Seguimento Europa 2010

A depressão a noroeste da Galiza está com uma rotação bem definida.
O vento na costa Galega, segundo as estações do MeteoGalicia, está com rajadas entre os 80 e os 100km/h.


"La situación en el conjunto de la Península no acabará de estabilizarse durante la jornada ni los próximos días. En niveles medios y altos de la troposfera continúa predominando la inestabilidad, con la presencia de una vaguada bien dispuesta de Nordeste a Suroeste, llegando a afectar a la misma Península y en general a toda la fachada occidental de Europa. Mientras, en superficie las condiciones vendrán determinadas por la presencia de la borrasca que durante la jornada de ayer ya empezó a afectar al territorio peninsular, estableciendo una circulación de vientos del Suroeste. Dicha perturbación se centra sobre el Noroeste peninsular y durante la jornada irá enviando sucesivos frentes nubosos que irán barriendo la Península de Oeste a Este, siendo las precipitaciones más importantes en la fachada atlántica y sobre todo en zonas de montaña del Noroeste, donde se podrán registrar chubascos moderados e incluso alguno localmente fuerte que podrían ir acompañados de tormenta. Estas precipitaciones serán más débiles y dispersas cuanto más al Este, siendo poco probables o sin esperarse en el litoral del área Mediterránea ni en Baleares.
Mañana Lunes seguirán predominando condiciones de inestabilidad sobre el territorio peninsular con la borrasca sobre el Cantábrico que a lo largo del día se irá desplazando en dirección Nordeste, adentrándose en Francia, con lo que los vientos irán rolando a componente Oeste. Se espera que continúen las precipitaciones en muchos puntos del territorio peninsular que por la tarde podrán ser en forma en chubascos tormentosos.
Los próximos días, aunque en superficie la situación quedará menos definida, se va a mantener la presencia de la vaguada, dispuesta de Nordeste a Suroeste o bien de Norte a Sur, lo que va asegurar la continuación de un ambiente inseguro, con la formación de chubascos de distribución irregular, preferentemente diurnos y en torno a zonas montañosas, sobre gran parte de la Península. Además, las temperaturas, aunque ya no sean excesivamente bajas, se van a mantener en valores relativamente frescos para la época del año en que ya estamos."

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A level 1 was issued for SE Spain and Balearic Islands mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.

A level 1 was issued for S-central France mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for E France / SW Germany mainly for large hail and tornadoes (until 18Z) respectively excessive rainfall and severe wind gusts (after 18Z).

A level 1 was issued for S Germany mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for N Italy and Slovenia mainly for excessive rainfall.

A level 1 was issued for N-central Ukraine, E Belarus and W / NW Russia mainly for large hail.


A low pressure system is located over the SW Norwegian Sea, splitting up into two upper lows during the period. One of them will translate SWward towards Scotland. An upper ridge will build over the C Mediterranean, leading to strong gradients of geopotential height over E France and SW Germany which will result in a southwesterly 40 m/s upper jet streak. During the afternoon, a shortwave trough will affect France, W Germany and the Benelux countries, translating northeastward till Wednesday morning. Warm and moist air from S France is advected into parts of SW and S Germany during the day. The cold front, initially located from SW Spain via the E Pyrenees towards E-central France, will move eastward during the period.

Another upper trough is located over the Black Sea, moving slowly northward while weakening.


...Strait of Gibraltar, S Spain, Balearic Islands...

At the southern tip of an upper trough, low-end instability is forecast near the cold front in an environment with strong (20 - 30 m/s) deep layer shear. From the late morning until late evening, some probably low-topped cells will develop in this region. Given locally more than 100 m²/s² SRH3, some storms will develop mesocyclones and may pose a threat of large hail and severe wind gusts. Rich BL moisture and locally augmented LLS may allow an isolated tornado as well.

...SW-central France...

WAA will continue in this region near the core of a low pressure system and moderate instability is expected to be available. Deep layer shear in order of 15 - 20 m/s should aid storms to organise into multicells and a few supercells, capable of producing large hail and isolated severe wind gusts. Most of the instability will depend on diurnal heating and therefore storms will likely dissipate in the late evening hours.

...SW / S Germany...

