Os locais mas quentes do sur de Espanha

It seems that also the Greeks (HNMS) use the wooden Stevenson shelter. Based on the pictures, it seems also that they use passive (non fan aspirated) Stevenson shelter.



Given the photo above, it seems incredible that a station with such thick greenery around is strongly affected by the urban heat island as scientific studies revealed (Kassomenos & Katsoulis 2006 is a very interesting one about Nea Philadelphia). But if we look at the station location, the things become clear


No park and no greenery in the universe may save a station in such location from the UHI.

But the main point of this post is that the use of the passive Stevenson shelter in climates where it induces heavy positive measurement error is common. HNMS does. :surprise:

A funny detail is that this prestigious official WMO station expected to rise above 50°C in short has a junk-shelter and looks like not compliant with WMO guidelines for the measurement of temperatures in terms of location, obstacles and so on.
Amending, I made a mistake with street adress of Sevilla CMT. It's not Amerigo Vespucci as i wrongly wrote but calle Americo Vespucio. I wrote it in italian :lol:. But also you got it. Smart guy you are.

Yes, Athens Nea Filadelfia is inside one of the largest and most polluted cities in Europe. All those Athens' stations, starting at Thiseio and ending at Gazi are rubbish.

So it irritates me that the Greek man compare compare these urban stations inside Athens with others Italian, Spanish and Portuguese located in nonurban areas. If you want to compare Gazi Athens with a Spanish/portugues/italian city, then put a station in a urban park in the center of Seville, Lisbon o Catania.

Temperaturas maximas de ontem em Espanha. O calor mudou para o este da peninsula.

Mínimas mais altas de ontem. As minimas mais altas nao foram no vale do Guadalquivir senon nas cidades da serra ao sul do vale: Jaen e Doña Mencia. É algo habitual no verao de Andalucia. A outra regiao quente de noite foi a costa de Cadiz.

So it irritates me that the Greek man compare compare these urban stations inside Athens with others Italian, Spanish and Portuguese located in nonurban areas. If you want to compare Gazi Athens with a Spanish/portugues/italian city, then put a station in a urban park in the center of Seville, Lisbon o Catania.

Yes, he developed a "factoid" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factoid) based on the circumstance that all Athenian stations apart from one are inside a powerful UHI inflating tmins and tmaxs, these stations use obsolete shelters inflating further tmaxs, and the station outside urban heat island (Elefsina) is inside industrial heat island.
In my opinion Athens is nevertheless extremely warm and it does not need disguising and making up its real climate by the use of UHI (and IHI, I for "Industrial") stations to emphasize this.
Far better would be honestly reporting what is known and discussing again honestly about the effects of these biasing factors. Nobody will deny Athens' heat. Just, we will wonder how Athens climate would be if sampled oustide UHI/IHI.
Classificaçao do mes de abril em temperatura media depois de 3 días (Ilhas Canarias excluidas) de estaçaos oficiais de AEMET. Somente ponho os locais que têm dados dos 3 días.
Malaga Porto nao está pelo de agora entre os primeiros postos, mas estou seguro que o estará ao final do mes. Sim está Fuengirola.

Dados oficiais de ontem 4 de abril:

A temperatura mais alta foi 29,4ºC em Andujar (provincia de Jaen). A mínima mais alta 17,4ºC em Aguilas (provincia de Murcia).

As estaçaos com maior temperatura media no día de ontem foram as seguintes

Malaga Puerto com uma temperatura media ontem de 18,9ºC continua longe dos primeiros postos. Sim esta na lista Fuengirola com 19,3ºC de temperatura media ontem.
Espectacular o grafico de Adra (costa de Almería). Temperatura mínima nas horas nocturnas de 26ºC a primeiros de abril!!!

Em Portugal tambem tivemos minimas bastante altas tendo em conta a epoca do ano...praticamente todas as estações do litoral centro e norte tiveram minimas entre 19º e 23º:calor:
Stormy, qual foi a temperatura maxima ontem em Portugal?
Em Espanha as maximas foram em Galiza, quase 30ºC em Ourense, superando as estaçaos do Mediterraneo. Sorprendente mas nao é a primeira vez.

Classificaçao depois de 5 días.
Somente as estaçaos meteorológicas que têm todos os dados dos 5 días. Ha estaçaos com media mais alta mas faltam algums días.
Amanha Adra, que ja esta no primeiro posto, estará muito mais destacada depois da minima de esta noite de 26ºC. Malaga Porto continua ausente dos primeiros postos.