Mário Barros
Um mapa do tsunami de 25 de Outubro que atingiu várias regiões.
Fonte: http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/indonesia20101025/
The Indonesia tsunami event was generated by a Mw 7.7 earthquake (3.484°S, 100.114°E ), at 14:42:22 UTC, 240 km (150 miles) W of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia (according to the USGS). In a little under 2 hours, the tsunami was first recorded at DART® buoy 56001 and in a little under 3 hours, the tsunami was recorded at DART® buoy 56003. Forecast results shown below were created with the NOAA forecast method using MOST model with the tsunami source inferred from DART® data. The tsunami waves first arrived at Padang (approximately 270 Km from the earthquake epicenter ), at 15:47 UTC, about 65 minutes after the earthquake. The DART data and model inversion indicate that the tsunami may be larger than the earthquake magnitude of 7.7 suggests.
The graphics to the left display forecast results, showing qualitative and quantitative information about the tsunami, including tsunami wave interaction with ocean floor bathymetric features, and neighboring coastlines. Tsunami model amplitude information is shown color-coded according the scale ba
Fonte: http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/indonesia20101025/