Ahead of a developing surface low, easterly / northeasterly SFC winds around 5 m/s are observed in a region between the Black Forest and Hunsrueck with 10 - 15 m/s southeasterly winds in the upper boundary layer. This will result in some spots of strongly enhanced SRH3 (300 - 500 m²/s²) in the vicinity of a SSWerly upper jet streak (20 - 25 m/s deep layer shear). Right now, most of the region is covered by stratocumulus clouds but if the low level clouds dissipate, insolation will lead to 500 - 1000 J/kg CAPE in this region. Any storm that will develop in this environment may become a supercell with a threat of large hail and tornadoes. Later in the period, storms near the cold front will tend to merge into a large MCS with an enhanced threat of heavy precipitation and severe wind gusts. If isolated storms manage to maintain for a long time, an upgrade may be issued.

Towards the southeast, SRH values are somewhat reduced but the chance of insolation is greater. Moderate values of CAPE (~ 1 kJ/kg) and 20 m/s deep layer shear should be sufficient for well-organised multicells and supercells with a threat of large hail. An isolated tornado cannot be ruled out.

...N Italy, Slovenia, SW Austria...

In an environment with 10 - 15 m/s deep layer shear, strong forcing and moderate instability will lead to thunderstorms that may form a large MCS over N Italy. Given rich moisture and strong LL convergence combined with a slow storm motion, heavy convective rainfall is expected to occur. An isolated large hail event should be possible if cells stay more discrete after convective initiation.

...W Russia, parts of Belarus and Ukraine...

Near the frontal boundary, very high LL moisture is expected in a region of warm air, leading to 1 - 2 kJ/kg CAPE. Deep layer shear has decreased to 15 m/s and less but some pulsating single cell / multicell storms may produce isolated large hail.
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A level 2 was issued for the Balearic Islands mainly for large hail, an isolated significant event possible.

A level 1 was issued for the Balearic Islands and surrounding areas mainly for excessive rainfall.

A level 2 was issued for parts of Italy, parts of Sicily, parts of the Adriatic Sea and adjacent regions mainly for large hail, severe wind gusts and tornadoes ( significant events possible ).

A level 2 was issued for parts of S-central Italy, Montenegro, N-Albania and S- Bosnia and Herzegovina mainly for excessive rainfall.

A level 1 was issued for NE-Poland, W-Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia mainly for excessive rainfall and an isolated tornado.

A level 1 was issued for SE-France, N-Italy and parts of Austria mainly for large hail.


A potent upper trough enters the W-Mediterranean during the morning hours with a rapid translation towards the east. Conditions become favorable for the development of a gradually intensifying surface depression over Italy, which reaches the central Adriatic Sea until 06Z (15th May). Another surface depression over NE-Poland/W-Belarus lifts northwards and later-on northwestwards during the day. Cool and quite stable air overspreads most parts of W/W-central Europe, suppressing deep convection.


An outbreak of severe thunderstorms is probable over S-Italy, the S-Adriatic Sea and adjacent areas after midnight with all kind of severe possible, including flash flooding.

... S-Italy, parts of Sicily, S-Adriatic Sea, N-Ionian Sea, parts of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, S-Croatia and Montenegro ...

A progressive trough approaches from the western Mediterranean during the evening/night hours with robust geopotential height falls spreading rapidly towards the east. The main high-level support for initiation will be a strong wave, ejecting out of the base of the neutral tilted trough, placed just east of the Balearic Islands at 00Z (15th May). This wave crosses Sicily and most parts of central/south Italy from roughly 21Z onwards with potent UVV maximum lifting northeastwards thereafter. Initiation over the southern parts of the level 2 area may be more conditional in nature, as best forcing grazes the area to the north.

At 18Z onwards, atmopshere destabilizes rapidly with strong WAA regime at 900-800hPa and attendant increasing mid-level lapse rates (next to EML layer spreading northeastwards), so a vast area with increasing MUCAPE evolves over Sicily north/northeastwards. Betimes, surface based CAPE is on an increase over the Tyrrhenian Sea and the central Adriatic Sea after 21Z, along the cyclonic shear side of the mid-/high-level jet with GFS/WRF pointing to 400-800 J/kg SBCAPE, maximized offshore/along coasts.

As the upper trough gradually acquires a more negative tilt throughout the night hours, already intense hyperbaroclinic zone continues to get more intense with a phasing polar/subtropical jet. 1-6km shear of 30-60m/s, 1-8km shear topping out at 50m/s, 0-3km shear of 20-35m/s and SRH-3 values of 300-600m^2/s^2 overspread the area from the SW during the evening/night hours and are more than adequate for strong and long-lived mid-level mesocyclones. Final degree of potential MUCAPE magnitude may be re-analyzed in respect of shear parameters being too extreme for updrafts.
Models agree well in the rapid development of a surface depression, moving off the coast of NE Algeria/N-Tunisia with a movement to the NNE, later straight northwards over central Italy/central Adriatic Sea The final strength still remains a bit unclear due to model discrepancies with the data-limted area over N-Africa. In any case, strengthening depression assists in a rapid ageostrophic deflection from the background flow in the lowest 1-3km, increasing LL speed/directional shear to 10-20m/s / 150-300 m^2/s^2, maximized along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and over S-Italy.

