Seguimento Meteorológico Livre - 2023

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Possível novidade para 2024 ->

Through January 18, 2024, the National Weather Service (NWS) is seeking user feedback on the proposed change to extend the 34- and 50-kt wind radii forecasts operationally in the Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory Product (TCM). Currently, the maximum radial extent of 34- and 50-kt winds in each of the four quadrants around the storm is provided through Day 3 in the TCM product. The NWS is proposing to extend these 34- and 50-kt wind radii forecast in the TCM out to 5 days to provide better information to partners and the public on the areal extent of hazardous winds at the 4- and 5-day time periods.

A prenda no sapatinho à prova de água vem a partir de dia 26.
Em tempo de crise não dá para mais, quem sabe o novo ano traga mais.
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