow in Uludağ, a popular ski-resort in the city of Bursa, also fell on Sunday. The snow had reached a depth of 20 centimeters by noon, with meteorology officials saying they expected the snowfall to continue throughout the day. In Mardin’s Midyat district, basements in 13 homes and a hospital morgue were flooded. Municipal teams were working to help the flood victims, including the city’s deputy mayor, Metin Kutlu. Although there were no casualties in Midyat, the victims requested state aid, as most people keep their food for the winter -- such as grains and pickled foods -- in their basements.
On Saturday, residents of İstanbul, Trabzon, Giresun, Şanlıurfa, Kocaeli, Tekirdağ and Bingöl experienced weather-induced challenges on the roads due to uninterrupted torrential downpours, while snowfall in Erzurum caused trouble for drivers. A plane operated by Sun Express flying to Erzurum from İzmir had to return as the runway was rendered impossible to land on by a heavy snowfall. There was also snow on Saturday in higher altitudes in Kars, Erzincan and Ardahan. Temperatures were between 4 and 10 degrees Centigrade. In İstanbul, heavy rains took hold of the city throughout Saturday, causing flooding in some parts, particularly on the Anatolian side, most notably in the Sancaktepe, Pendik and Kartal districts. A part of the E-5 highway in the Kartal Cevizli area was briefly closed to traffic.
The northern city of Trabzon was also badly affected by heavy rains, with 70 businesses reporting flood damage. People stranded in the market area of Kadınlar Pazarı by floodwaters were rescued by municipal workers. There were no casualties in Trabzon. The facilities of the city’s soccer club, Trabzonspor, were also flooded, with two training halls and one locker room being declared unusable. Officials here also reported damage to the cafeteria, kitchen and storage rooms. In Giresun, the Tabaklar River overflowed its banks due to two days of incessant downpours. Alpaslan Street and roads leading to the Bulancak crossroads were closed to traffic.
In Şanlıurfa, a family of five was stranded in their house next to a creek due to heavy rain. State civilian defense teams rescued the family. Hundreds of homes and businesses were also flooded in Urfa on Saturday. A cemetery in the city’s Bozova district was inundated with floodwaters from a nearby river, dislodging two bodies from their graves. The bodies were reburied by local villagers; however, dozens of graves and headstones were badly damaged by the water. Nearly 70 houses, businesses and stables were damaged in Şanlıurfa on Saturday because of flooding. Floods also caused damage to homes and businesses in Kocaeli’s Kandıra district, as well as in the Saray district of Tekirdağ. Although winter now seems to have arrived, meteorology authorities say that temperatures are expected to go back up to seasonal norms by midweek.

Today`s Zaman

Bad weather system causes Cyprus flooding

Torrential rain has caused extensive flooding in areas south of Nicosia, as a severe weather front arrived over Cyprus. Worst affected was the Alambra district, near the Limassol highway, 20 kilometres from Nicosia.
Several houses were flooded and the Fire Brigade rescued people who were in imminent danger of drowning. Most of them were trapped in cars which were washed away by torrents. A woman driving a car was saved by sheer luck, when her drifting vehicle was entangled in the roots of a big tree and she managed to climb on the car's roof and call for help. She was lifted to safety by firemen and members of the civil disaster squad.
Also in Alambra, lightning struck a house which caught fire and its occupants had to rush outside. The Fire Brigade said it answered over 100 calls to pump water out of houses and rescue trapped people in Alambra and the nearby communities of Dhali, Nisou and Ayia Varvara. The Mayor of Dhali said the area is still facing many problems despite the fact that the town has an effective anti-flood system. He added the rain was so intense that it caused flooding within half an hour.
The Nicosia-Limassol highway was closed for more than an hour because water covered the surface and several other roads in the area are still under water.

The Famagusta Gazette Online
Neste momento, Viena, Europa central, 0º e neva.
Precipitação acumulada nas últimas 24h:

1 Kerkyra Airport (Greece) 98.0 mm
2 Dubrovnik / Cilipi (Croatia) 90.0 mm
3 Tivat (Serbia and Montenegro) 88.0 mm
4 Niksic (Serbia and Montenegro) 85.0 mm
5 Palermo / Punta Raisi (Italy) 78.0 mm

Os valores são alarmantes e se houver continuidade sobretudo em zonas de montanha, não tardam notícias de derrocadas, acessos cortados e as inacessibilidades que daí resultam para situações de emergência. :(
Viena 4º chuva (algo moderada provocada pela aquela massa do adriático)
Hoje: todo o dia tempo muito cinzento e frio, 3-6º.
Ontem: nevoeiro 2-5º

Já nevou dois dias em Outubro, resta esperar pela próxima vez.
É improvável amanhã, já que a massa vem do sudoeste (e por esta altura só costuma nevar com circulação de norte ou de leste)
Há contudo uma diferença de climas! O norte de Itália é bem mais quente que a Áustria. Assim como é igualmente a Europa mais próxima do mar do Norte, ou do Atlântico.

Neste altura do ano (a partir de Outubro), o tempo frio encontra-se sempre algures entre Zurique, Frankfurt, Viena e para o leste da Europa. E sempre cinzento, com nuvens baixas. As temperaturas não costumam subir acima dos 6-7º. Somente sobem aos 10-15º se ocorrer algum fenómeno de vento Föhn.

Estive dias 3 e 4 de Novembro na região de Verona (Itália), com tempo agradável, já nevava nos Alpes acima dos 1.000 metros, mínimas de 5º e máximas de 16º, na altitude de cerca de 400 metros.
Houve uma considerável subida das temperaturas aqui em Viena.
Depois dos primeiros dias de Novembro à volta dos 2-5º, hoje a temperatura subiu até aos 10º.
Está muito interessante a depressão situada na Itália!

À tarde também começou a chover, e tornou-se uma noita chuvosa; sigo com 7º. Resumo:
Dia 1 encoberto 3º
Dia 2 encoberto 6º
Dia 3 chuva/neve 4º
Dia 4 encoberto 3º
Dia 5 encoberto 5º
Dia 6 neblina/chuva 6º
Dia 7 encoberto 8º
Dia 8 chuva 10º
Nevões interessantes este fim-de-semana na vizinha Espanha, com maior incidência no sistema Cantábrico e Pirenéus.





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