Current scenario of the expected event foresees a gradual increase of elevated supercells over most parts of the level 2 area during the late afternoon hours. Overlap of steep lapse rates, strong directional shear and extreme speed shear point to a large hail threat with any thunderstorm with significant hail also well possible in long-lived updrafts/mid-level mesocyclones. Thunderstorm coverage and intensity becomes more widespread/intense after 21Z over the Tyrrhenian Sea , where surface based convection may form, spreading rapidly east/northeastwards. This convection may pose a risk for significant hail, severe wind gusts and tornadoes and a long-lived and significant tornado can't be excluded, given rapid storm motion and LCLs at or below 600m. Those storms haste towards the central Adriatic Sea, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Montenegro and S-Croatia after midnight.

In response to the deepening surface depression, a 20-30 m/s LLJ evolves ahead of the eastward shifting cold front, covering the Ionian Sea and the S-Adriatic Sea until 06Z. All ingredients are present for excessive rainfall over N-Albania, Montenegro, S-Croatia and parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as 12-13 g/kg 1 km ML mixing ratios advect northwards beneath incoming intense UVV maximum and high-level divergence. Combined with topographic lift and aforementioned LLJ magnitude, a backbuilding MCS may evolve with training storm activity.

No level 3 was yet introduced, due to the uncertainty in respect of the final magnitude of SBCAPE build-up. However, forecast soundings/windgrams reveal a tornado-prone kinematic environment overlapping with modest CAPE, so this region definitively has to be monitored.

This event continues well after 06 Z.

... The Balearic Islands 06-18Z ...

The main story will be the potent trough, rotating through the highlighted area during the day. An overlap of 20-30m/s DLS, mid-level lapse rates of 7.5 to 8 K/km and some directional shear in the lowest 3 km hint on well organized multicells/supercells with a large hail threat and even a significant event can't be ruled out. LL shear is weak, but this limiting factor for LL mesocyclone development may be offset by abundant of LL CAPE and augmented shear along outflow boundaries, so we also inctroduce tornado probabilities. The severe risk may linger until 15Z but gradually translates into a heavy rainfall risk, as conditions become better for training thunderstorm development/rapid clustering beneath the upper trough. Background shear relaxes with mid-level cooling atop still moist BL air mass, so showers/thunderstorms may last until the evening hours. Combined with severe convection at the morning, locally excessive rainfall may justify heavy rainfall probabilities, so combined with the large hail threat, a level 2 was added. Activity will finally vanish after sunset.

... NE-Poland, W-Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia ...

The main risk will be excessive rainfall with slow moving thunderstorms. A weak depression over Belarus lifts northwards during the forecast with good moisture pooling forecast in a confluent streamline pattern. Latest synop data reveals dewpoints of 15°C and moisture remains in place throughout the night/tomorrow. Mid-level lapse rates remain near moist adiabatic with weak shear at all levels, so rapid clustering of thunderstorms is forecast. Model output (e.g. GFS) seems to be overdone with dewpoints near 20°C, therefore SBCAPE forecast will be cut in half - 800 to 1600 J/kg expected. Slow storm motion, moist BL, enhanced convergence as surface low draws near from the south, rapid clustering and persistent/moist influx from the SE point to an augmented excessive rainfall risk. Given abundant LL CAPE and very low LCLs, an isolated tornado event can't be ruled out along intersecting outflow boundaries or beneath a rapidly strengthening updraft. Also, hail may accompany stronger storms with atmospheric conditions looking supportive not for large hail but copious amounts of small hail with a deep-moist column and strong updrafts (and weak shear/lapse rates).

This large cluster of storms will move offshore during the late afternoon/evening hours in a more stable environment over the central Baltic Sea, so a constant decline in thunderstorm activity is forecast. Nevertheless, heavy rain may reach SE-Sweden during the later night/morning hours.

... SE-France, N-Italy and S-Austria ...

Daytime driven thunderstorm development is forecast with 200-800 J/kg SBCAPE and 15-30m/s DLS. A few large hail reports may be received beneath better organized multicells. Overall risk diminishes after sunset.
Enquanto o frescor atlantico precorre a europa ocidental e o mediterraneo ocidental, peninsula ibérica incluida, no outro lado da long wave semi estacionaria, o calor aperta.
o fluxo quente em todos os niveis, transportado na cirlação de sul no bordo leste do sistema trará muitos dias tórridos e instaveis á europa de leste, SE e NE tal como á escandinávia e russia ocidental...incriveis as temperaturas previstas nesses locais:shocking...

Na realidade, até parece mentira. Enquanto por aqui até neve já precipitou
acima dos 1000 m e toda a Europa Ocidental continua bem fresquinha, às 11 UTC de hoje a Finlândia ( centro e sul ) e países Bálticos ,para não falar de quase toda a Europa de leste "goza" de temperaturas quase "sufocantes"...

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Se de um lado tapa , do outro destapa...
Ontem na Catalunha, um devil’s trapeze (trapézio do diabo)

Anteontem em Stanišić (Somboru), Sérvia:

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Cheias obrigam ao encerramento de Auschwitz

As inundações no sul da Polónia, que já vitimaram pelo menos cinco pessoas, forçaram o encerramento do memorial do campo de concentração de Auschwitz-Birkenau, para proteger os arquivos do holocausto e objectos em exibição.

As fortes chuvas que atingem a Europa central desde o fim-de-semana também provocaram inundações em regiões da Hungria, Eslováquia e República Checa, com os rios a transbordarem as margens e a inundarem casas e estradas, deixando diversas localidades isoladas.

Milhares de pessoas já foram evacuadas e a electricidade foi cortada em diversas regiões dos três países, para além da interrupção de diversas linhas de caminhos-de-ferro.

As autoridades húngaras decretaram o estado de emergência no distrito de Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, no nordeste, enquanto na Polónia foram evacuadas duas mil pessoas em diversas zonas do sul.

O antigo campo de concentração nazi de Auschwitz-Birkenau foi encerrado ao público, enquanto os responsáveis do complexo transportaram para os andares mais elevados diversos arquivos e objectos em exibição que pertenciam às vítimas.

Fonte: Jornal de Notícias
Cheias podem custar mais de 2 mil milhões de euros à Polónia

(C/ Vídeo)

As cheias na Polónia podem custar mais de dois mil milhões de euros. O alerta foi dado pelo primeiro-ministro Donald Tusk, numa altura em que as inundações fizeram, pelo menos, seis mortos no país e deixaram milhares de desalojados. No sul do país, várias localidades foram evacuadas. Uma mulher conta que “a enchente veio muito depressa e não houve tempo para retirar nada”. Só teve tempo para “salvar as crianças”.
Varsóvia também está ameaçada pelas cheias. O rio Vístula deve atingir quase oito metros esta sexta-feira, contra os habituais três ou quatro.
A Europa Central está a ser fustigada pelo mau tempo desde o fim-de-semana. Nove pessoas já perderam a vida. A Eslováquia, a Hungria e a República Checa foram também atingidas pelas inundações. A auto-estrada que liga a Hungria à Áustria está cortada.
No sul da Polónia, mais de duas mil pessoas foram desalojadas pelas águas. A União Europeia accionou, quarta-feira, o mecanismo de protecção civil para ajudar o país.


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Polónia vive o drama das cheias


Nove pessoas morreram e três continuam desaparecidas na Polónia, em consequência das maiores cheias dos últimos 160 anos. O sul do país é a região mais afectada. Mais de vinte mil pessoas foram obrigadas a abandonar as casas. Outras cem mil estão sob ameaça das inundações.
O caudal do rio Vístula, o maior rio da Polónia, ameaça agora Varsóvia. A subida do nível das águas pode obrigar à evacuação da zona ribeirinha. O campo de concentração de Auswitch é um dos locais ameaçados pelas inundações.
O primeiro-ministro polaco, Donald Tusk, fala de uma catástrofe sem precedentes nos últimos 160 anos. Os estragos foram avaliados em quase 2,5 mil milhões de euros.
A França e a Alemanha enviaram bombas de água. As autoridades polacas deverão pedir a activação do plano de emergência da União Europeia.

Dia de céus limpos em quase toda a Europa Ocidental (Portugal, Espanha, França, Belgica, Holanda, Inglaterra , Irlanda,Dinamarca e grande parte da Alemanha ).

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De avião , hoje todas as viagens entre estes países,foram mais agradáveis.
Cá em baixo esperavam-lhes tempetaturas de Verão de lés-a-lés.

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